Arrow 2007
Chose New Creation because after youve been through these, one would be a different creature, a new creatoin in Christo, yeah.
hmm, cool, cmmts pls
I went to check out Hotel California, watch John Todd's testi on Rock Witch Music, notice in the end he says abotu Witch Language & spells in certain songs : Hotel California being one of it. So relaxing and intriguing to people yet. . .
On a dark desert highway
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy, and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinking to myself
This could be Heaven or this could be Hell
Then she lit up a candle
And she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely place (background)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the
Any time of year
Any time of year (background)
You can find it here
You can find it here
Her mind is definitely twisted
She's got a Mercedes benz
She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard
Sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain
Please bring me my wine
He said
We haven't had that spirit here since 1969
And still those voices are calling from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say
Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely Place
Such a lovely Place (background)
Such a lovely face
They're livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise
What a nice surprise (background)
Bring your alibies
Mirrors on the ceiling
Pink champagne on ice
And she said
We are all just prisoners here
Of our own device
And in the master's chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back to the place I was before
Relax said the nightman
We are programed to recieve
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave
Its talking about hell
In the song "Hotel California," what does "colitas" mean?
Dear Cecil:
Just what does "colitis" mean? In the song "Hotel California" by the Eagles the first lines are, "On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, warm smell of colitis rising up through the air." I remember I tried looking it up at a university library years ago and couldn't find the answer. I know songwriters sometimes make up words, but I didn't see a Dr. Seuss credit on the album. --Wendy Martin, via the Internet
Cecil replies:
Uh, Wendy. It's colitas, not colitis. Colitis (pronounced koe-LIE-tis) is an inflammation of the large intestine. You're probably thinking of that famous Beatles lyric, "the girl with colitis goes by."
As for "Hotel California," you realize a lot of people aren't troubled so much by colitas as by the meaning of the whole damn song. Figuring that we should start with the general and move to the particular, I provide the following commonly heard theories:
(1) The Hotel California is a real hotel located in (pick one) Baja California on the coastal highway between Cabo San Lucas and La Paz or else near Santa Barbara. In other words, the song is a hard look at the modern hospitality industry, which is plagued by guests who "check out any time [they] like" but then "never leave."
(2) The Hotel California is a mental hospital. I see one guy on the Web has identified it as "Camarillo State Hospital in Ventura County between LA and Santa Barbara."
(3) It's about satanism. Isn't everything?
(4) Hotel California is a metaphor for cocaine addiction. See "You can check out any time you like but you can never leave." This comes from the published comments of Glenn Frey, one of the coauthors.
(5) It's about the pitfalls of living in southern California in the 1970s, my interpretation since first listen. Makes perfect sense, and goddammit, who you going to believe, some ignorant rock star or me?
(6) My fave, posted to the Usenet by Thomas Dzubin of Vancouver, British Columbia: "There was this fireworks factory just three blocks from the Hotel California . . . and it blew up! Big tragedy. One of the workers was named Wurn Snell and he was from the town of Colitas in Greece. One of the workers who escaped the explosion talked to another guy . . . I think it was probably Don Henley . . . and Don asked what the guy saw. The worker said, "Wurn Snell of Colitas . . . rising up through the air."
He's also got this bit about "on a dark dessert highway, Cool Whip in my hair." Well, I thought it was funny.
OK, back to colitas. Personally I had the idea colitas was a type of desert flower. Apparently not. Type "colitas" into a Web search engine and you get about 50 song-lyric hits plus, curiously, a bunch of citations from Mexican and Spanish restaurant menus. Hmm, one thinks, were the Eagles rhapsodizing about the smell of some good carryout? We asked some native Spanish speakers and learned that colitas is the diminutive feminine plural of the Spanish cola, tail. Little tail. Looking for a little . . . we suddenly recalled a (male) friend's guess that colitas referred to a certain feature of the female anatomy. We paused. Naah. Back to those menus. "Colitas de langosta enchiladas" was baby lobster tails simmered in hot sauce with Spanish rice. One thinks: you know, I could write a love song around a phrase like that.
Enough of these distractions. By and by a denizen of soc.culture.spain wrote: "Colitas is little tails, but here the author is referring to 'colas,' the tip of a marijuana branch, where it is more potent and with more sap (said to be the best part of the leaves)." We knew with an instant shock of certainty that this was the correct interpretation. The Eagles, with the prescience given only to true artists, were touting the virtues of high-quality industrial hemp! And to think some people thought this song was about drugs.
This E-mail just in from Eagles management honcho Irving Azoff: "In response to your [recent] memo, in 1976, during the writing of the song 'Hotel California' by Messrs. Henley and Frey, the word `colitas' was translated for them by their Mexican-American road manager as 'little buds.' You have obviously already done the necessary extrapolation. Thank you for your inquiry."
I knew it.
Second Song : Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Taken From Web: Excerpt fro,m John Todd
NOW THAT MEANS WHEN YOU GO BUY AN ALBUM & YOU TAKE IT HOME WITH YOU, IT'S LIKE BUYING A BOX OF CRACKER JACKS: YOU GET A FREE SURPRISE--IT'S CALLED A DEMON! It goes along with the record. Now much of the music is written in witch language by witches. Elton John has made the statement that he has never written a song or sung a song that was not written in witch language, example: "Beyond the Yellow Brick Road" is 100% witch language.
THAT'S WHY MANY SONGS, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. That's why many people who listen to them don't understand until they get high on drugs & then all of a sudden the meanings start coming to them. Many songs have been written in witch language such as the whole album by Carole King called "Tapestry."
Third Song : Helter Skelter by The Beatles
THE BOOK OF PROPHECY TO WITCHES IS THE DOUBLE WHITE ALBUM THAT THE BEATLES PRODUCED containing the song "Helter Skelter." Every song in it is prophecy. Oh, let's see・"Horse with No Name", "One Tin Soldier", I could list thousands of songs that were written this way. They definitely have demonic influence behind them.
PARENTS, I WANT TO SAY THIS TO YOU, HAVE YOU NOTICED THE INCREASE OF REBELLION IN TEENAGERS IN THE HOME? The reason is, it's your fault.--You let them listen to it. It stirs up rebellion. It's not the words in the song, it's the music. Witches know it, they hit certain chords on purpose. As many people that have once been in hypnosis, like Dr. Berry when he was younger was involved in hypnosis can tell you. (See "Musical Key," No.326.)
THE MUSIC IS HYPNOTIC. IT STIRS UP A WAR-LIKE NATURE IN THE YOUNG PEOPLE. Now they're going to "boo" me when this is over, but it's still the truth anyway. Now if you want to have them stay the way they are & you want to baby 'em, because you're afraid they might get mad at you & run away from home or something, you go ahead & let them keep on playing it because they're going to do it anyway.
--OR YOU GO HOME & YOU BREAK THE RECORDS & YOU BURN THE COVERS! Now, when witches get saved, nobody tells them to get out of rock music. When they hand their Witchcraft items over to be burned--you notice I said burned, not just thrown in the trashcan, it's Scriptural--they hand their records over too, because they've lived a in a World of the supernatural & they know the supernatural is tied in with music.
NOW, THE MOST PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF LUCIFER THAT EVER EXISTED IS IN THE 28TH CHAPTER OF EZEKIEL on the King of Tyrus. It describes Lucifer being created with musical instruments imbedded in his body. It's true, as a person who has seen him, it's true. He thinks he's a god & therefore he must have music because gods must have music. (See also Isa.14:4-21.)
NOW YOU CAN GO AHEAD & LET HIS MUSIC BE PLAYED IN YOUR HOME IF YOU CHOOSE, OR YOU CAN BECOME A STRONGER CHRISTIAN & GET RID OF IT! You're the parents, the parents are the ones. The kids are not going to answer for it. (Inaudible question.) No, it would become an effect. It's strange because they wouldn't have gotten attacked without Christian help.
SEE, WITCHCRAFT NEVER SACRIFICES ANYTHING THAT THEY DON'T GAIN 10,000 MORE, & when they lost the battle on purpose in court with the Moonies, that set the stage for the Genocide Act. While we were yelling, "Yeah, get them out of those false cults & rehabilitate them!" we were setting the stage for our own downfall. You don't give up freedom to a certain group without losing it yourself. They've always set it up this way, & I'm always surprised at how easy Christians fall into it. (Ed: Amen!)
First wanna say check out this website : or almost the same.
THE ILLUMINATI KNOWS THE PEOPLE ARE GOING TO FIND OUT ABOUT THEM, people found out about them without my help. Brother Berry knew about them before I came along. So we find out about them, & the best thing they can do is call your attention towards something else & say that's that. So they have reflected the attention on Zionism & have said that's where it's at. The only problem is that most of the people in the Illuminati aren't Jews. Their founders were Jews by birth, but not by religion. ・/P>
A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN IN THE OCCULT & BEEN SAVED, ARE THEY MORE TROUBLED BY DEMONS THAN A PERSON WHO HAS NEVER BEEN THERE?--Yes, if they haven't been through a deliverance. But at the same time, they are a bigger weapon against the Devil. You can't trick a witch with false doctrine, they've heard them all. You can't pass off a phony Christian on a witch, & you can't pass a witch off on them that's a Christian.--They've been there, they know what to spot.
THAT'S WHY I LOOK AT A PERSON'S EYES WHEN I TALK TO THEM. If that person has demonic influence in their life, I want to know about it, I want to know who I'm talking to & who I'm not talking to. And when you've lived in a supernatural world & you have dealt with demons like witches have, it's no different when you spot them in a person who's professing to be a Christian who isn't living the life.
SO THEY ARE A STRONGER WEAPON AGAINST THE DEVIL, BECAUSE THEY SERVED HIM. See, as close as we are to Jesus now, as loving & compassionate as the relationship we have with Him now, that's how we felt about the Devil, whether we knew he was the Devil or not. And so when you are that close to something, you know about it.
IF YOU BACKSLIDE YOU STILL KNOW ABOUT CHRISTIANITY, SO A BACKSLIDDEN SAVED WITCH KNOWS ABOUT WITCHCRAFT--IT'S THE SAME THING. But they do have problems, & needless to say, the Devil doesn't like it, so we're hit a little harder than maybe somebody else might be. But at the same time, we grow faster & stronger because of it. (Inaudible question.)
SHE WAS NOT POSSESSED--A CHRISTIAN CANNOT BE POSSESSED, I WANT TO MAKE THAT CLEAR--but she had demonic spiritual influences. She had tried to take her life, she was going into fits of depression to where her prayer life could not conquer them. She hadn't in 18 months felt the joy that she felt this morning when it was over. When you can no longer crucify the flesh, & it goes beyond just crucifying the flesh, then it's time you cast out the demon. (Q: This is done by prayer?) That's how it's done.
IT'S DONE THROUGH PRAYER & THE BLOOD & THE NAME OF JESUS. I don't pray to it, I just tell the devil to get out! Actually, it is very well noted, you can do it for yourself if you have the faith. Actually, they are the ones that are doing it anyway; we just have to say a prayer of rejection & we just take authority over them, but they could do the same thing if they believed it.
AND WHAT WE'RE GOING TO DO IS TAKE THE DEVIL'S SPIRITUAL KINGDOM & HIS PHYSICAL KINGDOM. The reason I want to do it this way is many people, many political organizations, conservative political organizations specifically, find the Illuminati in their journeys. I mean it's kinda' hard if you're going to fool around with politics & history not to see the conspiracy. But they look at this little thing over here, & they see a war is happening, or they look over here at this little political movement & they miss the whole picture because they look at it from the outside.
IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO LOOK AT THE ILLUMINATI FROM THE OUTSIDE UNLESS YOU UNDERSTAND ITS STRUCTURE. Physical minds & computers cannot come up with the Conspiracy as powerful & as direct, as workable, that has hundreds of different little conspiracies off of it, that do not know that it's all one big Conspiracy.
IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS WITHOUT A SUPERNATURAL DIRECTION. We have a supernatural direction in the Christian Church, that's how come the Christian Church grew, we have the Holy Spirit leading us. Well, they have the Prince & Power of the Air. They have Lucifer leading them, & this is something I want to go into.
I WANT TO DESCRIBE HIM & GO INTO HIM IN THE WORD & MY EXPERIENCES, & then we're going to go into his physical kingdom, the Illuminati. If you have paper & pencil with you tonight, I recommend that you get it out, because I doubt that you're going to hear the things that you're going to hear here tonight quite like you're going to hear them tonight!
WHILE YOU'RE DOING THAT, I'D LIKE TO ASK THAT YOU TURN TO EZEKIEL THE 28TH CHAPTER STARTING IN VERSE 11, & we're going to read about 19 Scriptures here tonight in this Chapter. The 28th Chapter of Ezekiel is a prophecy given by Ezekiel who received it of the Lord. The Lord commanded him to give it. He was prophesying unto Satan himself. The prophet of the Lord stood there & prophesied unto Satan.
WE HAVE A CONFUSING PICTURE BECAUSE OF MANY PAINTINGS & MANY SUNDAY SCHOOL STORIES, that are based on tradition about the Devil's fall, & when we got into The Angel of Light we realized how many traditions we were going to shatter. But we had come to a conclusion before we wrote it that unless it said it in the Word--& no reading in between the lines, please--unless it said it directly in the Word we weren't' going to put it down. We were going to put it down in the Word. And then I stood over here & said, well that's exactly the way it was in the occult.--And we matched the two of them up & they matched perfectly.
SO WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE YOU THROUGH ANY TRADITIONS TONIGHT, so if you have a lot of Baptist traditions you're going to get a lot of it shattered tonight between this chapter & the 24th chapter of Matthew, & you're going to walk out of here either a changed person or ready to lynch the pastor & myself! But let's take this tonight & I want the young people to pay attention to this.
THIS IS THE MOST PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF LUCIFER & when you're gone & if you're still listening to the garbage that you call music today, you need to get re-saved. Because this is the Scripture for it, read with me: "Moreover the Word of the Lord came unto me, saying..." Now I want to say something here about this chapter.
HE'S PROPHESYING TO THE PRINCE OF TYRUS, & many people believe that this was ... I can't think of this name now, but anyway, the ruler of Babylon. And if you'll get in Isaiah where it talks about Lucifer the fallen star, before he started prophesying to Lucifer, Isaiah was prophesying to the same ruler. (Isa.14:4.)
THE REASON FOR THIS IS THE PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE ILLUMINATI--& the Illuminati didn't even exist in its organized form at that time--it's because there was a ruler, a prince. A power was a ruler, & then there was the king over that prince, so it was the power behind that Earthly ruler. (See "Satan, King of Empires!" ML #961, Vol.8.)
AND THIS IS WHERE PEOPLE AREN'T LOOKING TODAY & ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION TO EPHESIANS 6:12 TODAY. They're not looking at things with a supernatural stance behind the physical. While Walter Cronkite or somebody else gets on television & says this is happening, you ought to get down on your knees & say, "Lord, what's really happening?"--because it's not the way they're telling it! "Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the King of Tyrus, & say unto him, Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, & perfect in beauty."
THE FIRST THING WE WANT TO POINT OUT ABOUT LUCIFER IS, WHEN HE WAS CREATED HE WAS THE COMPLETE SUM OF ALL BEAUTY & WISDOM. You see, God wasn't created, but never had a created creature ever been created with such beauty & such wisdom, & that was Lucifer, "Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God, every precious stone was thy covering"--& it lists the stones & gold. And on down it lists, "The workmanship of thy tabrets & of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created."--He was created with musical instruments imbedded in his body, that's how he was created!
YOU SEE, LUCIFER IS TRYING TO BE A GOD IN THIS PROPHECY, & we'll go on in it. He's trying to be a god, he's trying to be as great as God. He's trying to build a kingdom in the sides of the mountain of the North & so on, & it's a description of God's Kingdom. He knows that music was created for God, dance was created for God. He knows that if he is going to be a god he is going to have to have music.
YOU CAN'T BE A GOD WITHOUT MUSICAL WORSHIP, SO HE HAS CREATED HIS OWN MUSIC. It's not just Rock, I get sick of people saying just Rock. I'm down on all music except the music that is created for the Lord. The reason I'm particularly down on Country & Western, & if you ever listen to it, it's worse that Rock! It's more about lust, it's more about drinking, it's more about fighting than any other thing, & recently it's even begun to be about witchcraft.
He's talking exactly like me in witchcraft!
The Witch and Wizard, singing together
and, Eminem's hands !...
Elton John - Pin Ball Wizard
Confirmation tt he's a wizard, dnt watch this video, it has demonic influence.of the occult
And I dunno why I checked Google abt the occult and Elton John, and ther was this link
Its a traditional song!,%22+on+Pure+Moods+CD?t=anon
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Celtic linked Bohemian linked Gothic
I went Youtube again. I guess there are worst videos.
Dying in the human flesh
Ohh, im possessed negatively.
Real Demonic Influence,
describes me
I waas Gothix
Marilyn Manson,she's A SINGER turned bad, . . .wads the diff bet marilyn manson & monroe
Illumanati is real.
I saw people having the Bahomet's ROCK sign we always see on concerts
I had to remind them
Illuminati & Baphomet
Henry Makow Ph.D.
Mightier than the nuclear bomb, the Lie is Satan's most powerful weapon. The bomb merely devastates. The Lie steals souls. It enlists millions of naive people to Satan's cause.
"God's chosen people" have been Satan's favorite targets. Zionists took control of them using Lies about the Holocaust and the 1948 "War of Independence."
1) Jews did not need a "national homeland" because of the Holocaust. Instead, Jews were sacrificed in the Holocaust so they would build Israel. The Illuminati want it as capital of their New World Order. The blatant Masonic symbolism in the Rothschild-built Israeli Supreme Court is a tip-off. Also, Israel is the fortress for their invasion of the Islamic world.
2) In the "1948 War of Independence", Israelis did NOT face a second Holocaust from blood- thirsty Arab armies, as Jews are taught. The war was in fact a brutal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Zionists, the "Nakba" ("Cataclysm"), reminiscent of what Nazis did to Jews.
Without the Holocaust there would have been no Nakba which has grown into a monster stalking the whole human race: the 9-11 hoax, and the War Against Islam and Freedom.
(For new readers: Satan's agents on planet earth are the Illuminati, the highest rung of Freemasonry. The Illuminati represent an longterm conspiracy against God and mankind consisting of an alliance of German Jewish bankers, Jesuits and the aristocratic families of Europe (especially England) and America. The Illuminati is the force behind British and American Imperialism, Nazism, Communism, Zionism, Neo Conservatism, Feminism and the New World Order.)
I'll deal with the second lie first.
According to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, 1948 was a pretext and cover for the preplanned expulsion of a million mostly defenseless Palestinians from their ancestral homes, orchards, fields and businesses. ("The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine," 2006)
The Zionist leadership knew the neighboring Arab states did not constitute a threat. The Palestinians did not flee willingly as Jews are taught, but were driven out.
The British and UN were accomplices. With 75,000 soldiers present, the British permitted the massacres and pillage in spite of their promise in the Balfour Declaration to uphold Palestinian rights.
The UN ceded to 600,000 Jews a territory containing one million Palestinians, leaving them at the mercy of David Ben Gurion who said, "Only a state with at least 80% Jews is a viable and stable state." (Pappe, p.48)
Eighty-nine percent of the cultivated land in the UN designated Jewish state belonged to Palestinians. (30)
General Sir John Bagot Glubb, the British chief the (Jordanian) Arab Legion called 1948 "a phony war." Like most wars the outcome was determined in advance. The leader of Arab forces, King Abdullah of Jordan, had a secret deal with the Zionists to offer only token resistance in return for the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In addition, the English controlled the Arab armies and curtailed supplies.
Far from being "a rag tag group of defenders", Israel had 50,000 soldiers, half of whom had served in the British army. It had a small air force, navy, tanks, armoured cars and heavy artillery. Facing them were the real "rag tag defenders," perhaps 10,000 poorly trained and equipped Palestinian paramilitary outfits and volunteers from the Arab world. (44)
Despite rhetoric from Arab capitals, there was never any chance of driving the Jews into the sea. The Palestinians were passive and underestimated their danger. They had lived under Ottoman and British rule, and somehow would manage under the Jewish regime. Many villages made "non-aggression pacts" with the Jews.
In March 1948 Ben Gurion told the Jewish Agency Executive: "I believe the majority of the Palestinian masses accept the partition as a fait accompli...[they] do not want to fight us." (61)
The (British-controlled) Arab Legion was the only potential real opposition. It was used to repulse the Zionists when they reneged on their bargain and attacked the Old City of Jerusalem.
Then from there, here I go check Flix out from the subtitle
Dying in the human flesh
Ohh, im possessed negatively.
Real Demonic Influence,
describes me
I waas Gothix
Marilyn Manson,she's A SINGER turned bad, . . .wads the diff bet marilyn manson & monroe
Illumanati is real.
I saw people having the Bahomet's ROCK sign we always see on concerts
I had to remind them
Illuminati & Baphomet
Henry Makow Ph.D.
Mightier than the nuclear bomb, the Lie is Satan's most powerful weapon. The bomb merely devastates. The Lie steals souls. It enlists millions of naive people to Satan's cause.
"God's chosen people" have been Satan's favorite targets. Zionists took control of them using Lies about the Holocaust and the 1948 "War of Independence."
1) Jews did not need a "national homeland" because of the Holocaust. Instead, Jews were sacrificed in the Holocaust so they would build Israel. The Illuminati want it as capital of their New World Order. The blatant Masonic symbolism in the Rothschild-built Israeli Supreme Court is a tip-off. Also, Israel is the fortress for their invasion of the Islamic world.
2) In the "1948 War of Independence", Israelis did NOT face a second Holocaust from blood- thirsty Arab armies, as Jews are taught. The war was in fact a brutal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Zionists, the "Nakba" ("Cataclysm"), reminiscent of what Nazis did to Jews.
Without the Holocaust there would have been no Nakba which has grown into a monster stalking the whole human race: the 9-11 hoax, and the War Against Islam and Freedom.
(For new readers: Satan's agents on planet earth are the Illuminati, the highest rung of Freemasonry. The Illuminati represent an longterm conspiracy against God and mankind consisting of an alliance of German Jewish bankers, Jesuits and the aristocratic families of Europe (especially England) and America. The Illuminati is the force behind British and American Imperialism, Nazism, Communism, Zionism, Neo Conservatism, Feminism and the New World Order.)
I'll deal with the second lie first.
According to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, 1948 was a pretext and cover for the preplanned expulsion of a million mostly defenseless Palestinians from their ancestral homes, orchards, fields and businesses. ("The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine," 2006)
The Zionist leadership knew the neighboring Arab states did not constitute a threat. The Palestinians did not flee willingly as Jews are taught, but were driven out.
The British and UN were accomplices. With 75,000 soldiers present, the British permitted the massacres and pillage in spite of their promise in the Balfour Declaration to uphold Palestinian rights.
The UN ceded to 600,000 Jews a territory containing one million Palestinians, leaving them at the mercy of David Ben Gurion who said, "Only a state with at least 80% Jews is a viable and stable state." (Pappe, p.48)
Eighty-nine percent of the cultivated land in the UN designated Jewish state belonged to Palestinians. (30)
General Sir John Bagot Glubb, the British chief the (Jordanian) Arab Legion called 1948 "a phony war." Like most wars the outcome was determined in advance. The leader of Arab forces, King Abdullah of Jordan, had a secret deal with the Zionists to offer only token resistance in return for the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In addition, the English controlled the Arab armies and curtailed supplies.
Far from being "a rag tag group of defenders", Israel had 50,000 soldiers, half of whom had served in the British army. It had a small air force, navy, tanks, armoured cars and heavy artillery. Facing them were the real "rag tag defenders," perhaps 10,000 poorly trained and equipped Palestinian paramilitary outfits and volunteers from the Arab world. (44)
Despite rhetoric from Arab capitals, there was never any chance of driving the Jews into the sea. The Palestinians were passive and underestimated their danger. They had lived under Ottoman and British rule, and somehow would manage under the Jewish regime. Many villages made "non-aggression pacts" with the Jews.
In March 1948 Ben Gurion told the Jewish Agency Executive: "I believe the majority of the Palestinian masses accept the partition as a fait accompli...[they] do not want to fight us." (61)
The (British-controlled) Arab Legion was the only potential real opposition. It was used to repulse the Zionists when they reneged on their bargain and attacked the Old City of Jerusalem.
Then from there, here I go check Flix out from the subtitle
Friday, May 23, 2008
KJV and E Catholics
King James - The Founder of Freemason Lodges
The KJV - A Freemason Bible
The history of King James' role in the formation of Freemasonry is mandatory reading in the Hiram Key book of Masonic scrolls attempting to link Christ with the Pharaohs.
Freemasonry, in its present form, came into being through the Lodge system, established under the auspices of King James VI of Scotland, (later King James I of England), the only son of Roman Catholic Mary Queen of Scots. At the age of 37, two years after becoming a Mason, James became the first Stuart king of England and immediately began to persecute the Puritans, rejecting their petition to reform the Church of England along biblical lines.
James was initiated into Freemasonry, into the Lodge of Scoon and Perth in 1601, at the age of 35. Fifteen years after taking active control of Scotland and five years before becoming English monarch, he ordered that the Masonic structure be given leadership and organisation. He made a senior Mason, named William Schaw, his General Warden of the Craft, and instructed Schaw to revamp the entire structure of Freemasonry into what it became today. Schaw commenced this project on 28th December 1598, on the orders of James.
To this day, the 1611 edition of the King James Bible remains the Freemason Bible and is the edition conventionally used in secret Masonic temple rituals.
Moriel does not, however believe that the Masonic association with the KJV or the Freemasonry of King James, founder of the Masonic Lodge system, detracts from the validity of this outdated but valid translation of the Bible. Nonetheless, it is the Freemason Bible and has been from its inception, commissioned and authorised by the same Freemason King who commissioned and authorised the Masonic Lodge structure. We can only speculate how many members of the KJV Only cult are in fact Freemasons.
King James - The Founder of Freemason Lodges
The KJV - A Freemason Bible
The history of King James' role in the formation of Freemasonry is mandatory reading in the Hiram Key book of Masonic scrolls attempting to link Christ with the Pharaohs.
Freemasonry, in its present form, came into being through the Lodge system, established under the auspices of King James VI of Scotland, (later King James I of England), the only son of Roman Catholic Mary Queen of Scots. At the age of 37, two years after becoming a Mason, James became the first Stuart king of England and immediately began to persecute the Puritans, rejecting their petition to reform the Church of England along biblical lines.
James was initiated into Freemasonry, into the Lodge of Scoon and Perth in 1601, at the age of 35. Fifteen years after taking active control of Scotland and five years before becoming English monarch, he ordered that the Masonic structure be given leadership and organisation. He made a senior Mason, named William Schaw, his General Warden of the Craft, and instructed Schaw to revamp the entire structure of Freemasonry into what it became today. Schaw commenced this project on 28th December 1598, on the orders of James.
To this day, the 1611 edition of the King James Bible remains the Freemason Bible and is the edition conventionally used in secret Masonic temple rituals.
Moriel does not, however believe that the Masonic association with the KJV or the Freemasonry of King James, founder of the Masonic Lodge system, detracts from the validity of this outdated but valid translation of the Bible. Nonetheless, it is the Freemason Bible and has been from its inception, commissioned and authorised by the same Freemason King who commissioned and authorised the Masonic Lodge structure. We can only speculate how many members of the KJV Only cult are in fact Freemasons.
my research 2 beware of stumble do not venture
Interesting Guy: John Todd ex-illumnati now converted Christian
ex Illuminati John Todd 1
ex Illuminati John Todd 2
ex Illuminati John Todd shows the secret of rock music witch
John Todd a Former Illuminatist: (Testimony of Witchcraft) 4
John Todd Explains The Illuminati - Part 5
John Todd Explains The Illuminati - Part 6
John Todd Explains The Illuminati - Part 7
John Todd Explains The Illuminati Part 8
Aleister Crowley?!
Da Vinci Code
ex Illuminati John Todd 1
ex Illuminati John Todd 2
ex Illuminati John Todd shows the secret of rock music witch
John Todd a Former Illuminatist: (Testimony of Witchcraft) 4
John Todd Explains The Illuminati - Part 5
John Todd Explains The Illuminati - Part 6
John Todd Explains The Illuminati - Part 7
John Todd Explains The Illuminati Part 8
Aleister Crowley?!
Da Vinci Code
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