I went Youtube again. I guess there are worst videos.
Dying in the human flesh
Ohh, im possessed negatively.
Real Demonic Influence,
describes me
I waas Gothix
Marilyn Manson,she's A SINGER turned bad, . . .wads the diff bet marilyn manson & monroe
Illumanati is real.
I saw people having the Bahomet's ROCK sign we always see on concerts
I had to remind them
Illuminati & Baphomet
Henry Makow Ph.D.
Mightier than the nuclear bomb, the Lie is Satan's most powerful weapon. The bomb merely devastates. The Lie steals souls. It enlists millions of naive people to Satan's cause.
"God's chosen people" have been Satan's favorite targets. Zionists took control of them using Lies about the Holocaust and the 1948 "War of Independence."
1) Jews did not need a "national homeland" because of the Holocaust. Instead, Jews were sacrificed in the Holocaust so they would build Israel. The Illuminati want it as capital of their New World Order. The blatant Masonic symbolism in the Rothschild-built Israeli Supreme Court is a tip-off. Also, Israel is the fortress for their invasion of the Islamic world.
2) In the "1948 War of Independence", Israelis did NOT face a second Holocaust from blood- thirsty Arab armies, as Jews are taught. The war was in fact a brutal ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Zionists, the "Nakba" ("Cataclysm"), reminiscent of what Nazis did to Jews.
Without the Holocaust there would have been no Nakba which has grown into a monster stalking the whole human race: the 9-11 hoax, and the War Against Islam and Freedom.
(For new readers: Satan's agents on planet earth are the Illuminati, the highest rung of Freemasonry. The Illuminati represent an longterm conspiracy against God and mankind consisting of an alliance of German Jewish bankers, Jesuits and the aristocratic families of Europe (especially England) and America. The Illuminati is the force behind British and American Imperialism, Nazism, Communism, Zionism, Neo Conservatism, Feminism and the New World Order.)
I'll deal with the second lie first.
According to Israeli historian Ilan Pappe, 1948 was a pretext and cover for the preplanned expulsion of a million mostly defenseless Palestinians from their ancestral homes, orchards, fields and businesses. ("The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine," 2006)
The Zionist leadership knew the neighboring Arab states did not constitute a threat. The Palestinians did not flee willingly as Jews are taught, but were driven out.
The British and UN were accomplices. With 75,000 soldiers present, the British permitted the massacres and pillage in spite of their promise in the Balfour Declaration to uphold Palestinian rights.
The UN ceded to 600,000 Jews a territory containing one million Palestinians, leaving them at the mercy of David Ben Gurion who said, "Only a state with at least 80% Jews is a viable and stable state." (Pappe, p.48)
Eighty-nine percent of the cultivated land in the UN designated Jewish state belonged to Palestinians. (30)
General Sir John Bagot Glubb, the British chief the (Jordanian) Arab Legion called 1948 "a phony war." Like most wars the outcome was determined in advance. The leader of Arab forces, King Abdullah of Jordan, had a secret deal with the Zionists to offer only token resistance in return for the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In addition, the English controlled the Arab armies and curtailed supplies.
Far from being "a rag tag group of defenders", Israel had 50,000 soldiers, half of whom had served in the British army. It had a small air force, navy, tanks, armoured cars and heavy artillery. Facing them were the real "rag tag defenders," perhaps 10,000 poorly trained and equipped Palestinian paramilitary outfits and volunteers from the Arab world. (44)
Despite rhetoric from Arab capitals, there was never any chance of driving the Jews into the sea. The Palestinians were passive and underestimated their danger. They had lived under Ottoman and British rule, and somehow would manage under the Jewish regime. Many villages made "non-aggression pacts" with the Jews.
In March 1948 Ben Gurion told the Jewish Agency Executive: "I believe the majority of the Palestinian masses accept the partition as a fait accompli...[they] do not want to fight us." (61)
The (British-controlled) Arab Legion was the only potential real opposition. It was used to repulse the Zionists when they reneged on their bargain and attacked the Old City of Jerusalem.
Then from there, here I go check Flix out from the subtitle
Monday, May 26, 2008
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