Friday, September 19, 2008

Extract from John Todd which I thought is important.

A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN IN THE OCCULT & BEEN SAVED, ARE THEY MORE TROUBLED BY DEMONS THAN A PERSON WHO HAS NEVER BEEN THERE?--Yes, if they haven't been through a deliverance. But at the same time, they are a bigger weapon against the Devil. You can't trick a witch with false doctrine, they've heard them all. You can't pass off a phony Christian on a witch, & you can't pass a witch off on them that's a Christian.--They've been there, they know what to spot.THAT'S WHY I LOOK AT A PERSON'S EYES WHEN I TALK TO THEM. If that person has demonic influence in their life, I want to know about it, I want to know who I'm talking to & who I'm not talking to. And when you've lived in a supernatural world & you have dealt with demons like witches have, it's no different when you spot them in a person who's professing to be a Christian who isn't living the life.SO THEY ARE A STRONGER WEAPON AGAINST THE DEVIL, BECAUSE THEY SERVED HIM. See, as close as we are to Jesus now, as loving & compassionate as the relationship we have with Him now, that's how we felt about the Devil, whether we knew he was the Devil or not. And so when you are that close to something, you know about it.IF YOU BACKSLIDE YOU STILL KNOW ABOUT CHRISTIANITY, SO A BACKSLIDDEN SAVED WITCH KNOWS ABOUT WITCHCRAFT--IT'S THE SAME THING. But they do have problems, & needless to say, the Devil doesn't like it, so we're hit a little harder than maybe somebody else might be. But at the same time, we grow faster & stronger because of it. (Inaudible question.)YES, WE ARE STARTING A RETREAT. As I told you, many people have been killed that have come out of it. It has gotten so that witches aren't trusting to come out of it now. Very few are coming out because of the fear, & there is no place for them to go. I mean, when you ask a Christian, "Will you let this witch come into your home so they'll have a place to stay?"--& all of a sudden you visualize people throwing grenades through your window & shooting up your house, you change your mind!--Because that's probably what will happen.SO, WE HAVE DECIDED TO BUILD A RETREAT SOMEWHERE IN THE WILDERNESS COUNTRY somewhere on the West Coast--I'm not going to say where--an armed retreat where these people can be safe till they grow, & then they can either leave the retreat or they can stay. And it will serve a double purpose--I don't want to go into--later for Christians. But right now, that's its purpose, & we're believing that it will get built. We need $50,000, & in the month-&-a-half since we have been trying to raise the money, my pastor's received $25.SO, YOU SEE, IT'S KIND OF HARD TO CONVINCE CHRISTIANS THAT A PLACE LIKE THIS IS NEEDED when they can go home to their safe house every night, not realizing that for a witch to become saved or a witch to leave Witchcraft, their life is in extreme danger & they probably will be killed. It's easy to feel safe when you're safe. I guess that's why I feel it, because I'm in danger all the time, so I know how they feel. And I've had many a close friend that have become Christians & then been killed, so we are trying to build such a retreat.

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