Friday, September 19, 2008
A Quote from
Extract from John Todd which I thought is important.
A PERSON WHO HAS BEEN IN THE OCCULT & BEEN SAVED, ARE THEY MORE TROUBLED BY DEMONS THAN A PERSON WHO HAS NEVER BEEN THERE?--Yes, if they haven't been through a deliverance. But at the same time, they are a bigger weapon against the Devil. You can't trick a witch with false doctrine, they've heard them all. You can't pass off a phony Christian on a witch, & you can't pass a witch off on them that's a Christian.--They've been there, they know what to spot.THAT'S WHY I LOOK AT A PERSON'S EYES WHEN I TALK TO THEM. If that person has demonic influence in their life, I want to know about it, I want to know who I'm talking to & who I'm not talking to. And when you've lived in a supernatural world & you have dealt with demons like witches have, it's no different when you spot them in a person who's professing to be a Christian who isn't living the life.SO THEY ARE A STRONGER WEAPON AGAINST THE DEVIL, BECAUSE THEY SERVED HIM. See, as close as we are to Jesus now, as loving & compassionate as the relationship we have with Him now, that's how we felt about the Devil, whether we knew he was the Devil or not. And so when you are that close to something, you know about it.IF YOU BACKSLIDE YOU STILL KNOW ABOUT CHRISTIANITY, SO A BACKSLIDDEN SAVED WITCH KNOWS ABOUT WITCHCRAFT--IT'S THE SAME THING. But they do have problems, & needless to say, the Devil doesn't like it, so we're hit a little harder than maybe somebody else might be. But at the same time, we grow faster & stronger because of it. (Inaudible question.)YES, WE ARE STARTING A RETREAT. As I told you, many people have been killed that have come out of it. It has gotten so that witches aren't trusting to come out of it now. Very few are coming out because of the fear, & there is no place for them to go. I mean, when you ask a Christian, "Will you let this witch come into your home so they'll have a place to stay?"--& all of a sudden you visualize people throwing grenades through your window & shooting up your house, you change your mind!--Because that's probably what will happen.SO, WE HAVE DECIDED TO BUILD A RETREAT SOMEWHERE IN THE WILDERNESS COUNTRY somewhere on the West Coast--I'm not going to say where--an armed retreat where these people can be safe till they grow, & then they can either leave the retreat or they can stay. And it will serve a double purpose--I don't want to go into--later for Christians. But right now, that's its purpose, & we're believing that it will get built. We need $50,000, & in the month-&-a-half since we have been trying to raise the money, my pastor's received $25.SO, YOU SEE, IT'S KIND OF HARD TO CONVINCE CHRISTIANS THAT A PLACE LIKE THIS IS NEEDED when they can go home to their safe house every night, not realizing that for a witch to become saved or a witch to leave Witchcraft, their life is in extreme danger & they probably will be killed. It's easy to feel safe when you're safe. I guess that's why I feel it, because I'm in danger all the time, so I know how they feel. And I've had many a close friend that have become Christians & then been killed, so we are trying to build such a retreat.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Marks of the Beast
Uth Stuph Creative Resources is the largest Christian T-shirt design and custom apparel screen printing company for Christian youth ministries and church youth groups in the United States. Although Uth Stuph advertises itself as a "Christian" company, its online catalogue advertises 600+ trendy designs for apparel which include not a few occult symbols. Many designs incorporate a number of occult symbols, thereby magnifying the demonic power of the symbols.
Uth Stuph's Mission Statement reads as follows:
"To be the premier resource provider by creatively communicating Christ through excellence in design, products, and customer care. Core Values: Christ defines our perspective. Principal (sic): When we put Christ first in business and in our lives, all decisions and circumstances are measured by His example. Today Uth Stuph serves over 3,000 ministries from across the US, with Custom Design and Apparel Imprinting… Our goal is simply to make you look good, and to help promote the kingdom of God."
In stark contrast to the stated mission of Uth Stuph is the Holy Bible, which states that God cannot be perceived and must not be represented through art, nor is He served through artistic representations of His Person:
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them. Exodus 20:4,5
Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent… Acts 17:29
Albert Pike wrote in Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry that the artistic representations (symbols) which are revered by the uninitiated are in fact "idols" which represent occult teachings that are understood by high level adepts (initiates of the Luciferian mysteries):
“The symbols of the wise always become the idols of the ignorant multitude. What the Chiefs of the Order really believed and taught, is indicated to the Adepts by the hints contained in the high Degrees of Free-Masonry, and by the symbols which only the Adepts understand.” 1.
According to Cutting Edge Ministries, the power of occult symbols does not dissipate, but increases, when the uninitiated remain ignorant of their esoteric meaning.
"Occultists the world over believe that, once a symbol is created, it acquires power of its own, and more power is generated when such symbol(s) are created without the profane [uninitiated] knowing about it. And, the greatest power of all is created in the symbol(s) if the uninitiated NEVER discover that the symbol exists...
"The occultist firmly believes that a symbol or a set of symbols possesses inherent power once they are created. Therefore, occultic doctrine teaches that these Satanic symbols would act as a powerful electric-type grid once they were set in place." 2.
The demonic power of such symbols would be especially potent when Christians purchase and display such artistic representations of God in violation of Scripture. Could such disobedience account to some degree for the 'strange god' which apostate Christendom worships in our day?
"The 'god' of this twentieth century no more resembles the Supreme Sovereign of Holy Writ than does the dim flickering of a candle the glory of the midday sun. The 'god' who is now talked about in the average pulpit, spoken of in the ordinary Sunday School, mentioned in much of the religious literature of the day, and preached in most of the so-called Bible Conferences is the figment of human imagination, an invention of maudlin sentimentality. The heathen outside the pale of Christendom form 'gods' out of wood and stone, while the millions of heathen inside Christendom manufacture a 'god' out of their own carnal mind. In reality, they are but atheists, for there is no possible alternative between an absolute supreme God, and no God at all. A 'god' whose will is resisted, whose designs are frustrated, whose purpose is checkmated possesses no title to Deity, and so far from being a fit object of worship, merits naught but contempt." 3.
The "god" of the United States, according to the Declaration of Independence, is "Nature's God" -- an esoteric reference to Pan, the god who encompasses all things thereby making all things sacred and divine. Predictably, "At least fifty out of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence, including John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson were Freemasons." 4.
In his article, Sects Symbolism and the Mark of the Beast, Ray Novosel explains the meaning of Pan as the first "principle of nature". Pantheism exalts man, as the procreator, to the level of God, the Creator:
"The fundamental doctrine of magic (more correctly, magick) is phallicism. New life is created by the act of generation (the argument runs): therefore the life force is generated by the sexual forces, the union of male and female elements. As represented by the two opposing equilateral triangles...
"The phallic God is therefore hermaphroditic or bi-sexual. The sexual organs are considered sacred, while the rites and rituals are designed to liberate the passions and the natural instincts from the control of (wait for it) reason. The novice must denounce as fraud the existence of a moral order, together with that of its creator. This is the exact reverse of what the Bible stands for.
"The creation of the universe (according to the phallic adepts) is the work of the hermaphrodite god. The universe was not created but procreated or engendered by him in successive stages. The god himself is supposed to have been the original and unique emanation of the divine substance of which all things are made. In this role the god is known as Pan, the first principle of nature. Thus man is placed on a par with his creator: both are divine and immortal; man therefore creates when he procreates."
In Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike reveals Pan's real identity as Lucifer:
"The not a Person, but a Force..., which presides over the physical generation, under the mythological and horned form of the God PAN; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Lightbearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend." 5.
Lucifer's history is no legend, as Albert Pike would like the Masons to believe, but is recorded in the King James Bible, which identifies him as the leader of the fallen angels who rebelled against God and were cast out of heaven. Lucifer is the prototype of the Freemasons who would usurp the place of God and overthrow His decreed order; he is also prototypical of their eternal damnation:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-16
Lucifer's reference to "sitting on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north" is the subject of another report, The Lost Tribe of Dan -- which was the northernmost tribe that led Israel into idolatry, and specifically to worship the Nature god, Pan. Madame H.P. Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, wrote in The Theosophical Glossary that, contrary to popular belief, pantheism is alive and well:
"There is a well-known pious legend which has been current in the Christian world ever since the day of Tiberias, to the effect that the 'great god Pan is dead'. But people are greatly mistaken in this; neither nature nor any of her Forces can ever die. A few of these may be left unused, and being forgotten lie dormant for long centuries. But no sooner are the proper conditions furnished than they awake to act again with tenfold power." 6.
Although professing Christendom would never suspect they are worshiping the Theosophical god of Nature, each week multitudes of church goers who sing generic praise songs and listen to sermons void of doctrinal content are in effect worshiping PAN -- a god of their own carnal mind who has no title to deity. Thus would Lucifer hide his identity in the democratic environment of religious pluralism envisioned by our Masonic Founding Fathers. Rodney Stark, a professor of sociology and comparative religion at the University of Washington, describes the the U.S. as a religious superstore where prospective buyers shop according to "the rational choice theory of religion."
"Religious beliefs and practices make up the product that is on sale in the market, and current and potential followers are the consumers. In a free-market religious economy there is a healthy abundance of choice (religious pluralism), which leads naturally to vigorous competition and efficient supply (new and old religious movements). The more competition there is, the higher the level of consumption." 7.
Soon Lucifer, in the guise of PAN (religious pluralism, tolerance, ecumenical unity and spiritual revival), will move to seal his worshipers across the religious spectrum with a mark, as foretold in Revelation 13. Once sealed with the mark of the Beast (Lucifer), a person's eternal destiny in the lake of fire will also be sealed. (Rev. 14:10,11)
There is so much speculation that the Mark of the Beast will be an implantable microchip that to suggest otherwise seems unthinkable. However, the Tribulation saints must not allow current events or the ubiquitous propagandists to interpret Scripture for them, but must prayerfully and diligently ascertain for themselves what the Bible has to say about the Mark of the Beast. Although the implantable microchip may be used to track and control people during the Tribulation, there are four important sources which prove the computer chip does not fulfill the Scriptural requirements for the Mark of the Beast.
1. The Textus Receptus
The King James Version, although far superior to modern versions, does not always follow the Textus Receptus, the Received Greek Text of the New Testament. The verses pertaining to the mark of the beast are different in each. The Received Text (Textus Receptus) states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed ON, not IN, the right hand or the forehead. Our position is that the Textus Receptus was verbally inspired by God and is the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. The George Ricker Berry Interlinear Greek-English New Testament (Textus Receptus) 8., which uses the Greek Text of Stephens (1550), reads as follows in the three verses pertaining to the Mark of the Beast:
Rev. 13:16-18: And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that it should give them a mark ON their right hand, or ON their foreheads; and that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of its name. Here wisdom is. He who has understanding let him count the number of the beast: for it is a man's number; and its number is 666. (TR)
Rev. 14:9-10: And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If anyone does homage to the beast and its image, and receives a mark ON his forehead, or UPON his hand, also he shall drink of the wine of the fury of God, which is mixed undiluted in the cup of his wrath; and he shall be tormented in fire and brimstone, before the holy angels, and before the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment goes up to ages of ages: and they have no respite day and night, who do homage to the beast and his image, and if anyone receives the mark of its name. (TR)
Rev. 20:4: And I saw thrones; and they sat upon them, and judgment was given to them; and the souls of those beheaded on account of the testimony of Jesus, and on account of the word of God, and those who did not do homage to the beast, nor his image, and did not receive the mark UPON their forehead, and UPON their hand; and they lived and reigned with Christ the thousand years. (TR)
In the King James Version, in the identical phrase in Revelation 20:4 pertaining to the mark on the forehead, the KJV follows the Textus Receptus:
"And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark UPON their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." (KJV)
Scrivener's Interlinear Greek-English New Testament (1894), which uses the Beza Greek Text, translates the Greek word "epi" as "on":
(Greek/English Interlinear (tr) NT) Revelation 13:16 kai <2532> {AND} poiei <4160> (5719) {IT CAUSES} pantaV <3956> {ALL,} touV <3588> {THE} mikrouV <3398> {SMALL} kai <2532> {AND} touV <3588> {THE} megalouV <3173> {GREAT,} kai <2532> {AND} touV <3588> {THE} plousiouV <4145> {RICH} kai <2532> {AND} touV <3588> {THE} ptwcouV <4434> {POOR,} kai <2532> {AND} touV <3588> {THE} eleuqerouV <1658> {FREE} kai <2532> {AND} touV <3588> {THE} doulouV <1401> {BONDMEN,} ina <2443> {THAT} dwsh <1325> (5661) {IT SHOULD GIVE} autoiV <846> {THEM} caragma <5480> {A MARK} epi <1909> thV <3588> {ON} ceiroV <5495> {HAND} autwn <846> thV <3588> {THEIR} dexiaV <1188> {RIGHT,} h <2228> {OR} epi <1909> twn <3588> {ON} metwpwn <3359> {FOREHEADS} autwn <846> {THEIR;}
Translation of the Greek preposition "epi" is determined by its syntax. Although "epi" in some grammatical contexts may be translated "in," that is not possible in these verses because the Greek article “the” before the noun “hand” in the prepositional phrase “in the hand” renders “hand” in the accusative case. According to Wesley Perschbacher’s New Analytical Greek Lexicon (#1909), “‘epi’,...with the acc., upon”. Learn New Testament Greek by John H. Dobson, states that "epi" means “on, on top of” (“Prepositions followed by an accusative case”, p. 186). In other words, when the preposition ‘epi’ is present with a noun in the accusative case, its meaning is "upon, on." Had God meant "in the hand" or "in the forehead," He would have used a different Greek word - "en" (Cf. Strong's Concordance #1909 and #1722).
There is yet another source which confirms that the Mark is placed ON, not IN, the hand or forehead:
2. Strong's Concordance
The Greek word for "mark" in all of the above verses is "charagma". Strong's Concordance defines "charagma" as a "stamp" that is branded, imprinted or engraved ON the individual's forehead or hand (rather than implanted in the skin).
5480 charagma {khar'-ag-mah}
from the same as 5482: TDNT - 9:416,1308; n n
AV - mark 8, graven 1; 9
1) a stamp, an imprinted mark
1a) of the mark stamped ON the forehead or the right hand as the badge of the followers of the Antichrist
1b) the mark branded UPON horses
2) thing carved, sculpture, graven work
2a) of idolatrous images
See also: The Mark of the Beast: Tattoos & Branding
3. Biblical precedents
It is also important to look at precedents in the Scriptures where a visible mark was given to people, such as the mark of Cain and the mark placed on the foreheads of the men of Jerusalem:
“And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.” (Gen. 4:15)
“And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.” (Ezek. 9:4)
There is yet a another consideration which should be taken into account:
4. Bible Prophecy
The book of Revelation places compulsory reception of the Mark of the Beast in chapter 13, after the seven seal judgments and seven trumpet judgments have taken place. By the time the Mark of the Beast becomes mandatory on a global scale, over one half of the earth will have been decimated, including the current systems of advanced technology that are gearing up for the microchip implant.
Revelation 11:18 refers to nations which have destroyed the earth: And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged...and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. The report, Heeding Bible Prophecy: Understanding the Book of Revelation, reveals that the occult plan for the New Age is to go *back to the future* -- to revert mankind to the pre-flood days of Noah and ultimately to the Garden of Eden.
The rationale (or rather irrationale!) for destroying the earth is the Gnostic belief that the world was created by an evil Demiurge and that this material world is inherently evil. In order for man to transcend matter and attain to godhood, the material world must be annihilated. We are not making this up. Many statements by New Agers indicate an irrational plan to destroy the planet.
For example, Richard Kirby wrote in The Mission of Mysticism:
"Christians know that a man must die to himself before he born again in spirit. It may well be that mankind as a whole must be crucified, even unto death, before coming into its inheritance... Christians can say with Teilhard de Chardin, that death itself is beneficent, the only way to grow beyond forms which have served their limited purpose..., but with the serious and the worried, they look upon the possible extermination of the human race secure in the knowledge that it could be but a prelude to the resurrection of the species." 9.
More evidence of of the New Age Plan to sacrifice mankind to Lucifer is presented in: A Sacred Assembly, specifically in part 2, The Luciferic Initiation.
During the first half of the Tribulation period, the microchip implant will serve the ends of the New World Order as a counterfeit mark of the beast. To further deceive the masses, a *false* Antichrist and *false* False Prophet will also be staged and judged at mid-Tribulation by the *real* Antichrist, who poses as *The Christ.*
At mid-Tribulation, after approximately one half of the world has been devastated, mankind will be forced to revert to a system of barter and exchange which, even now, appears to be in the planning stages. 10. The true mark of the beast--the 6-pointed star and other variations of the 666 motif--will be tattooed upon those who give their allegiance to Satan at the Luciferic initiation.
Tattoos are an ancient tradition of pagan initiation rites. The tattoo bonds the initiate with the entity symbolized by the tattoo and enables him to communicate with that demonic power. The meaning and function of tattoos in initiation rites are explained in Chevalier's Dictionary of Symbols, which defines the tattoo as "the permanent mark of that initiation."
"In some pictures of a tattooed man we are faced by a permanent prayer to and identification with the heavenly powers, at the same time as a basic means of communication with them. Such is the most generalized meaning of tattooing bestowed in consequence of a rite of initiation which allows this communication to take place. At the same time, this initiation is a rite of admission into a social group and the tattoo is the permanent mark of that initiation, the badge of the tribe.
"All in all, tattooing belongs among symbols of identification and is interfused with all their magic and mystic potency. Identification always carries a double meaning: it tends to invest the individual concerned with the properties and strength of the creature or thing to which that person is assimilated and, at the same time, to immunize the latter against its potential power to cause harm. This is why tattoos depict dangerous creatures such as serpents or scorpions, or animals which are symbols of fertility, such as bulls or of power, such as lions, and so on. Identification also carries a sense of surrender or even of consecration to whatever the tattoo symbolically depicts. It then becomes a badge of fealty." 11.
Like a wedding band which represents an indissoluble union of two people, the initiate's tattoo "becomes a badge of fealty" to the "creature or thing to which that person is assimilated". Since Lucifer aspires to be "like God", in his pride he will orchestrate a counterfeit fulfillment of the Bible prophecies concerning Jesus Christ. The terminology used in the Dictionary of Symbols to describe the initiation tattoo suggests that Lucifer will bond his followers to himself in a sacred marriage rite --- the Satanic equivalent of the Marriage of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ, to His Bride.
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Rev. 19:7
In the unlikely event that modern technology is still functioning globally come mid-Tribulation, when the Mark of the Beast is required for buying and selling, this mark will still be a tattoo or brand that is imprinted ON the skin rather than an implant IN the skin. Plans for such a tattoo have been registered with the The U.S. Department of Commerce Patent and Trademark Office which currently posts an "abstract for a Method for verifying human identity during electronic sale transactions".
"A method is presented for facilitating sales transactions by electronic media. A bar code or a design is tattooed on an individual. Before the sales transaction can be consummated, the tattoo is scanned with a scanner. Characteristics about the scanned tattoo are compared to characteristics about other tattoos stored on a computer database in order to verify the identity of the buyer. Once verified, the seller may be authorized to debit the buyer's electronic bank account in order to consummate the transaction. The seller's electronic bank account may be similarly updated... The tattoo itself can be of any convenient shape or size. The invention works best when the tattoo is unique because no other means of identification are necessary. Although an invisible ink could be used, the invention would work equally well with a tattoo that is visible to the human eye..." 12.
Perhaps anticipating this technology, Uth Stuph Creative Resources -- the premier Christian T-shirt design and custom apparel screen printing company for Christian youth ministries and church youth groups in the United States -- has already designed a bar code logo with three hexagons (666) and a six-pointed star! 13.
Revelation 13:16 states that the Mark of the Beast will be mandatory for "all, both small and great." And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that it should give them a mark ON their right hand, or ON their foreheads... Sadly, children will not be spared from receiving the mark - nor will adolescents.
The fact is that many pseudo-Christian organizations are even now preparing young people to receive the mark of the Beast. Tattoos are all the rage among unsaved teenagers and, tragically, they are even becoming popular among Christian youth groups -- despite God's prohibition in Leviticus 19:28: Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
The logos presented on the Uth Stuph web site incorporate so much occult symbolism along with Christian themes that many would be ideal as tattoos or marks of the Beast for the masses of apostate Christendom. These occult logos could easily be converted to tattoos that would fulfill the requirement to display the name, number or mark (symbol) of the Beast.
Conspicuously absent in the Uth Stuph offerings is mention of Jesus Christ. There are only references to "Christ", an entity of the generic variety that will be peddled to the masses during the Tribulation period. Pantheism has been custom designed not just for Satanists and liberal Methodist goddess worshipers, but comes in Evangelical and Charismatic packages as well.
At mid-Tribulation, everyone will be required to get a tattoo in order to buy or sell. We project that, in the free market economies, there will be a large selection of designer tattoos reflecting the esoteric concepts of the *new religious movements* (cults) that are now becoming respectable. Tattoos will become fashion statements and a new class of tattoo artists will become wealthy offering - for a price - occult logos worn by the rich and famous.
Designer tattoos will also generate a lot of business from the worldly Laodicean Church which, having no doctrinal criteria for matters of faith and practice, has allowed the world system to infiltrate and control their churches. For these apostates, there will likely be a selection of more subtly occult designs mixed with Christian terminology, if they don't like the highly occultic symbols worn by New Agers. Yea, designer tattoos will become ever more popular as state-sponsored 501(c)(3) churches -- many of which are led by Generation-X pastors, who are guided by popular opinion and driven by market demand -- become centers of devil worship in the global religious system.
And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. Rev. 9:20,21
A Christian artist, Lynn Kistler, first alerted us to Uth Stuph Creative Resources and did some preliminary research on their logos. It seems the youth group that the Kistler's teenage children formerly attended was promoting this esoteric merchandise along with hard rock music groups such as Payable on Death.
P.O.D.'s logo, which is displayed on their web site, is the occult triquetra (aka triskele) -- an artistic representation of 666, which is nearly identical to the logo of Live the Call. *Live the Call* is the official follow-up organization for *The Call, D.C.*, the September 2000 event which launched The Elijah Revolution, which portends the future mobilization of Christian youth as *Joel's Army*.
Very similar in design is the logo for Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (EMNR), supposedly a cult-watchdog but in reality a cult apology network. In other words, EMNR's *ministry* is to reimage cults as respectable; they are no longer cults, with the implication of occultism and other negative connotations, but *new religions.*
Members of EMNR are encouraged to display the occultic EMNR logo:
"In addition to the benefits inherent in the stated purpose, members receive a quarterly email newsletter, a free subscriptions to The Watchman Expositor magazine, participation in our annual summit conference, discounts to our annual conference and on other items made available through cooperating organizations, and authorization to display the EMNR logo on your letterhead or products to indicate to others your cooperation and accountability with other ministries." 14.
To say that ENNR's Doctrinal Statement is revealing would be an understatement:
"Evangelical Ministries to New Religions adheres to the doctrinal standards and practices as set forth in the Lausanne Covenant, the Manila Manifesto and the Amsterdam Affirmations. The Lausanne Covenant was ratified at the International Congress on World Evangelization, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in July 1974." 15.
According to the Apologetics Index, EMNR was actually founded to implement the Lausanne Covenant:
“Founded in 1982 as a fellowship of evangelical Christian ministries in North America to the cults and new religions. EMNR was born in an effort to practically implement Affirmation 7 of the Lausanne Covenant: ‘We urge the development of regional and functional cooperation for the furtherance of the Church's mission, for strategic planning, for mutual encouragement, and for the sharing of resources and experience.’” 16.
The Lausanne Consultation on World Evangelism (LCWE) is the subject of The World Christian Movement 17. which explains how the ecumenical movement developed before the first Lausanne Consultation convened in 1974 under the leadership of Billy Graham. However, there is some vital information missing from this expose that is available in the Billy Graham Center archives.
Firstly, there is no mention in WCM of the Evangelical Alliance, founded in 1846, which was revived as the World Evangelical Fellowship in 1951. Nor does WCM inform the reader that Anglican leader and theologian, John Stott "provided a biblical outline of the threefold purpose of WEF [and] later drafted the historic Lausanne Covenant, 1974." as stated by W. Harold Fuller, vice-chair of the WEF International Council in his article, "From the Evangelical Alliance to the World Evangelical Fellowship." 18.
Since the reader of WCM is never informed that the Evangelical Alliance/WEF is the source of Lausanne, it would never come to his/her attention that the Evangelical Alliance was founded at the United Grand Lodge of England headquarters at Freemason Hall, London. This is a huge fact which is documented in several archived resources at the World Evangelical Fellowship and the Billy Graham Center. Harold Fuller's article documented Freemason Hall as the venue of EA's founding in a footnote. David Howard, former International Director of the World Evangelical Fellowship, wrote in "The Dream That Would Not Die: The birth and growth of the World Evangelical Fellowship 1846-1986":
“It was an impressive sight. 800 Christians, who had gathered in Freemason's Hall, Great Queen Street, London, in August, 1846, were standing to shake hands and sing the Doxology. They had just voted to establish what has been called 'a new thing in Church history--a definite organization for the expression of unity amongst Christian individuals belonging to different churches… They called it 'The Evangelical Alliance…'" 19.
The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) is the headquarters of International Freemasonry. Little wonder that the World Evangelical Fellowship, which today represents 160 million evangelical Christians, also serves as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Special Consultative Status with UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Why is the real source of Lausanne not correctly identified by Al Dager in The World Christian Movement? And why was Jewel van der Merwe an EMNR Conference speaker in 1994 and 1996? Dave Hunt also spoke at the 1996 EMNR Conference. Arnold Fructenbaum, director of Ariel Ministries, served as coordinator of the Lausanne Consolation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE) for seven years. Sandy Simpson of Deception in the Church (DITC) is a full-time missionary with Liebenzell Missions, a member of the Lausanne-connected Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association (IFMA). The Evangelical Alliance Mission and U.S. Center for World Mission are also members of IFMA. To see the connections of many so-called discernment ministries with the Lausanne Movement, check out The New Age Ties of the Discernment and Apologetics Ministries. These connections explain why many of the organizations that should be exposing the Mark of the Beast are instead promoting it.
Returning to Uth Stuph...
In the sections of this report which follow are many examples of the more occultic logos marketed by Uth Stuph Creative Resources. For most of these logos, the esoteric interpretations are explained with relevant statements from occult sources. Remember, Uth Stuph is “the premier resource provider” of designs that “creatively communicate Christ” for Christian youth ministries. Christian parents should wonder what "Christ" is communicated by pyramids, pentagrams, hexagons, Tau crosses and phoenixes, to name a few of the rather blatantly occult symbols which are displayed on the apparel sold to Christian youth by Uth Stuph.
The occult "underground" that is about to surface globally as the occult "establishment" does not want Christians to discover that the Mark of the Beast is an OCCULT SYMBOL. To this end, they have strategized well in advance to brainwash the Christian community that the Mark will be a microchip implant. However, the bottom line is this: the chip implant does not fit the Scriptural parameters for this mark. What must the Christian do when the popular propaganda contradicts the Word of God? "Let him that hath understanding" (Rev. 13:18) allow God to have the final Word on the subject.
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. I Cor. 2:12,13
And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that it should give them a mark {charagma} ON their right hand, or ON their foreheads; and that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of its name. Here wisdom is. He who has understanding let him count the number of the beast: for it is a man's number; and its number is 666. Rev. 13:16-18
A few comments from Lynn Kistler about the Uth Stuph logos found in Designer Marks Part 1:
Lets face it, there is only so many ways to design, so many shapes to work with. However, the pentagram and especially the hexagram are used a LOT by UPH STUPH.
Superman is a big theme (also using an "S" = "Set"?). Also waves in use with a 3's, The 3rd Wave? (3 is used in artistic arrangement). The Earth Tourist with the cross marked on the forehead is UNBELIEVABLE and goes with the alien theme. Also the 3 hexagrams with the bar code. And backwards writing.
When I think of the "odds" that certain things "standout" and are used more often (example T, S, X with 26 letters to choose from), I can't help but "feel" something is happening here. Then the 666's start popping out.
I also noticed "swirls." Cathy Burns, Masonic & Occult Symbols Illustrated 20., p. 268, displays a coven of witches worshiping Lucifer who is represented by a swirling white light. Cupid (the god, Eros) is found in the love section (nothing "strange" about that?). Uth Stuph Creative Resources uses a lot of crosses in circles (Knights Templar symbol) though not as direct as the pictures in Burns' book (p. 349).
When one takes each Uth Stuph picture alone, it looks like I am being nit picky. But when you look at them as a whole, there is a "spirit/attitude" and agenda here that doesn't seem right. There are some that are REALLY BAD, but most are very subtle. Like I said previously, art can only use so many colors and shapes and the number 3 give good balance, but then it also is more subtle and less apt for people to evaluate easily.
Also, anything with a flag/patriotic theme "legitimately" hides a ton of symbols (pentagram, etc.) Here and there, there are some that are BLATANTLY obvious to those familiar with occult symbols and this validates (in my mind) scrutinizing the others further, even though to some extent I may be stretching things.
I know that they are going with what is "popular" and perhaps aren't aware just how "popular" the occult is - BUT, what is popular is a lot of Satanic symbols. I want to believe they are doing this in ignorance, but I guess it must be willful ignorance to some extent.
Designer Marks Part I >>>
Recommended Reading:
The Six-Pointed Star: The Mark of the Beast
The Mark of the Beast: Tattoos & Branding
1. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Charleston, A.M. 5632, p. 819.
2. "Masonic Symbols of Power in Their Seat of Power: Washington, D.C.", Cutting Edge Ministries:
3. Arthur W. Pink, The Attributes of God, Baker Book House, 1930.
4. McLaughlin, Corinne & Gordon Davidson. Spiritual Politics: Changing the World From the Inside Out, NY: Ballantine Books, 1994, p. 246.
5. Albert Pike, op.cit., p. 102.
6. H. P. Blavatsky, Theosophical Glossary, London, 1892, Los Angeles, CA: The Theosophy Company, 1990, p. 246.
7. "Oh, Gods!" Toby Lester, The Atlantic Monthly, Feb. 2002, p. 43.
8. Interlinear Greek-English New Testament: King James Version, George Ricker Berry, Baker Book House, 17th Printing, 1994. This interlinear may be purchased from Amazon Used Books (prices start at $12.95):
Alibris Used Books (prices start at $26.95):
The George Ricker Berry Greek Interlinear New Testament [without the English text] is available online at:
9. Richard Kirby, The Mission of Mysticism, Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1979, pp. 201-2.
10. Watch Unto Prayer, Heeding Bible Prophecy: Economy: Barter and Exchange System: economy.html#barter
11. Chevalier, Jean. The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols. Penguin Books, 1996, pp. 975-6.
12.U.S. Department of Commerce Patent and Trademark Office, United States Patent #5,878,155, Thomas W. Heeter (55 Lyerly, Houston, TX 77022) Appl. No.: 709471, Filed: September 5, 1996.
13. Uth Stuph Creative Resources:
14. Evangelical Ministries to New Religions:
15. EMNR Doctrinal Statement:
16. Apologetics Index: Evangelical Ministries to New Religions:
17. "The World Christian Movement," Albert James Dager, Media Spotlight, April, 1999,
18. “From the Evangelical Alliance to the World Evangelical Fellowship: 150 years of unity with a mission,” W. Harold Fuller, International Bulletin of Missionary Research, October, 1996. W. Harold Fuller is vice-chair of the WEF International Council and author of the updated history of the EA and WEF, People of the Mandate (Carlisle, U.K.: Paternoster; Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996). [Can be purchased for $2.95 from the Northern Light Special Collection: or contact Watch Unto Prayer for full text of article:
19. "The Dream That Would Not Die: The birth and growth of the World Evangelical Fellowship 1846-1986," David, M. Howard, The Paternoster Press, 1986, ff. p. 7. [See: Billy Graham Center Archives: ] David Howard was President of the Latin America Mission, as Missions Director of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Director of the Urbana conventions, as International Director of the World Evangelical Fellowship.
20. Dr. Cathy Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, Sharing, 212 E. Seventh St., Mt. Carmel, PA, 17851-2211. Price $21.95
I Do Not Want to Join Wicca Anymore.
Marks of the Beast
Uth Stuph Creative Resources is the largest Christian T-shirt design and custom apparel screen printing company for Christian youth ministries and church youth groups in the United States. Although Uth Stuph advertises itself as a "Christian" company, its online catalogue advertises 600+ trendy designs for apparel which include not a few occult symbols. Many designs incorporate a number of occult symbols, thereby magnifying the demonic power of the symbols.
Uth Stuph's Mission Statement reads as follows:
"To be the premier resource provider by creatively communicating Christ through excellence in design, products, and customer care. Core Values: Christ defines our perspective. Principal (sic): When we put Christ first in business and in our lives, all decisions and circumstances are measured by His example. Today Uth Stuph serves over 3,000 ministries from across the US, with Custom Design and Apparel Imprinting… Our goal is simply to make you look good, and to help promote the kingdom of God."
In stark contrast to the stated mission of Uth Stuph is the Holy Bible, which states that God cannot be perceived and must not be represented through art, nor is He served through artistic representations of His Person:
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them. Exodus 20:4,5
Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent… Acts 17:29
Albert Pike wrote in Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry that the artistic representations (symbols) which are revered by the uninitiated are in fact "idols" which represent occult teachings that are understood by high level adepts (initiates of the Luciferian mysteries):
“The symbols of the wise always become the idols of the ignorant multitude. What the Chiefs of the Order really believed and taught, is indicated to the Adepts by the hints contained in the high Degrees of Free-Masonry, and by the symbols which only the Adepts understand.” 1.
According to Cutting Edge Ministries, the power of occult symbols does not dissipate, but increases, when the uninitiated remain ignorant of their esoteric meaning.
"Occultists the world over believe that, once a symbol is created, it acquires power of its own, and more power is generated when such symbol(s) are created without the profane [uninitiated] knowing about it. And, the greatest power of all is created in the symbol(s) if the uninitiated NEVER discover that the symbol exists...
"The occultist firmly believes that a symbol or a set of symbols possesses inherent power once they are created. Therefore, occultic doctrine teaches that these Satanic symbols would act as a powerful electric-type grid once they were set in place." 2.
The demonic power of such symbols would be especially potent when Christians purchase and display such artistic representations of God in violation of Scripture. Could such disobedience account to some degree for the 'strange god' which apostate Christendom worships in our day?
"The 'god' of this twentieth century no more resembles the Supreme Sovereign of Holy Writ than does the dim flickering of a candle the glory of the midday sun. The 'god' who is now talked about in the average pulpit, spoken of in the ordinary Sunday School, mentioned in much of the religious literature of the day, and preached in most of the so-called Bible Conferences is the figment of human imagination, an invention of maudlin sentimentality. The heathen outside the pale of Christendom form 'gods' out of wood and stone, while the millions of heathen inside Christendom manufacture a 'god' out of their own carnal mind. In reality, they are but atheists, for there is no possible alternative between an absolute supreme God, and no God at all. A 'god' whose will is resisted, whose designs are frustrated, whose purpose is checkmated possesses no title to Deity, and so far from being a fit object of worship, merits naught but contempt." 3.
The "god" of the United States, according to the Declaration of Independence, is "Nature's God" -- an esoteric reference to Pan, the god who encompasses all things thereby making all things sacred and divine. Predictably, "At least fifty out of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence, including John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson were Freemasons." 4.
In his article, Sects Symbolism and the Mark of the Beast, Ray Novosel explains the meaning of Pan as the first "principle of nature". Pantheism exalts man, as the procreator, to the level of God, the Creator:
"The fundamental doctrine of magic (more correctly, magick) is phallicism. New life is created by the act of generation (the argument runs): therefore the life force is generated by the sexual forces, the union of male and female elements. As represented by the two opposing equilateral triangles...
"The phallic God is therefore hermaphroditic or bi-sexual. The sexual organs are considered sacred, while the rites and rituals are designed to liberate the passions and the natural instincts from the control of (wait for it) reason. The novice must denounce as fraud the existence of a moral order, together with that of its creator. This is the exact reverse of what the Bible stands for.
"The creation of the universe (according to the phallic adepts) is the work of the hermaphrodite god. The universe was not created but procreated or engendered by him in successive stages. The god himself is supposed to have been the original and unique emanation of the divine substance of which all things are made. In this role the god is known as Pan, the first principle of nature. Thus man is placed on a par with his creator: both are divine and immortal; man therefore creates when he procreates."
In Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike reveals Pan's real identity as Lucifer:
"The not a Person, but a Force..., which presides over the physical generation, under the mythological and horned form of the God PAN; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Lightbearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend." 5.
Lucifer's history is no legend, as Albert Pike would like the Masons to believe, but is recorded in the King James Bible, which identifies him as the leader of the fallen angels who rebelled against God and were cast out of heaven. Lucifer is the prototype of the Freemasons who would usurp the place of God and overthrow His decreed order; he is also prototypical of their eternal damnation:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-16
Lucifer's reference to "sitting on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north" is the subject of another report, The Lost Tribe of Dan -- which was the northernmost tribe that led Israel into idolatry, and specifically to worship the Nature god, Pan. Madame H.P. Blavatsky, founder of the Theosophical Society, wrote in The Theosophical Glossary that, contrary to popular belief, pantheism is alive and well:
"There is a well-known pious legend which has been current in the Christian world ever since the day of Tiberias, to the effect that the 'great god Pan is dead'. But people are greatly mistaken in this; neither nature nor any of her Forces can ever die. A few of these may be left unused, and being forgotten lie dormant for long centuries. But no sooner are the proper conditions furnished than they awake to act again with tenfold power." 6.
Although professing Christendom would never suspect they are worshiping the Theosophical god of Nature, each week multitudes of church goers who sing generic praise songs and listen to sermons void of doctrinal content are in effect worshiping PAN -- a god of their own carnal mind who has no title to deity. Thus would Lucifer hide his identity in the democratic environment of religious pluralism envisioned by our Masonic Founding Fathers. Rodney Stark, a professor of sociology and comparative religion at the University of Washington, describes the the U.S. as a religious superstore where prospective buyers shop according to "the rational choice theory of religion."
"Religious beliefs and practices make up the product that is on sale in the market, and current and potential followers are the consumers. In a free-market religious economy there is a healthy abundance of choice (religious pluralism), which leads naturally to vigorous competition and efficient supply (new and old religious movements). The more competition there is, the higher the level of consumption." 7.
Soon Lucifer, in the guise of PAN (religious pluralism, tolerance, ecumenical unity and spiritual revival), will move to seal his worshipers across the religious spectrum with a mark, as foretold in Revelation 13. Once sealed with the mark of the Beast (Lucifer), a person's eternal destiny in the lake of fire will also be sealed. (Rev. 14:10,11)
There is so much speculation that the Mark of the Beast will be an implantable microchip that to suggest otherwise seems unthinkable. However, the Tribulation saints must not allow current events or the ubiquitous propagandists to interpret Scripture for them, but must prayerfully and diligently ascertain for themselves what the Bible has to say about the Mark of the Beast. Although the implantable microchip may be used to track and control people during the Tribulation, there are four important sources which prove the computer chip does not fulfill the Scriptural requirements for the Mark of the Beast.
1. The Textus Receptus
The King James Version, although far superior to modern versions, does not always follow the Textus Receptus, the Received Greek Text of the New Testament. The verses pertaining to the mark of the beast are different in each. The Received Text (Textus Receptus) states that the Mark of the Beast will be placed ON, not IN, the right hand or the forehead. Our position is that the Textus Receptus was verbally inspired by God and is the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. The George Ricker Berry Interlinear Greek-English New Testament (Textus Receptus) 8., which uses the Greek Text of Stephens (1550), reads as follows in the three verses pertaining to the Mark of the Beast:
Rev. 13:16-18: And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that it should give them a mark ON their right hand, or ON their foreheads; and that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of its name. Here wisdom is. He who has understanding let him count the number of the beast: for it is a man's number; and its number is 666. (TR)
Rev. 14:9-10: And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If anyone does homage to the beast and its image, and receives a mark ON his forehead, or UPON his hand, also he shall drink of the wine of the fury of God, which is mixed undiluted in the cup of his wrath; and he shall be tormented in fire and brimstone, before the holy angels, and before the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment goes up to ages of ages: and they have no respite day and night, who do homage to the beast and his image, and if anyone receives the mark of its name. (TR)
Rev. 20:4: And I saw thrones; and they sat upon them, and judgment was given to them; and the souls of those beheaded on account of the testimony of Jesus, and on account of the word of God, and those who did not do homage to the beast, nor his image, and did not receive the mark UPON their forehead, and UPON their hand; and they lived and reigned with Christ the thousand years. (TR)
In the King James Version, in the identical phrase in Revelation 20:4 pertaining to the mark on the forehead, the KJV follows the Textus Receptus:
"And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark UPON their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." (KJV)
Scrivener's Interlinear Greek-English New Testament (1894), which uses the Beza Greek Text, translates the Greek word "epi" as "on":
(Greek/English Interlinear (tr) NT) Revelation 13:16 kai <2532> {AND} poiei <4160> (5719) {IT CAUSES} pantaV <3956> {ALL,} touV <3588> {THE} mikrouV <3398> {SMALL} kai <2532> {AND} touV <3588> {THE} megalouV <3173> {GREAT,} kai <2532> {AND} touV <3588> {THE} plousiouV <4145> {RICH} kai <2532> {AND} touV <3588> {THE} ptwcouV <4434> {POOR,} kai <2532> {AND} touV <3588> {THE} eleuqerouV <1658> {FREE} kai <2532> {AND} touV <3588> {THE} doulouV <1401> {BONDMEN,} ina <2443> {THAT} dwsh <1325> (5661) {IT SHOULD GIVE} autoiV <846> {THEM} caragma <5480> {A MARK} epi <1909> thV <3588> {ON} ceiroV <5495> {HAND} autwn <846> thV <3588> {THEIR} dexiaV <1188> {RIGHT,} h <2228> {OR} epi <1909> twn <3588> {ON} metwpwn <3359> {FOREHEADS} autwn <846> {THEIR;}
Translation of the Greek preposition "epi" is determined by its syntax. Although "epi" in some grammatical contexts may be translated "in," that is not possible in these verses because the Greek article “the” before the noun “hand” in the prepositional phrase “in the hand” renders “hand” in the accusative case. According to Wesley Perschbacher’s New Analytical Greek Lexicon (#1909), “‘epi’,...with the acc., upon”. Learn New Testament Greek by John H. Dobson, states that "epi" means “on, on top of” (“Prepositions followed by an accusative case”, p. 186). In other words, when the preposition ‘epi’ is present with a noun in the accusative case, its meaning is "upon, on." Had God meant "in the hand" or "in the forehead," He would have used a different Greek word - "en" (Cf. Strong's Concordance #1909 and #1722).
There is yet another source which confirms that the Mark is placed ON, not IN, the hand or forehead:
2. Strong's Concordance
The Greek word for "mark" in all of the above verses is "charagma". Strong's Concordance defines "charagma" as a "stamp" that is branded, imprinted or engraved ON the individual's forehead or hand (rather than implanted in the skin).
5480 charagma {khar'-ag-mah}
from the same as 5482: TDNT - 9:416,1308; n n
AV - mark 8, graven 1; 9
1) a stamp, an imprinted mark
1a) of the mark stamped ON the forehead or the right hand as the badge of the followers of the Antichrist
1b) the mark branded UPON horses
2) thing carved, sculpture, graven work
2a) of idolatrous images
See also: The Mark of the Beast: Tattoos & Branding
3. Biblical precedents
It is also important to look at precedents in the Scriptures where a visible mark was given to people, such as the mark of Cain and the mark placed on the foreheads of the men of Jerusalem:
“And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.” (Gen. 4:15)
“And the LORD said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof.” (Ezek. 9:4)
There is yet a another consideration which should be taken into account:
4. Bible Prophecy
The book of Revelation places compulsory reception of the Mark of the Beast in chapter 13, after the seven seal judgments and seven trumpet judgments have taken place. By the time the Mark of the Beast becomes mandatory on a global scale, over one half of the earth will have been decimated, including the current systems of advanced technology that are gearing up for the microchip implant.
Revelation 11:18 refers to nations which have destroyed the earth: And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged...and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. The report, Heeding Bible Prophecy: Understanding the Book of Revelation, reveals that the occult plan for the New Age is to go *back to the future* -- to revert mankind to the pre-flood days of Noah and ultimately to the Garden of Eden.
The rationale (or rather irrationale!) for destroying the earth is the Gnostic belief that the world was created by an evil Demiurge and that this material world is inherently evil. In order for man to transcend matter and attain to godhood, the material world must be annihilated. We are not making this up. Many statements by New Agers indicate an irrational plan to destroy the planet.
For example, Richard Kirby wrote in The Mission of Mysticism:
"Christians know that a man must die to himself before he born again in spirit. It may well be that mankind as a whole must be crucified, even unto death, before coming into its inheritance... Christians can say with Teilhard de Chardin, that death itself is beneficent, the only way to grow beyond forms which have served their limited purpose..., but with the serious and the worried, they look upon the possible extermination of the human race secure in the knowledge that it could be but a prelude to the resurrection of the species." 9.
More evidence of of the New Age Plan to sacrifice mankind to Lucifer is presented in: A Sacred Assembly, specifically in part 2, The Luciferic Initiation.
During the first half of the Tribulation period, the microchip implant will serve the ends of the New World Order as a counterfeit mark of the beast. To further deceive the masses, a *false* Antichrist and *false* False Prophet will also be staged and judged at mid-Tribulation by the *real* Antichrist, who poses as *The Christ.*
At mid-Tribulation, after approximately one half of the world has been devastated, mankind will be forced to revert to a system of barter and exchange which, even now, appears to be in the planning stages. 10. The true mark of the beast--the 6-pointed star and other variations of the 666 motif--will be tattooed upon those who give their allegiance to Satan at the Luciferic initiation.
Tattoos are an ancient tradition of pagan initiation rites. The tattoo bonds the initiate with the entity symbolized by the tattoo and enables him to communicate with that demonic power. The meaning and function of tattoos in initiation rites are explained in Chevalier's Dictionary of Symbols, which defines the tattoo as "the permanent mark of that initiation."
"In some pictures of a tattooed man we are faced by a permanent prayer to and identification with the heavenly powers, at the same time as a basic means of communication with them. Such is the most generalized meaning of tattooing bestowed in consequence of a rite of initiation which allows this communication to take place. At the same time, this initiation is a rite of admission into a social group and the tattoo is the permanent mark of that initiation, the badge of the tribe.
"All in all, tattooing belongs among symbols of identification and is interfused with all their magic and mystic potency. Identification always carries a double meaning: it tends to invest the individual concerned with the properties and strength of the creature or thing to which that person is assimilated and, at the same time, to immunize the latter against its potential power to cause harm. This is why tattoos depict dangerous creatures such as serpents or scorpions, or animals which are symbols of fertility, such as bulls or of power, such as lions, and so on. Identification also carries a sense of surrender or even of consecration to whatever the tattoo symbolically depicts. It then becomes a badge of fealty." 11.
Like a wedding band which represents an indissoluble union of two people, the initiate's tattoo "becomes a badge of fealty" to the "creature or thing to which that person is assimilated". Since Lucifer aspires to be "like God", in his pride he will orchestrate a counterfeit fulfillment of the Bible prophecies concerning Jesus Christ. The terminology used in the Dictionary of Symbols to describe the initiation tattoo suggests that Lucifer will bond his followers to himself in a sacred marriage rite --- the Satanic equivalent of the Marriage of the Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ, to His Bride.
Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. Rev. 19:7
In the unlikely event that modern technology is still functioning globally come mid-Tribulation, when the Mark of the Beast is required for buying and selling, this mark will still be a tattoo or brand that is imprinted ON the skin rather than an implant IN the skin. Plans for such a tattoo have been registered with the The U.S. Department of Commerce Patent and Trademark Office which currently posts an "abstract for a Method for verifying human identity during electronic sale transactions".
"A method is presented for facilitating sales transactions by electronic media. A bar code or a design is tattooed on an individual. Before the sales transaction can be consummated, the tattoo is scanned with a scanner. Characteristics about the scanned tattoo are compared to characteristics about other tattoos stored on a computer database in order to verify the identity of the buyer. Once verified, the seller may be authorized to debit the buyer's electronic bank account in order to consummate the transaction. The seller's electronic bank account may be similarly updated... The tattoo itself can be of any convenient shape or size. The invention works best when the tattoo is unique because no other means of identification are necessary. Although an invisible ink could be used, the invention would work equally well with a tattoo that is visible to the human eye..." 12.
Perhaps anticipating this technology, Uth Stuph Creative Resources -- the premier Christian T-shirt design and custom apparel screen printing company for Christian youth ministries and church youth groups in the United States -- has already designed a bar code logo with three hexagons (666) and a six-pointed star! 13.
Revelation 13:16 states that the Mark of the Beast will be mandatory for "all, both small and great." And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that it should give them a mark ON their right hand, or ON their foreheads... Sadly, children will not be spared from receiving the mark - nor will adolescents.
The fact is that many pseudo-Christian organizations are even now preparing young people to receive the mark of the Beast. Tattoos are all the rage among unsaved teenagers and, tragically, they are even becoming popular among Christian youth groups -- despite God's prohibition in Leviticus 19:28: Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.
The logos presented on the Uth Stuph web site incorporate so much occult symbolism along with Christian themes that many would be ideal as tattoos or marks of the Beast for the masses of apostate Christendom. These occult logos could easily be converted to tattoos that would fulfill the requirement to display the name, number or mark (symbol) of the Beast.
Conspicuously absent in the Uth Stuph offerings is mention of Jesus Christ. There are only references to "Christ", an entity of the generic variety that will be peddled to the masses during the Tribulation period. Pantheism has been custom designed not just for Satanists and liberal Methodist goddess worshipers, but comes in Evangelical and Charismatic packages as well.
At mid-Tribulation, everyone will be required to get a tattoo in order to buy or sell. We project that, in the free market economies, there will be a large selection of designer tattoos reflecting the esoteric concepts of the *new religious movements* (cults) that are now becoming respectable. Tattoos will become fashion statements and a new class of tattoo artists will become wealthy offering - for a price - occult logos worn by the rich and famous.
Designer tattoos will also generate a lot of business from the worldly Laodicean Church which, having no doctrinal criteria for matters of faith and practice, has allowed the world system to infiltrate and control their churches. For these apostates, there will likely be a selection of more subtly occult designs mixed with Christian terminology, if they don't like the highly occultic symbols worn by New Agers. Yea, designer tattoos will become ever more popular as state-sponsored 501(c)(3) churches -- many of which are led by Generation-X pastors, who are guided by popular opinion and driven by market demand -- become centers of devil worship in the global religious system.
And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. Rev. 9:20,21
A Christian artist, Lynn Kistler, first alerted us to Uth Stuph Creative Resources and did some preliminary research on their logos. It seems the youth group that the Kistler's teenage children formerly attended was promoting this esoteric merchandise along with hard rock music groups such as Payable on Death.
P.O.D.'s logo, which is displayed on their web site, is the occult triquetra (aka triskele) -- an artistic representation of 666, which is nearly identical to the logo of Live the Call. *Live the Call* is the official follow-up organization for *The Call, D.C.*, the September 2000 event which launched The Elijah Revolution, which portends the future mobilization of Christian youth as *Joel's Army*.
Very similar in design is the logo for Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (EMNR), supposedly a cult-watchdog but in reality a cult apology network. In other words, EMNR's *ministry* is to reimage cults as respectable; they are no longer cults, with the implication of occultism and other negative connotations, but *new religions.*
Members of EMNR are encouraged to display the occultic EMNR logo:
"In addition to the benefits inherent in the stated purpose, members receive a quarterly email newsletter, a free subscriptions to The Watchman Expositor magazine, participation in our annual summit conference, discounts to our annual conference and on other items made available through cooperating organizations, and authorization to display the EMNR logo on your letterhead or products to indicate to others your cooperation and accountability with other ministries." 14.
To say that ENNR's Doctrinal Statement is revealing would be an understatement:
"Evangelical Ministries to New Religions adheres to the doctrinal standards and practices as set forth in the Lausanne Covenant, the Manila Manifesto and the Amsterdam Affirmations. The Lausanne Covenant was ratified at the International Congress on World Evangelization, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, in July 1974." 15.
According to the Apologetics Index, EMNR was actually founded to implement the Lausanne Covenant:
“Founded in 1982 as a fellowship of evangelical Christian ministries in North America to the cults and new religions. EMNR was born in an effort to practically implement Affirmation 7 of the Lausanne Covenant: ‘We urge the development of regional and functional cooperation for the furtherance of the Church's mission, for strategic planning, for mutual encouragement, and for the sharing of resources and experience.’” 16.
The Lausanne Consultation on World Evangelism (LCWE) is the subject of The World Christian Movement 17. which explains how the ecumenical movement developed before the first Lausanne Consultation convened in 1974 under the leadership of Billy Graham. However, there is some vital information missing from this expose that is available in the Billy Graham Center archives.
Firstly, there is no mention in WCM of the Evangelical Alliance, founded in 1846, which was revived as the World Evangelical Fellowship in 1951. Nor does WCM inform the reader that Anglican leader and theologian, John Stott "provided a biblical outline of the threefold purpose of WEF [and] later drafted the historic Lausanne Covenant, 1974." as stated by W. Harold Fuller, vice-chair of the WEF International Council in his article, "From the Evangelical Alliance to the World Evangelical Fellowship." 18.
Since the reader of WCM is never informed that the Evangelical Alliance/WEF is the source of Lausanne, it would never come to his/her attention that the Evangelical Alliance was founded at the United Grand Lodge of England headquarters at Freemason Hall, London. This is a huge fact which is documented in several archived resources at the World Evangelical Fellowship and the Billy Graham Center. Harold Fuller's article documented Freemason Hall as the venue of EA's founding in a footnote. David Howard, former International Director of the World Evangelical Fellowship, wrote in "The Dream That Would Not Die: The birth and growth of the World Evangelical Fellowship 1846-1986":
“It was an impressive sight. 800 Christians, who had gathered in Freemason's Hall, Great Queen Street, London, in August, 1846, were standing to shake hands and sing the Doxology. They had just voted to establish what has been called 'a new thing in Church history--a definite organization for the expression of unity amongst Christian individuals belonging to different churches… They called it 'The Evangelical Alliance…'" 19.
The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) is the headquarters of International Freemasonry. Little wonder that the World Evangelical Fellowship, which today represents 160 million evangelical Christians, also serves as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Special Consultative Status with UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
Why is the real source of Lausanne not correctly identified by Al Dager in The World Christian Movement? And why was Jewel van der Merwe an EMNR Conference speaker in 1994 and 1996? Dave Hunt also spoke at the 1996 EMNR Conference. Arnold Fructenbaum, director of Ariel Ministries, served as coordinator of the Lausanne Consolation on Jewish Evangelism (LCJE) for seven years. Sandy Simpson of Deception in the Church (DITC) is a full-time missionary with Liebenzell Missions, a member of the Lausanne-connected Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association (IFMA). The Evangelical Alliance Mission and U.S. Center for World Mission are also members of IFMA. To see the connections of many so-called discernment ministries with the Lausanne Movement, check out The New Age Ties of the Discernment and Apologetics Ministries. These connections explain why many of the organizations that should be exposing the Mark of the Beast are instead promoting it.
Returning to Uth Stuph...
In the sections of this report which follow are many examples of the more occultic logos marketed by Uth Stuph Creative Resources. For most of these logos, the esoteric interpretations are explained with relevant statements from occult sources. Remember, Uth Stuph is “the premier resource provider” of designs that “creatively communicate Christ” for Christian youth ministries. Christian parents should wonder what "Christ" is communicated by pyramids, pentagrams, hexagons, Tau crosses and phoenixes, to name a few of the rather blatantly occult symbols which are displayed on the apparel sold to Christian youth by Uth Stuph.
The occult "underground" that is about to surface globally as the occult "establishment" does not want Christians to discover that the Mark of the Beast is an OCCULT SYMBOL. To this end, they have strategized well in advance to brainwash the Christian community that the Mark will be a microchip implant. However, the bottom line is this: the chip implant does not fit the Scriptural parameters for this mark. What must the Christian do when the popular propaganda contradicts the Word of God? "Let him that hath understanding" (Rev. 13:18) allow God to have the final Word on the subject.
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. I Cor. 2:12,13
And it causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the bondmen, that it should give them a mark {charagma} ON their right hand, or ON their foreheads; and that no one should be able to buy or to sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of its name. Here wisdom is. He who has understanding let him count the number of the beast: for it is a man's number; and its number is 666. Rev. 13:16-18
A few comments from Lynn Kistler about the Uth Stuph logos found in Designer Marks Part 1:
Lets face it, there is only so many ways to design, so many shapes to work with. However, the pentagram and especially the hexagram are used a LOT by UPH STUPH.
Superman is a big theme (also using an "S" = "Set"?). Also waves in use with a 3's, The 3rd Wave? (3 is used in artistic arrangement). The Earth Tourist with the cross marked on the forehead is UNBELIEVABLE and goes with the alien theme. Also the 3 hexagrams with the bar code. And backwards writing.
When I think of the "odds" that certain things "standout" and are used more often (example T, S, X with 26 letters to choose from), I can't help but "feel" something is happening here. Then the 666's start popping out.
I also noticed "swirls." Cathy Burns, Masonic & Occult Symbols Illustrated 20., p. 268, displays a coven of witches worshiping Lucifer who is represented by a swirling white light. Cupid (the god, Eros) is found in the love section (nothing "strange" about that?). Uth Stuph Creative Resources uses a lot of crosses in circles (Knights Templar symbol) though not as direct as the pictures in Burns' book (p. 349).
When one takes each Uth Stuph picture alone, it looks like I am being nit picky. But when you look at them as a whole, there is a "spirit/attitude" and agenda here that doesn't seem right. There are some that are REALLY BAD, but most are very subtle. Like I said previously, art can only use so many colors and shapes and the number 3 give good balance, but then it also is more subtle and less apt for people to evaluate easily.
Also, anything with a flag/patriotic theme "legitimately" hides a ton of symbols (pentagram, etc.) Here and there, there are some that are BLATANTLY obvious to those familiar with occult symbols and this validates (in my mind) scrutinizing the others further, even though to some extent I may be stretching things.
I know that they are going with what is "popular" and perhaps aren't aware just how "popular" the occult is - BUT, what is popular is a lot of Satanic symbols. I want to believe they are doing this in ignorance, but I guess it must be willful ignorance to some extent.
Designer Marks Part I >>>
Recommended Reading:
The Six-Pointed Star: The Mark of the Beast
The Mark of the Beast: Tattoos & Branding
1. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Charleston, A.M. 5632, p. 819.
2. "Masonic Symbols of Power in Their Seat of Power: Washington, D.C.", Cutting Edge Ministries:
3. Arthur W. Pink, The Attributes of God, Baker Book House, 1930.
4. McLaughlin, Corinne & Gordon Davidson. Spiritual Politics: Changing the World From the Inside Out, NY: Ballantine Books, 1994, p. 246.
5. Albert Pike, op.cit., p. 102.
6. H. P. Blavatsky, Theosophical Glossary, London, 1892, Los Angeles, CA: The Theosophy Company, 1990, p. 246.
7. "Oh, Gods!" Toby Lester, The Atlantic Monthly, Feb. 2002, p. 43.
8. Interlinear Greek-English New Testament: King James Version, George Ricker Berry, Baker Book House, 17th Printing, 1994. This interlinear may be purchased from Amazon Used Books (prices start at $12.95):
Alibris Used Books (prices start at $26.95):
The George Ricker Berry Greek Interlinear New Testament [without the English text] is available online at:
9. Richard Kirby, The Mission of Mysticism, Society For Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1979, pp. 201-2.
10. Watch Unto Prayer, Heeding Bible Prophecy: Economy: Barter and Exchange System: economy.html#barter
11. Chevalier, Jean. The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols. Penguin Books, 1996, pp. 975-6.
12.U.S. Department of Commerce Patent and Trademark Office, United States Patent #5,878,155, Thomas W. Heeter (55 Lyerly, Houston, TX 77022) Appl. No.: 709471, Filed: September 5, 1996.
13. Uth Stuph Creative Resources:
14. Evangelical Ministries to New Religions:
15. EMNR Doctrinal Statement:
16. Apologetics Index: Evangelical Ministries to New Religions:
17. "The World Christian Movement," Albert James Dager, Media Spotlight, April, 1999,
18. “From the Evangelical Alliance to the World Evangelical Fellowship: 150 years of unity with a mission,” W. Harold Fuller, International Bulletin of Missionary Research, October, 1996. W. Harold Fuller is vice-chair of the WEF International Council and author of the updated history of the EA and WEF, People of the Mandate (Carlisle, U.K.: Paternoster; Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996). [Can be purchased for $2.95 from the Northern Light Special Collection: or contact Watch Unto Prayer for full text of article:
19. "The Dream That Would Not Die: The birth and growth of the World Evangelical Fellowship 1846-1986," David, M. Howard, The Paternoster Press, 1986, ff. p. 7. [See: Billy Graham Center Archives: ] David Howard was President of the Latin America Mission, as Missions Director of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Director of the Urbana conventions, as International Director of the World Evangelical Fellowship.
20. Dr. Cathy Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, Sharing, 212 E. Seventh St., Mt. Carmel, PA, 17851-2211. Price $21.95
I Do Not Want to Join Wicca Anymore.
A Purposeful Research into - hmm, Perhaps by God?
The Devil's Music
"It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools." -Ecclesiastes 7:5
Satanic Quotes by Rock Musicians
Imagine (John Lennon's unrealistic fantasy. Also, comments about McCartney's Satanic album cover...RAM)
The Satanic Roots of Rock by Donald Phau
Carlos Santana and Demonism!
Ozzy Osbourne EXPOSED!
Ozzy Osbourne: The Rest of the Story (One of today's hottest celebrities is Ozzy Osbourne. MTV's reality program on The Osbournes is currently the most watched cable program on TV. The Osbournes even won an Emmy for best Reality program. Ozzy is now the darling of the media and Hollywood. Even the President of the United States has recently honored Ozzy. But there's more to Ozzy Osbourne than most people know. Much more. Here is "the rest of the story" about Ozzy Osbourne).
Order "Hell's Bells" Video (Journey through the dark side of rock as Hell's Bells unmasks the message behind the music. There you will look squarely into the face of something beyond the human potential - the spiritual power of rock and roll.)
Hell's Bells Transcript: Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Perverted Teen Idols (If you think Ozzy or Marilyn Manson are the only threats to your child, think again.)
The Sickening Truth About Marilyn Manson
The Creepy Marilyn Manson
The Men Who Rejected Jesus Christ
Is Marilyn Manson to Blame for the Columbine Killings?
The Blasphemous Music of Harvey Danger
Music - The Beat of Society
Rock Music Resources
Freddie Mercury (lead singer of Queen) Dies at 45 of AIDS (Read the sad testimony about Freddie's reckless life of sodomy, fornication, illegal drugs and materialism. He died in London in his $4,000,000 home in 1991. He carried none of his wealth beyond the grave. He had such a beautiful voice, but used his talents for the devil. How sad! How tragic! Where is Freddie Mercury now? Hell!)
The Nature of Rock Music and the Future of CCM (Carnal "Christian" Music)
Rock Music and 666
Christian or Satanic?
"I'd Prefer The Devil"
Christian Rock, Blessing or Blasphemy?
Rock Music Kills!
Christian Rock: Blessing or Blasphemy (updated with more artists, more pictures and now with RealAudio music clips. Some of this stuff you've just got to see and hear to believe it!)
Michael Jackson: The Man With Many Faces
Aleister Crowley and Rock N' Roll
Aleister Crowley's Influence in Music
The Sinister Aleister Crowley
Why People Are So Confused About God
It's Time For Me To Fly (by REO Speedwagon)
The Beach Boys and Satan
Prince now a Demonic Jehovah's Witness
The Beatles are of the Devil
The Love of Money and Rock 'N' Roll
Aerosmith Promotes Homosexuality
Elton John's Twisted Concept of God
Elton John, Bernie Taupin, and Witchcraft
The Danger of Music Idols
Kurt Cobain of Nirvana says, "Get stoned and worship Satan!"
Country Music Hypocrites! (Willie Nelson Sings, Kneel At The feet Of Jesus; but then sings his homosexual hit, Cowboys Are Secretly, Frequently Fond of each Other. Sickening!)
George Harrison's False god
ROCKUMENTARY (Prepare to be shocked!)
The Demonic Led Zeppelin (Guitarist Jimmy Page of Zeppelin is a devout follower of Satanist, Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed himself as "The Beast 666." In 1971, guitarist Jimmy Page bought Crowley’s Boleskine House on the shore of Loch Ness where Crowley practiced his Hellish, Satanic sex-magick rituals, including human sacrifices.)
Dolly Parton Sings Led Zeppelin!
Johnny Cash Sings Danzig!
Rock Music is the Devil's Advocate
So-called "Christian" Group "DC Talk"
Rock And Roll Music Moves People ("Rockers" tell like it is.)
Christian Rock: Questions and Answers
Rock Music and 666 (Rock music for years has propagated 666 — The Mark of the Beast. Here's the proof.)
Gotee Records (co-founded by Toby McKeehan of dc Talk) re-releases Godspell. (For the first time ever, a "Christian" company is distributing Godspell. Godspell claims to be based on the Gospel according to Matthew — but is it?)
Michael W. Smith's song is disqualified from the Dove Awards! (Find out why the Gospel Music Association (GMA) disqualified Smith's song "Love Me Good" from the song-of-the-year nomination. This one is a shocker!)
Premature Death of Rock Stars (A detailed list of over 300 rock star's death. Includes summary of causes. The Average Age at Death of Americans is 75.8 years. The Average Age at Death of a rock star is only 36.9 years. Very interesting.) More
Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?
CCM artist Steve Camp "nails" CCM. (CCM artist Steve Camp calls for reformation in the CCM Industry. Camp lists the compromise, Satanic infiltration and perversion in CCM.)
Elvis or Evils?
Beatles Named "Icons of Century" (Sadly, they were icons of rebellion and immorality)
Hell Inside the Earth (This is where the religion of immoral sex, substance abuse, and Devilish music will take you!)
Patricia (Kennealy) Morrison of the Doors was a Wiccan Witch!
Neko Case sings, "It's the Devil I love"
Madonna Worships Satan!
Rock Music And Mice (Heavy Metal drove them insane!)
The Rolling Stones and Satanism
The Curse of Demon Possessed Musicians
And the world passeth away... (the suicide of Boston singer, Brad Delp, is just another tragic example of where the Rock-N-Roll religion leads!)
More Satanism... the band KILLERS
Country Music Television (CMT) is of the Devil
How Can Music Be Demonically Inspired?
John Todd - a former Illuminatist: The Witchcraft of Rock & Roll (free 28 Min. Video - Who is John Todd? Here's a newer 39 minute version.)
Goth Will Destroy Your Child
The Dixie Chicks are of the Devil (Band member, Natalie Maines, says... "I'm probably richer than God, maybe he should come to me!")
Rock Music and Witchcraft
Rock 'n' Roll's Hall of Shame
Beyonce Knowles is of the Devil
Bree Sharp: A Cheap And Evil Girl
It's A Freak Show!
David Bowie in Rolling Stone magazine (Feb. 12, 1976), stunned the music world, when he stated:
"Rock has always been THE DEVIL'S MUSIC . . . I believe rock and roll is dangerous . . . I feel we're only heralding SOMETHING EVEN DARKER THAN OURSELVES." (Rolling Stone, Feb. 12, 1976)
Freddie Mercury Pictured Above (Lead singer of Queen)
Led Zeppelin
(Left clockwise to Right: Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Bonham, John Paul Jones)
Hear backward Satanic Lyrics of Led Zeppelin
More Backward Masking
The Rock N' Roll Death List
Photo to left: Most people recognize the Satanic hand sign which John Lennon is making at the bottom right; but, few people realize that the "ok" sign which Paul McCartney is making at the bottom left is also very Satanic. The "ok" sign is actually three 6's, each of the three vertical fingers forming an individual 6. 666!
Paul McCartney said, "We probably seem to be anti-religious. . . none of us believes in God." (Hit Parader, Jan 1970, p.15)
John Lennon, in his book, A Spaniard in the Works, portrays Jesus Christ as, "Jesus El Pifico, a garlic-eating, stinking little yellow, greasy fascist bastard catholic Spaniard." (A Spaniard in the Works, p.14).
Lennon also made that infamous statement, "Christianity will go, it will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and will be proved right. . . .We're more popular than Jesus now." (San Francisco Chronicle, April 13, 1966, p.26)
The cover of Sgt. Pepper's showed the Beatles with a background of, according to Ringo Starr, people "we like and admire" (Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14). Paul McCartney said of Sgt. Pepper's cover, ". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROES . . ." (Musician, Special Collectors Edition, - Beatles and Rolling Stones, 1988, p.12). One of the Beatle's heroes included on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's was — the infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley! Most people, especially in 1967, did not even know who Crowley was — but the Beatles certainly did.
Click here for larger picture Sgt. Pepper
". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROES . . ."
"Hero" Aleister Crowley is second from left on the top row:
The Beatles apparently took Crowley's teaching very serious — Beatle John Lennon, in an interview, says the "whole idea of the Beatles" was — Crowley's infamous "do what thou wilt":
"The whole Beatle idea was to do what you want, right? To take your own responsibility, do what you want and try not to harm other people, right? DO WHAT THOU WILST, as long as it doesn't hurt somebody. . ." ("The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono", by David Sheff and G. Barry Golson, p. 61)
Frank Zappa made the following statement, "If you want to get together in any exclusive situation and have people love you, fine - but to hang all this desperate sociology on the idea of The Cloud-Guy who has The Big Book, who knows if you've been bad or good - and CARES about any of it - to hang it all on that, folks, is the chimpanzee part of the brain working."
Frank Zappa -The Man Without God
Rocker Frank Zappa (who discovered the awful truth December 4, 1993 the second he died) proudly boasted:
"I'm the devil's advocate. We have our own worshippers who are called 'groupies.' Girls will give their bodies to musicians as you would give a sacrifice to a god." (Peters Brothers, What About Christian Rock, p. 17)
One of the top songs of the 70's was "Hotel California" by the Eagles. Most people have no idea the song refers to the Church of Satan, which happens to be located in a converted HOTEL on CALIFORNIA street! On the inside of the album cover, looking down on the festivities, is Anton LaVey (pictured to left), the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible! People say, the Eagles aren't serious, they're just selling records. That's what you think! The Eagles manager, Larry Salter, admitted in the Waco Tribune-Herald, (Feb. 28, 1982) that the Eagles were involved with the Church of Satan! Not surprisingly, one of the Eagle's songs is titled "Have A Good Day in Hell."
"For Marilyn Manson fans and people who are affected a lot by this music, the idea of somebody like Satan doesn't necessarily represent evil..." -Marilyn Manson (Source -interview, Ozzy Meets Marilyn Manson, 1997)
The Truth About Marilyn Manson (real name, Brian Warner)
Manson, an ordained "reverend" in the Church of Satan, mutilates himself on stage (1 Kings 18:28), rips-up the Holy Bible, and spews "blasphemies" against the Lord Jesus Christ. Manson's T-Shirts declare,
This is an album cover by the rock band Dio. The album is called Holy Diver. Dio's singer is former Black Sabbath frontman Ronnie James. The Satan character is clearly displaying the same hand signal.
Above and Below: OzzFest 2002 (Notice the Pentagram on Dimmu's arm above. Album cover shown below)
Ozzy Osborne (pictured at left and right) is well-known for using Satanic imagery to sell his works of darkness, yet oddly Ozzy denies being a Satanist. One thing is for certain Mr. Osborne...your music is Satanic!
"I've now been sued by about 25 people who claim their kids committed suicide from listening to my music." -Ozzy Osbourne (Source -interview, Ozzy Meets Marilyn Manson, 1997)
Ozzy denies being responsible for any deaths, claiming that his music doesn't make people crazy, it just gives crazy people a vehicle to ride on. The Supreme Court defended Ozzy on the basis of Free Speech. We're talking about teenagers here who killed themselves.
This should be a clear WARNING to all parents to get involved with what their kids are listening to and watching. Only God knows the total number of young people who have died as a result of Satanic music's influence.
The Men Who Rejected Jesus Christ
"Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols (musical instruments). But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream." -Amos 5:23,24
ONE OF THE devil's key stratagems in turning America against God was to get to the Mother Country first, and then employ her in our demise. An applicable cultural trait of the last days is "without natural affection" (2nd Timothy 3:3). Can anyone calculate the degree of permanent damage inflicted upon the morals of my generation by Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Mick Jagger and other satanic participants of the so-called "British Invasion"? (The same would apply to later waves led by the likes of Sir Elton John, etc.)
SOURCE: How Satan Turned America Against God; by Dr. William P. Grady; pg. 415; 2005; ISBN: 0-9628809-3-0
There is a definite spirit invoked in rock music, secular or Christian — and it's NOT the Holy Spirit! And many times, people involved in rock music get "caught up in this unholy spirit"!
During a 1993 Oprah Winfrey interview, Michael Jackson, explained the reason for some of his filthy sexual gestures during his concerts:
"It happens subliminally. IT'S THE MUSIC THAT COMPELS ME TO DO IT. You don't think about it, it just happens. I'M SLAVE TO THE RHYTHM."
(The Evening Star, Feb. 11, 1993, p. A10)
Nothing about the lyrics! It's the MUSIC!
How can the Holy Spirit of the Bible use such wicked, fleshly music!
Regardless of the lyrics!
In Smash Hits magazine, Bon Jovi says: ". . . I'd kill my mother for rock and roll. I WOULD SELL MY SOUL."
“We receive our songs by inspiration, like at a séance” (Keith Richards of the ROLLING STONES, Rolling Stone, May 5, 1977, p. 55).
"The throbbing beat of rock provides a vital sexual release for adolescent audiences." (Jan Berry)
"Pop music is sex, and you have to hit them in the face with it." (Andrew Oldham, recording manager for the 'Rolling Stones')
"We take kids away from their parents and their environment to where the only reality is the rhythm and the beat." (Donnie Brewer of Grand Funk)
"Rock music is a greater influence over the souls of men than primitive Christianity." (John Denver)
"Sex is where its at in music... and I like it." (Johnny Bristol)
"I’ve always thought that the main ingredients in rock are sex, really good stage shows and really sassy music, Sex and sass, I think that’s where it’s at." (Debbie Harry, lead singer with Blondie)
"I'm in rock music for the sex and narcotics." (Glenn Frey of 'The Eagles')
"Rock 'n' roll is 99% sex." (John Oates)
" meditate and you got the candles, you got the incense and you've been chanting, and all of a sudden you hear this voice: 'Write this down'" (Carlos Santana, Rolling Stone magazine, March 16, 2000, p. 41)
"Everyone takes it for granted that rock and roll is synonymous with sex." (Chris Stein, lead guitarist with 'Blondie.')
"Rock music is sex. The beat matches the body rhythms." (Frank Zappa, superstar of 'Mothers of Invention' fame.)
"Rock concerts are the churches of today." (Guitarist Craig Chaquico of the group 'Jefferson Starship.')
“I felt like a hollow temple filled with many spirits, each one passing through me, each inhabiting me for a little time and then leaving to be replaced by another” (John Lennon, People, Aug. 22, 1988, p. 70).
The song "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones, is the official anthem for the Church of Satan. In it, Lucifer speaks in the first person and asks sympathy for all who meet him. Lead singer, Mick Jagger claims that Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible, helped inspire their music! Their album titled, "Their Satanic Majesties Request", leaves no doubt to their allegiance!
Pink Floyd sings, in the song "Sheep",
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . .
With bright knives he RELEASETH MY SOUL
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places . . .
For lo, he hath great power and GREAT HUNGER."
"The strongest appeal you can make is emotionally. If you can get their emotions going, make them forget their logic, you've got them. AT MTV, WE DON'T SHOOT FOR THE 14-YEAR OLDS, WE OWN THEM." (MTV is Rock Around the Clock, Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 3, 1982)
The Curse of Demon Possessed Musicians
Kurt Donald Cobain (1967-1994, suicide), leader of the super popular rock band Nirvana, has been described as “rather a sickly, underdeveloped figure of a young man who got picked on a lot” (Nick Kent, The Dark Stuff, Ca Capo Press, New York, 1994, p. 341). So strong was Cobain’s desire to be respected and accepted, that Cobain would sell his soul to the Devil for the price of fame. For starters, Kurt Cobain made no qualms about who he was serving when he made it known publicly that his stated goal was to “get stoned and worship Satan” (op. cit. Sandford, p. 42). Cobain, like other Satanists, also had a penchant for the desecration of churches. Cobain with his bass player Chris Novoselic, spray-painted “GOD IS GAY” on a church building (Ibid. pp. 57, 165). Cobain, according to Rolling Stone, would also spray-paint “HOMO SEXUAL SEX RULES” on a bank. Rolling Stone further reported that other favorite graffiti included “GOD IS GAY” and “ABORT CHRIST” (Rolling Stone, Inside the Heart & Mind of Nirvana, by Michael Azerrad, April 16, 1992).
Cobain “decorated” his apartment as he explained, “with baby dolls hanging by their necks with blood all over them” (op. cit. Cobain, Sandford, p. 54). Rolling Stone would further report that “Cobain made a Satanic-looking doll and hung it from a noose in his window” (Rolling Stone, Inside the Heart & Mind of Nirvana, by Michael Azerrad, April 16, 1992). The fact that Cobain was considered some kind of national or even international hero well illustrates the wicked depths of depravity to which the human heart has sunk. While Cobain may have influenced some for evil through graffiti on churches, it was through his music that tens-of-millions of people would be influenced by the Satanic beings that used him like a pawn in a much bigger game. Cobain’s involvement in black magic and witchcraft would escalate to the point that Cobain would begin casting spells in an effort to see his will done (op. cit. Sandford, p. 172).
Cobain was "obsessed with Anton LaVey" (Mojo Magazine, Sept. 1999, p. 86). Anton LaVey was the founder of the Church of Satan and the author of the Satanic Bible. So obsessed was Cobain with Satanist Anton LaVey that he sought to enlist LaVey by having him play cello on Nirvana's Nevermind album!
It's a Freak Show!
What About Christian Rock?
"Christian Rock? There ain't no such animal!"--Evangelist Lester Roloff
All Satan's Apples Have Worms!
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." -1st John 2:15
Believe it or not! Here's Amy Grant, on the Michael W. Smith, In Concert (Reunion Records, 1985) video tape flashing the "Satanic salute." This is NOT the sign language for "I love you", where the thumb is openly extended. Amy deliberately flashes the "satanic salute" at least two separate times on the video, displaying it for several seconds. Amy is promoting Satan. There is a definite spirit invoked in rock music, secular or Christian - and it's NOT the Holy Spirit! And many times, people involved in rock music get "caught up in this unholy spirit"! Amy is no Christian.
Jeff Godwin's Website (Freedom Ministries)
What's Wrong with Christian Rock? (Free Video)
Christian Rock Music Exposed: Part 1 Part 2 Part3
Christian Music Guidelines -- Music Philosophy (many more articles on
An Honest Letter From A Secular Industrial Musician (Christians wake up!)
CCM Musician Exalts Pope and Tradition Equal With Scripture
Charismatic Music Permeating the Churches
Christian Rock - Blessing or Blasphemy? -by Terry Watkins
Christian Rock Music - Christian or Satanic?
Christian Rock Or An Excuse for Christians to Rock? - DC Talk Examined
Confusing Persecution With Correction
CCM Exposed
Whatever Happened to Godly Music?
Christian Music's Top Bottom
Contemporary Christian Music and Rome
Amy Grant-Exposed! (Amy says, "I’m a singer, not a preacher...I’M NOT LOOKING TO CONVERT ANYBODY")
Helpful Music Resources
Religious Rock
Johnny Cash-Exposed! (sings and promotes Danzig!)
Marsha Stevens is of the Devil (1st John 3:18)
"Christian" Rock -Paganism in the Church
Carman Exposed!
Online Database Articles on Music
Jesus Freak?
"Christian" Rap/Rock, in Jesus' Name
Top "Christian" Music Artists (hit rock bottom in God's eyes)
DC Talk and Marilyn Manson Dc Talk Exposed
TobyMac Exposed! (Sings devil's music in Jesus' name)
Welcome to the Freak Show (DC Talk's "Jesus Freak" video is blasphemous against Christ. Jesus Christ is NOT a freak Mr. McKeehan.)
The Philosophy of Contemporary Christian Music
Making Light of Jesus Christ - Freedom Ministries
Pop-Idiom Music in Worship and Evangelism - Peter Masters
Testimonies of Young People and Christian Rock - Dial-The-Truth Ministries
Dolly Parton Exposed (sings and promotes Led Zeppelin! Also read about Dolly's false gospel.)
Promoting Satan (Satan is working relentlessly to creep his way into every area of our lives, especially through music. Believers must TEST the spirits with the WORD OF GOD, 1st John 4:1)
Michael W. Smith EXPOSED!
Religious Rock; NOT, Christian Rock!
If the music is neutral, why did they dance? (a Battle Cry Article - If music is neutral, why did Russian youth dance during 'Christian' rock concert whose words they couldn't understand? It was the 'beat', not the message!)
Hip Hop from Hell
The Difference Between Good and Bad Music - by Alan Ives
Holy Soldier is Unholy! (professed Christians sing Led Zeppelin's hellish song "Rock-n-Roll")
Faith Hill EXPOSED! (She claims to be a spiritual Christian; but is featured in Playboy)
George Strait's Song "You'll Be There"
* What's Wrong With Copying The World?
* What's Wrong With My Excuses?
* The Dragon's Hot Breath - Unmasking the Awful Truth About "Christian" Rock Music (by Pastor Texe Marrs)
* "Christian" Rock is the Devil's Music
* Religious Rock... The Music of Devils In The Church
* The Unholy Legacy of The Beatles
Bill Gaither Promotes Homosexuality!
You Can't make Hip Hop Holy!
Rock 'n' Roll Worship Circus is of the Devil
Katy Perry: Gospel Singer to Apostate
Unholy Hip Hop ... Satan in the Church!
What About P. O. D? -by Terry Watkins
What's Wrong With Christian Rock? (video)
What's Wrong With Christian Rock's Fruit?
What's Wrong With Copying The World?
What's Wrong With My Excuses? -by Jeff Godwin
Rebecca St. James EXPOSED!
MercyMe - Enemies of God!
Third Day - Fools For Satan!
ZOEgirl Exposed!
ANGELS? (by Jack T. Chick)
Carrie Underwood Hypocritically Sings "Jesus Take The Wheel" (Underwood was recently featured in SELF Magazine's "Most Wanted Bodies." She's a wolf in sheep's clothing!)
Professed "Christian" Rock Band, As I Lay Dying -Featured at Ozzfest 2005!
What's Wrong with Christian Rock/Rap?
Holy Hip Hop Exposed!
Christian Rock is Evil
Questions and Answers about "Christian" Rock
Will listening to "rock music" send me to hell?
Have you contacted the CCM artists according to Matthew 18:15?
How can CCM lift up the Lord Jesus and yet be wrong?
What about soft-rock music like Steve Greene and Twila Paris?
Isn't it better for Christians to listen to Christian rock than Secular rock?
But isn't music neutral?
But aren't you limiting God?
Why should the Devil have all the good music?
Didn't Martin Luther and General William Booth use bar tunes in their music?
How can you reach lost young people with the "old" hymns?
What about the "thousands" of people getting saved at CCM concerts?
What's wrong with using rock as a tool to reach young people?
Why don't you quit being so negative and show some love?
Aren't you doing more harm than good attacking other Christians?
Aren't you causing divisions among Christians?
What gives you the right to judge the CCM artists?
Are you doing this because you don't like rock music?
Does the Bible give any Guidelines for Christian Music?
Christian music buyers turned off to gruesome CD covers (A Battle Cry Article - As 'Christian' rock starts imitating secular performers, some CD covers have become so gruesome that buyers don't want to take them home.)
Gospel Imposter - Kurt Carr EXPOSED! (says, "God on Michael Jackson's side!")
Modern Worship? (Fake worship leaders)
Dyke Lesbian, Marsha Stevens, and her ministry BALM (Born Again Lesbian Music) EXPOSED!
RELIGIOUS ROCK... The Music of Devil's in the CHURCH!!!
The Music of Balaam
STRYPER is of the Devil
CCM Hippie Freaks
The Barren CCM Industry
Jars of Clay are of the Devil
HARD MUSIC Magazine Exposed!
Proof that Christian Rock is of the Devil
Rock Music and Witchcraft
Christian Rock? (by Pastor David Sexton)
Reba McEntire and Ellen DeGeneres
Take the Contemporary Christian Music Test
The Devil's crowd knows "rock" is Evil...
David Bowie:
"Rock has always been THE DEVIL'S MUSIC. . ." (Rolling Stone, Feb. 12, 1976)
John Lennon:
"I've sold my soul to the DEVIL." (Ray Coleman, Lennon, p.256)
Little Richard:
"I'm the Rock 'n Roll singer that you heard about through the years. . . I was directed and commanded by another power. The power of DARKNESS. . . The power of the DEVIL. SATAN." (Charles White, The Life and Times of Little Richard, pp. 205-206)
Christian Rap
TobyMac Exposed (lead singer of DC Talk - a heathen punk who calls himself a "Christian")
DC Talk's Jesus Freak Video (learn the sickening truth)
"People there are, not a few, who have pipe organ abilities and make no more music for the causes of Christ than a wheezy saxophone in an idiot's hands." -Dr. R.G. Lee (from the needful sermon, PAYDAY SOMEDAY)
The Satanic Salute from P.O.D.'s album.
There is NOTHING even remotely Christian about Amy Grant.
Fanny Crosby is the greatest hymn writer that ever lived, writing over 9,000 songs! Before Fanny got saved, at 45 years old, she wrote many secular songs. But after she got saved -things were different...Here's what Fanny said about mixing Christian and worldly music:
"Sometimes I need to reject the music proposed for my songs because the musicians misunderstand that the Fanny Crosby who once wrote for the people in the saloons has merely changed the lyrics. Oh my no. The church must never sing it's songs to the melodies of the world."
- Fanny Crosby
And do you know why Fanny Crosby said that - because Fanny got saved! And God "hath put a NEW SONG in my mouth, even PRAISE unto our God" inside the NEW Fanny Crosby! Fanny Crosby wrote over 9,000 songs to the Lord! Fanny used over 200 different pen names because she wanted to make sure God got the glory and not her.
Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim!
Hail Him! Hail Him! Highest archangels in Glory;
Strength and honor give to His holy name!
Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,
In His arms He carries them all day long;
Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness;
Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!
-- Fanny J. Crosby
There is no such thing as “Christian” rock music. Just as there is no such thing as “Christian adultery” or “Christian homosexuality”. When it is rock, it is not Christian. There is only one “Christian rock” and “THAT ROCK WAS CHRIST” (1 Corinthians 10:4).
“For their rock is not as our Rock...”
-Deuteronomy 32:31
Listen To God's Music Online HERE
(Listen 24 hours a day)
Heart Warming Melodies (lots of great music and lyrics to inspire your heart for God)
Old Christian Radio Music--stereo (great music 24 hours a day) Click here if you are using a slower modem--mono
Christian Family Radio
Fundamental Broadcasting Network
Faith Music Missions (a great source of Christian music)
Biblical Guidelines For Christian Music FREE Real Audio Music Specials
FREE Old Time Christian Music Popular Songs in America's History
The John Marshall Family (What's GOOD Christian Music? This is GOOD Christian music! The John Marshall Family's Web Site contains samples of their music, order form, and their itinerary. One of the most musically talented families anywhere. Highly recommended.)
Listen to the US Air force song My Favorite Patriotic Song, God Bless America!
God Bless America by the Boston Pops Orchestra
Heart Warming Melodies (Don't forget to visit our Christian Music Page.)
Something Pretty (This will take a moment to load because it is an mp3. To me, some of the most beautiful music this side of heaven is produced by an amazing instrument called the steel guitar. This particular music was played on a pedal steel guitar. Here's Another And Another) website for great fundamentalist Christian Preaching.
The Fundamental Top 500
"It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools." -Ecclesiastes 7:5
Satanic Quotes by Rock Musicians
Imagine (John Lennon's unrealistic fantasy. Also, comments about McCartney's Satanic album cover...RAM)
The Satanic Roots of Rock by Donald Phau
Carlos Santana and Demonism!
Ozzy Osbourne EXPOSED!
Ozzy Osbourne: The Rest of the Story (One of today's hottest celebrities is Ozzy Osbourne. MTV's reality program on The Osbournes is currently the most watched cable program on TV. The Osbournes even won an Emmy for best Reality program. Ozzy is now the darling of the media and Hollywood. Even the President of the United States has recently honored Ozzy. But there's more to Ozzy Osbourne than most people know. Much more. Here is "the rest of the story" about Ozzy Osbourne).
Order "Hell's Bells" Video (Journey through the dark side of rock as Hell's Bells unmasks the message behind the music. There you will look squarely into the face of something beyond the human potential - the spiritual power of rock and roll.)
Hell's Bells Transcript: Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Perverted Teen Idols (If you think Ozzy or Marilyn Manson are the only threats to your child, think again.)
The Sickening Truth About Marilyn Manson
The Creepy Marilyn Manson
The Men Who Rejected Jesus Christ
Is Marilyn Manson to Blame for the Columbine Killings?
The Blasphemous Music of Harvey Danger
Music - The Beat of Society
Rock Music Resources
Freddie Mercury (lead singer of Queen) Dies at 45 of AIDS (Read the sad testimony about Freddie's reckless life of sodomy, fornication, illegal drugs and materialism. He died in London in his $4,000,000 home in 1991. He carried none of his wealth beyond the grave. He had such a beautiful voice, but used his talents for the devil. How sad! How tragic! Where is Freddie Mercury now? Hell!)
The Nature of Rock Music and the Future of CCM (Carnal "Christian" Music)
Rock Music and 666
Christian or Satanic?
"I'd Prefer The Devil"
Christian Rock, Blessing or Blasphemy?
Rock Music Kills!
Christian Rock: Blessing or Blasphemy (updated with more artists, more pictures and now with RealAudio music clips. Some of this stuff you've just got to see and hear to believe it!)
Michael Jackson: The Man With Many Faces
Aleister Crowley and Rock N' Roll
Aleister Crowley's Influence in Music
The Sinister Aleister Crowley
Why People Are So Confused About God
It's Time For Me To Fly (by REO Speedwagon)
The Beach Boys and Satan
Prince now a Demonic Jehovah's Witness
The Beatles are of the Devil
The Love of Money and Rock 'N' Roll
Aerosmith Promotes Homosexuality
Elton John's Twisted Concept of God
Elton John, Bernie Taupin, and Witchcraft
The Danger of Music Idols
Kurt Cobain of Nirvana says, "Get stoned and worship Satan!"
Country Music Hypocrites! (Willie Nelson Sings, Kneel At The feet Of Jesus; but then sings his homosexual hit, Cowboys Are Secretly, Frequently Fond of each Other. Sickening!)
George Harrison's False god
ROCKUMENTARY (Prepare to be shocked!)
The Demonic Led Zeppelin (Guitarist Jimmy Page of Zeppelin is a devout follower of Satanist, Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed himself as "The Beast 666." In 1971, guitarist Jimmy Page bought Crowley’s Boleskine House on the shore of Loch Ness where Crowley practiced his Hellish, Satanic sex-magick rituals, including human sacrifices.)
Dolly Parton Sings Led Zeppelin!
Johnny Cash Sings Danzig!
Rock Music is the Devil's Advocate
So-called "Christian" Group "DC Talk"
Rock And Roll Music Moves People ("Rockers" tell like it is.)
Christian Rock: Questions and Answers
Rock Music and 666 (Rock music for years has propagated 666 — The Mark of the Beast. Here's the proof.)
Gotee Records (co-founded by Toby McKeehan of dc Talk) re-releases Godspell. (For the first time ever, a "Christian" company is distributing Godspell. Godspell claims to be based on the Gospel according to Matthew — but is it?)
Michael W. Smith's song is disqualified from the Dove Awards! (Find out why the Gospel Music Association (GMA) disqualified Smith's song "Love Me Good" from the song-of-the-year nomination. This one is a shocker!)
Premature Death of Rock Stars (A detailed list of over 300 rock star's death. Includes summary of causes. The Average Age at Death of Americans is 75.8 years. The Average Age at Death of a rock star is only 36.9 years. Very interesting.) More
Why Should the Devil Have All the Good Music?
CCM artist Steve Camp "nails" CCM. (CCM artist Steve Camp calls for reformation in the CCM Industry. Camp lists the compromise, Satanic infiltration and perversion in CCM.)
Elvis or Evils?
Beatles Named "Icons of Century" (Sadly, they were icons of rebellion and immorality)
Hell Inside the Earth (This is where the religion of immoral sex, substance abuse, and Devilish music will take you!)
Patricia (Kennealy) Morrison of the Doors was a Wiccan Witch!
Neko Case sings, "It's the Devil I love"
Madonna Worships Satan!
Rock Music And Mice (Heavy Metal drove them insane!)
The Rolling Stones and Satanism
The Curse of Demon Possessed Musicians
And the world passeth away... (the suicide of Boston singer, Brad Delp, is just another tragic example of where the Rock-N-Roll religion leads!)
More Satanism... the band KILLERS
Country Music Television (CMT) is of the Devil
How Can Music Be Demonically Inspired?
John Todd - a former Illuminatist: The Witchcraft of Rock & Roll (free 28 Min. Video - Who is John Todd? Here's a newer 39 minute version.)
Goth Will Destroy Your Child
The Dixie Chicks are of the Devil (Band member, Natalie Maines, says... "I'm probably richer than God, maybe he should come to me!")
Rock Music and Witchcraft
Rock 'n' Roll's Hall of Shame
Beyonce Knowles is of the Devil
Bree Sharp: A Cheap And Evil Girl
It's A Freak Show!
David Bowie in Rolling Stone magazine (Feb. 12, 1976), stunned the music world, when he stated:
"Rock has always been THE DEVIL'S MUSIC . . . I believe rock and roll is dangerous . . . I feel we're only heralding SOMETHING EVEN DARKER THAN OURSELVES." (Rolling Stone, Feb. 12, 1976)
Freddie Mercury Pictured Above (Lead singer of Queen)
Led Zeppelin
(Left clockwise to Right: Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Bonham, John Paul Jones)
Hear backward Satanic Lyrics of Led Zeppelin
More Backward Masking
The Rock N' Roll Death List
Photo to left: Most people recognize the Satanic hand sign which John Lennon is making at the bottom right; but, few people realize that the "ok" sign which Paul McCartney is making at the bottom left is also very Satanic. The "ok" sign is actually three 6's, each of the three vertical fingers forming an individual 6. 666!
Paul McCartney said, "We probably seem to be anti-religious. . . none of us believes in God." (Hit Parader, Jan 1970, p.15)
John Lennon, in his book, A Spaniard in the Works, portrays Jesus Christ as, "Jesus El Pifico, a garlic-eating, stinking little yellow, greasy fascist bastard catholic Spaniard." (A Spaniard in the Works, p.14).
Lennon also made that infamous statement, "Christianity will go, it will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and will be proved right. . . .We're more popular than Jesus now." (San Francisco Chronicle, April 13, 1966, p.26)
The cover of Sgt. Pepper's showed the Beatles with a background of, according to Ringo Starr, people "we like and admire" (Hit Parade, Oct. 1976, p.14). Paul McCartney said of Sgt. Pepper's cover, ". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROES . . ." (Musician, Special Collectors Edition, - Beatles and Rolling Stones, 1988, p.12). One of the Beatle's heroes included on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's was — the infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley! Most people, especially in 1967, did not even know who Crowley was — but the Beatles certainly did.
Click here for larger picture Sgt. Pepper
". . . we were going to have photos on the wall of all our HEROES . . ."
"Hero" Aleister Crowley is second from left on the top row:
The Beatles apparently took Crowley's teaching very serious — Beatle John Lennon, in an interview, says the "whole idea of the Beatles" was — Crowley's infamous "do what thou wilt":
"The whole Beatle idea was to do what you want, right? To take your own responsibility, do what you want and try not to harm other people, right? DO WHAT THOU WILST, as long as it doesn't hurt somebody. . ." ("The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono", by David Sheff and G. Barry Golson, p. 61)
Frank Zappa made the following statement, "If you want to get together in any exclusive situation and have people love you, fine - but to hang all this desperate sociology on the idea of The Cloud-Guy who has The Big Book, who knows if you've been bad or good - and CARES about any of it - to hang it all on that, folks, is the chimpanzee part of the brain working."
Frank Zappa -The Man Without God
Rocker Frank Zappa (who discovered the awful truth December 4, 1993 the second he died) proudly boasted:
"I'm the devil's advocate. We have our own worshippers who are called 'groupies.' Girls will give their bodies to musicians as you would give a sacrifice to a god." (Peters Brothers, What About Christian Rock, p. 17)
One of the top songs of the 70's was "Hotel California" by the Eagles. Most people have no idea the song refers to the Church of Satan, which happens to be located in a converted HOTEL on CALIFORNIA street! On the inside of the album cover, looking down on the festivities, is Anton LaVey (pictured to left), the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible! People say, the Eagles aren't serious, they're just selling records. That's what you think! The Eagles manager, Larry Salter, admitted in the Waco Tribune-Herald, (Feb. 28, 1982) that the Eagles were involved with the Church of Satan! Not surprisingly, one of the Eagle's songs is titled "Have A Good Day in Hell."
"For Marilyn Manson fans and people who are affected a lot by this music, the idea of somebody like Satan doesn't necessarily represent evil..." -Marilyn Manson (Source -interview, Ozzy Meets Marilyn Manson, 1997)
The Truth About Marilyn Manson (real name, Brian Warner)
Manson, an ordained "reverend" in the Church of Satan, mutilates himself on stage (1 Kings 18:28), rips-up the Holy Bible, and spews "blasphemies" against the Lord Jesus Christ. Manson's T-Shirts declare,
This is an album cover by the rock band Dio. The album is called Holy Diver. Dio's singer is former Black Sabbath frontman Ronnie James. The Satan character is clearly displaying the same hand signal.
Above and Below: OzzFest 2002 (Notice the Pentagram on Dimmu's arm above. Album cover shown below)
Ozzy Osborne (pictured at left and right) is well-known for using Satanic imagery to sell his works of darkness, yet oddly Ozzy denies being a Satanist. One thing is for certain Mr. Osborne...your music is Satanic!
"I've now been sued by about 25 people who claim their kids committed suicide from listening to my music." -Ozzy Osbourne (Source -interview, Ozzy Meets Marilyn Manson, 1997)
Ozzy denies being responsible for any deaths, claiming that his music doesn't make people crazy, it just gives crazy people a vehicle to ride on. The Supreme Court defended Ozzy on the basis of Free Speech. We're talking about teenagers here who killed themselves.
This should be a clear WARNING to all parents to get involved with what their kids are listening to and watching. Only God knows the total number of young people who have died as a result of Satanic music's influence.
The Men Who Rejected Jesus Christ
"Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols (musical instruments). But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream." -Amos 5:23,24
ONE OF THE devil's key stratagems in turning America against God was to get to the Mother Country first, and then employ her in our demise. An applicable cultural trait of the last days is "without natural affection" (2nd Timothy 3:3). Can anyone calculate the degree of permanent damage inflicted upon the morals of my generation by Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Mick Jagger and other satanic participants of the so-called "British Invasion"? (The same would apply to later waves led by the likes of Sir Elton John, etc.)
SOURCE: How Satan Turned America Against God; by Dr. William P. Grady; pg. 415; 2005; ISBN: 0-9628809-3-0
There is a definite spirit invoked in rock music, secular or Christian — and it's NOT the Holy Spirit! And many times, people involved in rock music get "caught up in this unholy spirit"!
During a 1993 Oprah Winfrey interview, Michael Jackson, explained the reason for some of his filthy sexual gestures during his concerts:
"It happens subliminally. IT'S THE MUSIC THAT COMPELS ME TO DO IT. You don't think about it, it just happens. I'M SLAVE TO THE RHYTHM."
(The Evening Star, Feb. 11, 1993, p. A10)
Nothing about the lyrics! It's the MUSIC!
How can the Holy Spirit of the Bible use such wicked, fleshly music!
Regardless of the lyrics!
In Smash Hits magazine, Bon Jovi says: ". . . I'd kill my mother for rock and roll. I WOULD SELL MY SOUL."
“We receive our songs by inspiration, like at a séance” (Keith Richards of the ROLLING STONES, Rolling Stone, May 5, 1977, p. 55).
"The throbbing beat of rock provides a vital sexual release for adolescent audiences." (Jan Berry)
"Pop music is sex, and you have to hit them in the face with it." (Andrew Oldham, recording manager for the 'Rolling Stones')
"We take kids away from their parents and their environment to where the only reality is the rhythm and the beat." (Donnie Brewer of Grand Funk)
"Rock music is a greater influence over the souls of men than primitive Christianity." (John Denver)
"Sex is where its at in music... and I like it." (Johnny Bristol)
"I’ve always thought that the main ingredients in rock are sex, really good stage shows and really sassy music, Sex and sass, I think that’s where it’s at." (Debbie Harry, lead singer with Blondie)
"I'm in rock music for the sex and narcotics." (Glenn Frey of 'The Eagles')
"Rock 'n' roll is 99% sex." (John Oates)
" meditate and you got the candles, you got the incense and you've been chanting, and all of a sudden you hear this voice: 'Write this down'" (Carlos Santana, Rolling Stone magazine, March 16, 2000, p. 41)
"Everyone takes it for granted that rock and roll is synonymous with sex." (Chris Stein, lead guitarist with 'Blondie.')
"Rock music is sex. The beat matches the body rhythms." (Frank Zappa, superstar of 'Mothers of Invention' fame.)
"Rock concerts are the churches of today." (Guitarist Craig Chaquico of the group 'Jefferson Starship.')
“I felt like a hollow temple filled with many spirits, each one passing through me, each inhabiting me for a little time and then leaving to be replaced by another” (John Lennon, People, Aug. 22, 1988, p. 70).
The song "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Rolling Stones, is the official anthem for the Church of Satan. In it, Lucifer speaks in the first person and asks sympathy for all who meet him. Lead singer, Mick Jagger claims that Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan and author of the Satanic Bible, helped inspire their music! Their album titled, "Their Satanic Majesties Request", leaves no doubt to their allegiance!
Pink Floyd sings, in the song "Sheep",
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . .
With bright knives he RELEASETH MY SOUL
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places . . .
For lo, he hath great power and GREAT HUNGER."
"The strongest appeal you can make is emotionally. If you can get their emotions going, make them forget their logic, you've got them. AT MTV, WE DON'T SHOOT FOR THE 14-YEAR OLDS, WE OWN THEM." (MTV is Rock Around the Clock, Philadelphia Inquirer, Nov. 3, 1982)
The Curse of Demon Possessed Musicians
Kurt Donald Cobain (1967-1994, suicide), leader of the super popular rock band Nirvana, has been described as “rather a sickly, underdeveloped figure of a young man who got picked on a lot” (Nick Kent, The Dark Stuff, Ca Capo Press, New York, 1994, p. 341). So strong was Cobain’s desire to be respected and accepted, that Cobain would sell his soul to the Devil for the price of fame. For starters, Kurt Cobain made no qualms about who he was serving when he made it known publicly that his stated goal was to “get stoned and worship Satan” (op. cit. Sandford, p. 42). Cobain, like other Satanists, also had a penchant for the desecration of churches. Cobain with his bass player Chris Novoselic, spray-painted “GOD IS GAY” on a church building (Ibid. pp. 57, 165). Cobain, according to Rolling Stone, would also spray-paint “HOMO SEXUAL SEX RULES” on a bank. Rolling Stone further reported that other favorite graffiti included “GOD IS GAY” and “ABORT CHRIST” (Rolling Stone, Inside the Heart & Mind of Nirvana, by Michael Azerrad, April 16, 1992).
Cobain “decorated” his apartment as he explained, “with baby dolls hanging by their necks with blood all over them” (op. cit. Cobain, Sandford, p. 54). Rolling Stone would further report that “Cobain made a Satanic-looking doll and hung it from a noose in his window” (Rolling Stone, Inside the Heart & Mind of Nirvana, by Michael Azerrad, April 16, 1992). The fact that Cobain was considered some kind of national or even international hero well illustrates the wicked depths of depravity to which the human heart has sunk. While Cobain may have influenced some for evil through graffiti on churches, it was through his music that tens-of-millions of people would be influenced by the Satanic beings that used him like a pawn in a much bigger game. Cobain’s involvement in black magic and witchcraft would escalate to the point that Cobain would begin casting spells in an effort to see his will done (op. cit. Sandford, p. 172).
Cobain was "obsessed with Anton LaVey" (Mojo Magazine, Sept. 1999, p. 86). Anton LaVey was the founder of the Church of Satan and the author of the Satanic Bible. So obsessed was Cobain with Satanist Anton LaVey that he sought to enlist LaVey by having him play cello on Nirvana's Nevermind album!
It's a Freak Show!
What About Christian Rock?
"Christian Rock? There ain't no such animal!"--Evangelist Lester Roloff
All Satan's Apples Have Worms!
"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him." -1st John 2:15
Believe it or not! Here's Amy Grant, on the Michael W. Smith, In Concert (Reunion Records, 1985) video tape flashing the "Satanic salute." This is NOT the sign language for "I love you", where the thumb is openly extended. Amy deliberately flashes the "satanic salute" at least two separate times on the video, displaying it for several seconds. Amy is promoting Satan. There is a definite spirit invoked in rock music, secular or Christian - and it's NOT the Holy Spirit! And many times, people involved in rock music get "caught up in this unholy spirit"! Amy is no Christian.
Jeff Godwin's Website (Freedom Ministries)
What's Wrong with Christian Rock? (Free Video)
Christian Rock Music Exposed: Part 1 Part 2 Part3
Christian Music Guidelines -- Music Philosophy (many more articles on
An Honest Letter From A Secular Industrial Musician (Christians wake up!)
CCM Musician Exalts Pope and Tradition Equal With Scripture
Charismatic Music Permeating the Churches
Christian Rock - Blessing or Blasphemy? -by Terry Watkins
Christian Rock Music - Christian or Satanic?
Christian Rock Or An Excuse for Christians to Rock? - DC Talk Examined
Confusing Persecution With Correction
CCM Exposed
Whatever Happened to Godly Music?
Christian Music's Top Bottom
Contemporary Christian Music and Rome
Amy Grant-Exposed! (Amy says, "I’m a singer, not a preacher...I’M NOT LOOKING TO CONVERT ANYBODY")
Helpful Music Resources
Religious Rock
Johnny Cash-Exposed! (sings and promotes Danzig!)
Marsha Stevens is of the Devil (1st John 3:18)
"Christian" Rock -Paganism in the Church
Carman Exposed!
Online Database Articles on Music
Jesus Freak?
"Christian" Rap/Rock, in Jesus' Name
Top "Christian" Music Artists (hit rock bottom in God's eyes)
DC Talk and Marilyn Manson Dc Talk Exposed
TobyMac Exposed! (Sings devil's music in Jesus' name)
Welcome to the Freak Show (DC Talk's "Jesus Freak" video is blasphemous against Christ. Jesus Christ is NOT a freak Mr. McKeehan.)
The Philosophy of Contemporary Christian Music
Making Light of Jesus Christ - Freedom Ministries
Pop-Idiom Music in Worship and Evangelism - Peter Masters
Testimonies of Young People and Christian Rock - Dial-The-Truth Ministries
Dolly Parton Exposed (sings and promotes Led Zeppelin! Also read about Dolly's false gospel.)
Promoting Satan (Satan is working relentlessly to creep his way into every area of our lives, especially through music. Believers must TEST the spirits with the WORD OF GOD, 1st John 4:1)
Michael W. Smith EXPOSED!
Religious Rock; NOT, Christian Rock!
If the music is neutral, why did they dance? (a Battle Cry Article - If music is neutral, why did Russian youth dance during 'Christian' rock concert whose words they couldn't understand? It was the 'beat', not the message!)
Hip Hop from Hell
The Difference Between Good and Bad Music - by Alan Ives
Holy Soldier is Unholy! (professed Christians sing Led Zeppelin's hellish song "Rock-n-Roll")
Faith Hill EXPOSED! (She claims to be a spiritual Christian; but is featured in Playboy)
George Strait's Song "You'll Be There"
* What's Wrong With Copying The World?
* What's Wrong With My Excuses?
* The Dragon's Hot Breath - Unmasking the Awful Truth About "Christian" Rock Music (by Pastor Texe Marrs)
* "Christian" Rock is the Devil's Music
* Religious Rock... The Music of Devils In The Church
* The Unholy Legacy of The Beatles
Bill Gaither Promotes Homosexuality!
You Can't make Hip Hop Holy!
Rock 'n' Roll Worship Circus is of the Devil
Katy Perry: Gospel Singer to Apostate
Unholy Hip Hop ... Satan in the Church!
What About P. O. D? -by Terry Watkins
What's Wrong With Christian Rock? (video)
What's Wrong With Christian Rock's Fruit?
What's Wrong With Copying The World?
What's Wrong With My Excuses? -by Jeff Godwin
Rebecca St. James EXPOSED!
MercyMe - Enemies of God!
Third Day - Fools For Satan!
ZOEgirl Exposed!
ANGELS? (by Jack T. Chick)
Carrie Underwood Hypocritically Sings "Jesus Take The Wheel" (Underwood was recently featured in SELF Magazine's "Most Wanted Bodies." She's a wolf in sheep's clothing!)
Professed "Christian" Rock Band, As I Lay Dying -Featured at Ozzfest 2005!
What's Wrong with Christian Rock/Rap?
Holy Hip Hop Exposed!
Christian Rock is Evil
Questions and Answers about "Christian" Rock
Will listening to "rock music" send me to hell?
Have you contacted the CCM artists according to Matthew 18:15?
How can CCM lift up the Lord Jesus and yet be wrong?
What about soft-rock music like Steve Greene and Twila Paris?
Isn't it better for Christians to listen to Christian rock than Secular rock?
But isn't music neutral?
But aren't you limiting God?
Why should the Devil have all the good music?
Didn't Martin Luther and General William Booth use bar tunes in their music?
How can you reach lost young people with the "old" hymns?
What about the "thousands" of people getting saved at CCM concerts?
What's wrong with using rock as a tool to reach young people?
Why don't you quit being so negative and show some love?
Aren't you doing more harm than good attacking other Christians?
Aren't you causing divisions among Christians?
What gives you the right to judge the CCM artists?
Are you doing this because you don't like rock music?
Does the Bible give any Guidelines for Christian Music?
Christian music buyers turned off to gruesome CD covers (A Battle Cry Article - As 'Christian' rock starts imitating secular performers, some CD covers have become so gruesome that buyers don't want to take them home.)
Gospel Imposter - Kurt Carr EXPOSED! (says, "God on Michael Jackson's side!")
Modern Worship? (Fake worship leaders)
Dyke Lesbian, Marsha Stevens, and her ministry BALM (Born Again Lesbian Music) EXPOSED!
RELIGIOUS ROCK... The Music of Devil's in the CHURCH!!!
The Music of Balaam
STRYPER is of the Devil
CCM Hippie Freaks
The Barren CCM Industry
Jars of Clay are of the Devil
HARD MUSIC Magazine Exposed!
Proof that Christian Rock is of the Devil
Rock Music and Witchcraft
Christian Rock? (by Pastor David Sexton)
Reba McEntire and Ellen DeGeneres
Take the Contemporary Christian Music Test
The Devil's crowd knows "rock" is Evil...
David Bowie:
"Rock has always been THE DEVIL'S MUSIC. . ." (Rolling Stone, Feb. 12, 1976)
John Lennon:
"I've sold my soul to the DEVIL." (Ray Coleman, Lennon, p.256)
Little Richard:
"I'm the Rock 'n Roll singer that you heard about through the years. . . I was directed and commanded by another power. The power of DARKNESS. . . The power of the DEVIL. SATAN." (Charles White, The Life and Times of Little Richard, pp. 205-206)
Christian Rap
TobyMac Exposed (lead singer of DC Talk - a heathen punk who calls himself a "Christian")
DC Talk's Jesus Freak Video (learn the sickening truth)
"People there are, not a few, who have pipe organ abilities and make no more music for the causes of Christ than a wheezy saxophone in an idiot's hands." -Dr. R.G. Lee (from the needful sermon, PAYDAY SOMEDAY)
The Satanic Salute from P.O.D.'s album.
There is NOTHING even remotely Christian about Amy Grant.
Fanny Crosby is the greatest hymn writer that ever lived, writing over 9,000 songs! Before Fanny got saved, at 45 years old, she wrote many secular songs. But after she got saved -things were different...Here's what Fanny said about mixing Christian and worldly music:
"Sometimes I need to reject the music proposed for my songs because the musicians misunderstand that the Fanny Crosby who once wrote for the people in the saloons has merely changed the lyrics. Oh my no. The church must never sing it's songs to the melodies of the world."
- Fanny Crosby
And do you know why Fanny Crosby said that - because Fanny got saved! And God "hath put a NEW SONG in my mouth, even PRAISE unto our God" inside the NEW Fanny Crosby! Fanny Crosby wrote over 9,000 songs to the Lord! Fanny used over 200 different pen names because she wanted to make sure God got the glory and not her.
Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim!
Hail Him! Hail Him! Highest archangels in Glory;
Strength and honor give to His holy name!
Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children,
In His arms He carries them all day long;
Praise Him! Praise Him! Tell of His excellent greatness;
Praise Him! Praise Him! Ever in joyful song!
-- Fanny J. Crosby
There is no such thing as “Christian” rock music. Just as there is no such thing as “Christian adultery” or “Christian homosexuality”. When it is rock, it is not Christian. There is only one “Christian rock” and “THAT ROCK WAS CHRIST” (1 Corinthians 10:4).
“For their rock is not as our Rock...”
-Deuteronomy 32:31
Listen To God's Music Online HERE
(Listen 24 hours a day)
Heart Warming Melodies (lots of great music and lyrics to inspire your heart for God)
Old Christian Radio Music--stereo (great music 24 hours a day) Click here if you are using a slower modem--mono
Christian Family Radio
Fundamental Broadcasting Network
Faith Music Missions (a great source of Christian music)
Biblical Guidelines For Christian Music FREE Real Audio Music Specials
FREE Old Time Christian Music Popular Songs in America's History
The John Marshall Family (What's GOOD Christian Music? This is GOOD Christian music! The John Marshall Family's Web Site contains samples of their music, order form, and their itinerary. One of the most musically talented families anywhere. Highly recommended.)
Listen to the US Air force song My Favorite Patriotic Song, God Bless America!
God Bless America by the Boston Pops Orchestra
Heart Warming Melodies (Don't forget to visit our Christian Music Page.)
Something Pretty (This will take a moment to load because it is an mp3. To me, some of the most beautiful music this side of heaven is produced by an amazing instrument called the steel guitar. This particular music was played on a pedal steel guitar. Here's Another And Another) website for great fundamentalist Christian Preaching.
The Fundamental Top 500
Monday, September 1, 2008
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Magic and Ritual
93 In Greek numerology, ninety-three is the value of the word “thelema,” or “will.” This is the word that has been adopted to represent the teachings of Aleister Crowley, as typified by the expression, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.” Although this seems to mean “do whatever you want,” in actuality it means find out what your true will is, your God-oriented purpose in life, and then do only those things that will lead to achieving it. The second part of this philosophy is “Love is the law, love under will.” Also in Greek numerology, 93 is the valuation of the word “Agapé,” selfless love.
People who follow this path, Thelemites, will often greet or part by saying or writing “93” as shorthand to remind them of the central words of their philosophy. The spiritual energy that drives this path is often called the “93 Current.”
A.·. A.·. This is a special abbreviation for the name of a magical order, the Astrum Argentum (sometimes the words are reversed or spelled differently) which means “Silver Star” in Latin. The three dots that form a triangle after each “A” not only mean that there is something further that is hidden (that is, there is a spiritual abbreviation), but also form a Masonic symbol indicating that the order possesses the mysterious “Lost Word” of Masonry.
Ablanathanalba A charm of the Gnostics, written in the form of a triangle with one point down. It was used to protect against the forces of evil. Although it doesn’t show well in English because the “th” was originally one letter, it is actually a palindrome, written the same way forward and backward. Traditionally, it would be written from ink derived from the dried acorn cups of the Valonia oak, a majestic, semi-evergreen (the leaves thin from October until January) native to the eastern side of the Mediterranean. It was written as follows on a piece of parchment:
This is similar in design to the use of the more famous word of power, Abracadabra.
Abracadabra A traditional word of power, used by Western magicians from classical times to the present. Written in the falling way, it was used in talismans to cure fevers and asthma:
In recent times, Abracadabra has mostly been used by stage magicians. English mage Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) altered the spelling to make it fit his new magical religion of Thelema, and in this new form the word has been much used in the Thelemite community; see Abrahadabra.
Abrahadabra A rewriting of the famous magical word Abracadabra by Aleister Crowley. This places the name “Had,” a short form of the Egyptian Hadith that, according to some sources, represents Horus of Behedet, an area in Egypt. Hadith is the second person of the Thelemic trinity. Crowley believed it was the Word of the Aeon. One aspect of this is that it has eleven letters, thus linking the symbol of humanity, the pentagram (five identical letters) with the number of God, the hexagram, (six diverse letters). It therefore represents the Great Work of personal spiritual development.
Abramelin The name of an Egyptian magician cited in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, a magical text translated by S. L. Mathers. The French manuscript was written in the eighteenth century, but it purports to be a translation from an original text in Hebrew, dating from 1458. The grimoire contains elaborate instructions in the form of a six-month program of purification and prayer, designed to lead the magician to higher states of consciousness in which "knowledge and conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel" is possible.
Abraxas A popular magical deity in the ancient world, Abraxas (also called Abrasax) was depicted on classical amulet gems as a humanlike figure with a rooster’s head and serpents for feet, wielding a charioteer’s whip. The letters of his name in Greek add up to 365, the number of days in a year, which marked him as a solar deity and a lord of time.
In modern times, Abraxas has achieved a new popularity by way of the writings of psychologist Carl Jung, who gave him a central place in his Gnostic work, The Seven Sermons to the Dead, and elsewhere in his writings.
Abyss The void between the supernal sephiroth and the lower sephiroth on the Tree of Life that separates the ideal and the real.
Adam Kadmon The human body projected upon the Tree of Life.
Adept A person who is very skilled or proficient in a particular ability as in “When it comes to magick, he is an adept.” A description of such a person as in “He is adept at astrology.” In certain magickal orders, an adept is a person who has achieved a certain level of advancement in that group, sometimes using the original Latin form of the term, adeptus. In the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, there are two different grades, the Adeptus Minor and the Adeptus Major. Each has subgrades, such as the Neophyte Adeptus Minor.
Adeptus Minor “Lesser Adept,” the title of the lowest level of the second Order of the Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was actually composed of three groups. The Outer Order, the Golden Dawn per se, was where students learned about magick and some of its very basic techniques. After going through all the degrees of this Outer Order, a student might be invited into the second or Inner Order, known as the Roseae Rubeae et Aureae Crucis (R.R. et A.C.). Here the student first starts practicing magick based on what they had learned. The first degree of this Order was known as Adeptus Minor. A person who has achieved any of the levels of Adeptus Minor (there were several sub-degrees) could do all of the magick of the system. The third Order was composed of non-physical beings.
Aethyr A spiritual plane of initiation in the Enochian system of magick.
AGLA Famous as part of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, AGLA is actually an acronym for Ah-tah Gee-boor Lih-oh-lam Ah-doh-nye or “Thou art great forever, my Lord.”
Air Dagger In the system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a symbolically decorated dagger. It is used by an adept to direct elemental air energy.
Aiwass The entity who communicated the Book of the Law to Aleister Crowley.
Aiwass The name of Aleister Crowley’s Holy Guardian Angel. Crowley spent many years trying to determine if Aiwass was merely his higher self or was, in fact, a non-physical being.
Al Awwa The 11th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Virgo.
Influence: Creates harmony between lovers
Spirit: Neciel
Al Baldah The 19th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Sagittarius.
Influence: Causes misfortune for enemies
Spirit: Amutiel
Al Batn Al Hut The 26th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Andromeda.
Influence: Aids the fisher
Spirit: Tagriel
Al Butain The 28th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Aries.
Influence: Aids in reconciliation
Spirit: Amnixiel
Al Dabaran The second Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Taurus. Note similarlity to the star name, Aldebaran.
Influence: Ill will, separation, revenge
Spirit: Enediel
Al Dhira The fifth Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Gemini.
Influence: Secures material desires
Spirit: Gabriel
Al Farch Al Mukdim The 24th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Pegasus.
Influences love and favor.
Spirit: Abrinael
Al Fargh Al Thani The 25th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to parts of the constellations Pegasus and Andromeda.
Influence: Fouls liquids
Spirit: Aziel
Al Ghafr The 13th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Virgo.
Influences friendship and good will
Spirit: Fazeriel
Al Hak'ah The third Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to the constellation Orion.
Influence: Favor with authority
Spirit: Anixiel
Al Han'ah The fourth Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Gemini.
Influence: Secures love
Spirit: Azariel
Al Jabhah The eighth Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Leo.
Influence: Aids in childbirth and healing
Spirit: Amnediel
Al Jubana The 14th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to the constellation Libra.
Influence:Material increase
Spirit: Ergediel
Al Kalb The 16th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Scorpio.
Influence: Aids against poisons
Spirit: Azeruel
Al Na'am The 18th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Sagittarius.
Influence: Aids the hunter
Spirit: Egibiel
Al Nathrah The sixth Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to the constellation Cancer.
Influence: Aids in battle
Spirit: Dirachiel
Al Sa'd Al Ahbiyah The 23rd Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Aquarius.
Influence: Aids the harvest, and plants in general
Spirit: Requiel
Al Sa'd Al Bula The 21st Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Aquarius.
Influences destruction and decline
Spirit: Bethnael
Al Sa'd Al Dhabih The 20th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to the constellation Capricorn.
Influence: Aids the fugitive
Spirit: Kyriel
Al Sa'd Al Su'ud The 22nd Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Aquarius.
Influence: Aids fertility in animals
Spirit: Geliel
Al Sarfah The tenth Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Leo.
Influence: Causes disharmony between lovers
Spirit: Ardefiel
Al Sharatain The 27th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Aries.
Influence: Aids in the destruction of enemies
Spirit: Atheniel
Al Shaulah The 17th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Scorpio.
Influence: Aids childbirth
Spirit: Adriel
Al Simak The twelfth Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Virgo.
Influences divorce and separation
Spirit: Abdizuel
Al Tarf The seventh Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Leo.
Influence: Causes illness
Spirit: Scheliel
Al Thurayya The first Mansion of the Moon, beginning at the Pleiades and corresponding to part of the constellation Taurus.
Influence: Good fortune
Spirit: Geniel
Al Zubrah The ninth Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Leo.
Influence: Causes fear or reverence
Spirit: Barbiel
Alchemy The word alchemy is an Arabic term comprised of the article "al" and the noun "khemi.” The later word relates to "Khem" the Coptic name of Egypt. Alchemy thus means, "that which pertains to Egypt.” Thus the words alchemy and chemistry are a reminder of the scientific legacy of Egypt. Another possible origin of the word is the Greek "cheo" which means "I pour" or "I cast"—a word often used in reference to the ancient Greek metalworkers who used many alchemical formulae. Together, alchemy and astrologya are two of the oldest sciences known to humanity. The specialized fields of herbalism, mineralogy, natural science, chemistry, pharmacology, and medicine all evolved from the mother science known as alchemy.
Alchemy Alchemy is the art and science of transformation. This is not an easily understood art, because the primal medium of alchemical expression is through the use of allegory and mythological symbols, which can be interpreted simultaneously both at a material and a spiritual level. The primary goal of alchemy is to bring all things, including humanity to its pre-ordained state of perfection. To that end, the alchemical theory states that eternal wisdom remains latent, dormant and obscure in humanity so long as a mundane state of ignorance and superficiality exists. The objective of alchemy is the uncovering of this inner wisdom, and the removal of the veils and obstacles between the mind and its intrinsically pure divine source.
Alchemy The art and science of creating medicines from plants and minerals for healing physical and psychic diseases, thereby restoring the alchemist to a state of perfect harmony. These medicines can be either liquid, such as the Elixir of Life, or solid, such as the Philosopher’s Stone. Alchemy is also known as the Royal Art.
Aleister Crowley Born Edward Alexander Crowley, he was a remarkable poet, writer, mountain climber, and occultist. His strong positions on magick (his spelling) including the use of sexuality in magick have made him highly controversial. He “received” (what today might be called “channelled”) a short text, The Book of the Law, in 1904, and modified the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’s magical system to fit this revelation. It also became a religious system. Followers of this system are called Thelemites.
Aleph The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Represents the number 1. The first of the three "mother letters." A Hebrew word meaning "ox." Corresponds to the element of Air, the 11th Path (between Kether and Chokmah), and Tarot trump The Fool.
Almadel 1) One of the books of The Lesser Key of Solomon.
2) General term for a talisman made from pure, white wax, and inscribed with various names and symbols.
Alpha et Omega English occult order, founded after the breakup of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1900 by former GD head Samuel Liddell Mathers and his supporters. There were two temples in Great Britain, one in London and the other in Edinburgh. The former Golden Dawn temples in the United States—Thme No. 8 in Chicago and Thoth-Hermes No. 9 in New York City—sided with Mathers during the breakup and became part of the Alpha et Omega afterwards. Three other American temples were founded after the First World War: Ptah No. 10 in Philadelphia in 1919, Atoum No. 20 (sic) in Los Angeles in 1920, and Themis No. 30 (sic) in San Francisco in 1921.
The history of the Alpha et Omega is uncertain at best, as few documents survive. All of the temples of the order appear to have gone out of existence by the Second World War.
Altar At the center of the circle is placed the altar, which magically represents the center of the universe and the center of the self. It is the working surface of ritual, the focus of awareness and power. When there is no space for a material altar, one may be visualized in the astral. The altar is square on top, cubic or doubly-cubic in dimension, and should be made of, or contain, natural stone. All these aspects symbolize that the altar is the material foundation that supports the work; it is the fixed place, the earthly buttress, where power is manifested and made actual in the world.
Amen A word used at the end of prayers and sections in Jewish and Christian rituals, as well as in some Pagan and ceremonial magick rituals. It is usually translated as “so be it,” thus equating with the magickal expression, “so mote it be.” However, it is actually a notarikon or Kabalistic acronym for the Hebrew words, “El Melech Ne’eh-mahn,” meaning “God is a faithful king.” Thus it signifies that concept that by repeating certain phrases, prayers, or rites, God will be faithful and fulfill His part of the agreement and do what is expected from the repetition of those words or actions.
AMORC Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, they claim to be the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. Although most Rosicrucians date themselves to early 17th century manifestos, AMORC claims to go back to Pharaoh Thutmose III of Egypt circa 1500 b.c.e. The order itself was founded in the US by Harvey Spencer Lewis (1883–1939), who had worked in advertising as an illustrator. Around 1915, Lewis hit upon the idea of marketing AMORC via mail order, and their ubiquitous advertisements appeared in numerous popular magazines. The organization began in New York City, but in 1918 the police raided them and Lewis was arrested for selling fraudulent books and collecting money under false pretenses. Charges were dropped, but Lewis moved the Order to San Francisco and then Tampa, Florida. In 1927 AMORC moved to San Jose, California, and incorporated as a religion. This was abandoned after a few years and the fraternal nature of the Order was stressed. In San Jose they created Rosicrucian Park, including faux Egyptian buildings, a museum, and the fifth planetarium built in the USA ( and still in use today). Teachings seem very similar to “New Thought,” the mystical system that evolved out of late 18th-century Spiritualism.
Upon his death, leadership of the order switched to his son, Ralph Maxwell Lewis (1904–1987). After Ralph's death a new leader was selected, but shortly afterward he was fired, the Order was reorganized, and the Supreme Grand Lodge moved to Quebec, Canada.
AMORC has worked hard to support their claim to being the true Rosicrucian Order. In the past they have fought other groups over this, including taking R. Swinburne Clymer and his Fraternitas Rosae Crucis to court, where each claimed the other practiced black magic. At one time Aleister Crowley made a weak attempt to take over AMORC.
Amulet A magical device used for protection. Although often used synonymously with talisman, amulets are made to keep things away (such as illness) while talismans are used to bring things to you (such as good luck).
Amulet A device of some sort worn to protect the wearer from some specific evil or malady. The term amulet seems to be derived from the Latin word amulteum, a “means of defense.” Amulets are Barrier and Guardian talismans.
Arbatel of Magic Originally intended to have nine books, we only have the first book, “Isagoge,” that concerns the basics of magickal procedure in general. It contains 49 “aphorisms,” divided into groups of seven called “septenaries,” which must be learned and followed in order to succeed in magickal experiments.
Arcane Something that is understood by only a few people. Mysterious or secret.
Arrangers A secondary use of talismans from the isometric crystal system. These talismans have an internal structure that is perfectly arranged and holds the energy we need to help us arrange our life in a more orderly manner. When there is a need for arranging our paths through life, establishing equality or equilibrium, reducing chaos, aligning priorities, or just “squaring” things away, talismans made from crystals from this system are very powerful.
Assiah The "Material World." The final, fourth, and most dense of the four Qabalistic worlds or stages of manifestation. Assiah is the dense world of action and matter. It is attributed to Malkuth, the element of earth, and the Hebrew letter Heh (the final letter Heh, as opposed to the second letter Heh in the name Yod Heh Vah Heh).
Assumption of Godforms A technique used in several magickal systems. The magician creates the image of a deity by various means, including visualization of an archetypal image of the deity, concentration of the sigil of the deity, vibration of the deity’s name, etc. Once created, the magician “steps into” the image (this may be done mentally, physically, or both). The magician then functions as a manifestation of that deity. This is typically done in certain initiatory rituals, so that it is a deity performing the initiation for the purpose of using powers and abilities attributed to the deity for healing, divination, practical magick, etc., or as part of certain forms of sexual magick.
Astral Temple A place on the astral plane or in the imagination created by force of will and visualization as an astral location that is represented on the physical plane by a magician’s actual temple. When magicians consciously project into the astral plane, this is usually the first place they will go. As it is familiar to the magician, it can be used as a place of refuge in case of attack or perceived danger on the astral plane.
Athame A tool used by Witches that combines the functioning of both wand and sword is the athame, or magical knife. It is an all-purpose instrument, used for making the material objects of ritual and also for projecting power. Some Witches even use it in their cooking! They explain that since magic embraces all of life, cooking is an integral part of their Art and this is no profanation.
The magical knife is quite old. In medieval times it was divided into two—a knife with a white hilt, used for all common purposes, and a knife with a black hilt, used for drawing magic circles and compelling spirits. This distinction is still frequently observed by modern Witches. The white and black-hilted knives are in some ways analogous to the wand and sword of high magic.
Athame Possibly a misspelling of “Arthame” taken from the grimoire known as The Greater Key of Solomon (or perhaps vice versa). The Athame is primarily used by Witches and Wiccans. It is traditionally sharp on both sides and has a black handle. It may have symbols on it.
To many, the Athame is seen as an extension of their ability to direct energy. As such, although sharp, it is not used to cut any physical object. It is only used to direct energy or cut non-physical energy streams. To practitioners who use the Athame in this way, the carving of physical items was done with the knife known as a Boline.
Atziluth The "World of Nobility." The highest and most abstract of the four Qabalistic worlds or stages of manifestation. Atziluth is the divine world of archetypes. It is attributed to Kether, the element of fire, and the Hebrew letter Yod.
Ayin The sixteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, a "voiced laryngal spirant." Represents the number 70. The tenth of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "eye." Corresponds to Capricorn, the 26th Path (between Tiphareth and Hod), and Tarot trump XV The Devil.
Azoth A word composed of the first and last letters of the Hebrew and Greek alphabets. It is also called the Akasha or Astral Light. It appears as brightness and is changeable according to a person’s will.
Baneful Baneful herbs are poisonous. Such herbs - including henbane, hemlock, hellebore, mandrake and datura - were popular in Renaissance magic for inducing visions, creating the illusion of psychic awareness, drawing love, tormenting the mind and even dulling the pain of those about to be executed for the “crime” of magic.
Banish To send away. On a spiritual level, a ritual or technique used to send away unwanted entities or energies.
Banishing To send away. In metaphysical terms, a banishing is a ritual or technique that has the effect of sending away unwanted energies, entities, etc. Although banishings are used in healing (sending away the ailment), they are most often used in conjunction with magickal rituals. They are used before such rituals to make the area blank, a tabula rasa, leaving it open for any magickal work. They are used after such rituals to disperse any energies or entities that may have been attracted to the energy raised during the ritual.
Baphomet A term that first appeared during the trials of the Knights Templar. Although there have been many suggestions as the source of the term, including mystical ones, its etymology is unknown. In a book by occultist Eliphas Levi, he produced a drawing of Baphomet that he also identified as “The Sabbatic Goat.” It has been adapted as part of the Devil card found in many Tarot decks.
Barriers Talismans made from minerals that form in the triclinic crystal system possessing the form of a trapezium, a structure with no right angles. This structure gives these talismans strength in all directions, allowing them to provide barriers to attack from all directions simultaneously. Their crystal structure gives Barrier talismans the crystal energy to form an effective amulet that can aid in defending against the misfortunes of this world.
Beth The second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, B or V. Represents the number 2. The first of the seven "double letters." A Hebrew word meaning "house." Corresponds to the planet Mercury, the 12th Path (between Kether and Binah), and Tarot trump I The Magician.
Binah In Binah is a thick darkness which yet veileth the Divine Glory in which all colours are hidden, wherein is mystery and depth and silence, and yet, it is the habitation of the Supernal Light. There is the Supernal Triad completed. And the Sphere of its Operation is Shabbathai, or rest, and it giveth forms and similitudes unto chaotic matter and it ruleth the sphere of action of the planet Saturn. And Jehovah Elohim is the perfection of Creation and the Life of the World to Come. And its archangel is Tzaphqiel, the Prince of the Spiritual Strife against Evil, and the Name of the Order of Angels is Aralim, the Strong and Mighty Ones who are also called the Order of Thrones. The angel Jophiel if also referred unto Binah.
Binah The third Sephirah of the cabalistic Tree of Life, the topmost Sephirah on the Pillar of Severity. The term is a Hebrew word meaning "Understanding." It represents the archetype of the number 3, the feminine aspect of the Godhead. It corresponds to the divine name YHWH Elohim, the archangel Tzaphqiel, the angelic choir called Aralim (The Mighty Ones) and Shabbathai, or heavenly Sphere of Saturn.
Bind-runes Made up of combinations of two or more rune-staves, bind-runes expand and further refine the power and aim of runic formulas.
Binding Magickal acts ranging from a complex ritual to a simple spell that have the goal of preventing someone from committing a specific action or set of actions.
Black Magic Black Magick's aim is to harm yourself or another either purposely or accidentally. Some magicians feel that it would not be working to hurt someone else, except that they, themselves will suffer as a consequence. "As you sow, so shall ye reap" is not merely a philosophical aphorism to a magician, it is an actual physical fact. Most magicians do not want to chance getting "zapped" by the law of Karma for a foolish act of Black Magick.
Boline A white-handled knife used by some Witches and Wiccans for carving items, especially items used in ritual. For example, it would be used to carve a sigil on a candle used in a ritual. For some, it would also be used for many daily cutting purposes. To people who use the white knife in this way, the better-known black-hilted knife, the Athame, is not used to cut anything physical. Rather, it is used to direct energy.
Bonders Talismans that are made from minerals that form in the Class VIII-5 “Sheet Silicates” class. These crystals are formed when silicate tetrahedrons connect in sheets producing very cohesive minerals. They are very tough to cut. They are outstanding minerals that have the chemical earth power to make effective talismans when the need to create something that is bound tightly. Bonder talismans are useful in cementing relationships and agreements.
Book of the Law The Book of the Law, also known as Liber AL vel Legis, was channeled by Aleister Crowley in Cairo in 1904 from a "preternatural" entity calling himself Aiwass. It is divided into three sections, respectively attributed to the Egyptian deities Nuit,Hadit, and Ra-Hoor-Khuit. Its chief tenets are "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law," "Love is the law, love under will," and "Every man and every woman is a star."
Breaks Interruptions in concentration. Aleister Crowley gave techniques to develop concentration and overcome these breaks.
Briah The "World of Creation." The second of four Qabalistic worlds, consisting of Chokmah and Binah. Briah is the realm of archangels. It is attributed to the element of water and the Hebrew letter Heh.
Brighteners Talismans made from Class III “Halides.” That are often very brightly colored, among the brightest of the mineral kingdom. These crystals and minerals such as Halite and Fluorite are prized for their ability to bring out the beauty in something. As talismans, the Brighteners have the chemical earth energy to help us in enhancing efforts that focus on the sensual aspects of life in which some aspect has become dull, tarnished, or dingy.
Buffers Talismans made from Class VII “Phosphate” minerals. These minerals are mostly derived from phosphoric acid which forms compounds that buffer, balance, and neutralize both acids and alkalis. Other talismans from this class have similar chemistry. Buffers have the chemical earth power to help us when we need to promote stability, balance, and centering. Also sometimes called Balancers.
Builders Talismans made from minerals of the Class V “Carbonates” classification. These are minerals that are rarely in their final forms, but rather in a transitional state. The Builders have the chemical Earth Power that is needed in applications in which something new needs to be made from something old. Woodworkers, stoneworkers, artists, painters, and others efforts involved in the creative arts benefit from these types of talismans. The Builder talismans can help artists and craftsmen to focus on the artistic outcome they are trying to achieve.
Bull-roarer A tool used in rituals by the Aboriginal people of Australia. It consists of a small piece of wood tied to the end of a string. When swung through the air it produces a buzzy, humming sound. Shown being used as a signaling and communications device in the film Crocodile Dundee.
Cabala a system of mysticism with its origins in Judaism, stemming in part from the "chariot" visions of first-century mystics, in part from Gnosticism and ceremonial magic.
Candle Magic “The use of candles in magic dates back many centuries, but the specific system of magic in which colored, anointed candles are the primary tools is a relatively recent innovation, developed in the nineteenth century out of Catholic devotional practices using candles of various kinds. The southern United States, with its rich heritage of hoodoo magic and African tradition, seems to be the homeland of candle magic, with New Orleans probably the original place of invention.
“The basic practices of candle magic involve a detailed color symbolism in which red candles represent sexual desire, green stand for money, white for spirituality and healing, black for cursing and banishing, and so forth. Candles used in magic are “dressed” or anointed with specific oils, which are typically rubbed onto the candle from the middle out to both ends. A candle magic working may simply involve lighting one or more candles and reciting a charm while it burns; it may also involve rearranging candles on an altar to represent the rearrangement in the world that the working is intended to bring about.
“Originally, candle magic was mostly practiced among Southern folk magicians of various kinds, but in recent decades it has spread far more widely. Many Witches and Pagans in the current Pagan revival movements make use of it, as do a great many occultists who simply picked up a book on the subject and found it to their liking.”
Cardinal Points Also known as the “cardinal directions,” they are the North, South, East, and West. Many magickal rituals are directed toward one of the cardinal points, and some rituals have work done at each point. In mathematics, points dividing the cardinal points, such as the northeast, southwest, etc., are known as “ordinal points,” but in magickal traditions they are frequently called “cross-quarter points.”
Censer An incense burner. Traditionally, a censer is a metal container, filled with incense, that is swung on the end of a chain.
Central Gaze In European magical traditions of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, a method of using the eyes to prevent another magician from gaining control of one’s mind and will. To use the central gaze, the magician focuses his or her eyes intently on a point between the attacker’s eyebrows, at the location of the “third eye” center. The crucial point lies in not allowing oneself to meet the attacker’s gaze directly, even for a moment; concentration must be maintained on the chosen point.
Ceremonial Magick Ceremonial Magick is one of the most complicated systems of spiritual attainment in the world. It is a mixture of Jewish, Christian, and ancient Egyptian philosophy mixed with ancient Indian and Chaldean ideas spiced with a hint of earlier Paganism. This is mixed with the ceremonial aspects of Catholicism and Masonry. It usually heavily involves the study of the Kabalah, the mysticism of the world put into Jewish and Judeo-Christian terms.
Chaldean A person living in the area of ancient Babylon (modern Iraq) associated with the Sumerian city of Ur, which was eventually ruled by the Chaldees (the biblical “Ur of the Chaldees”). Chaldea was associated with magic, and by the seventeenth century in Europe, any person who was an astrologer, diviner, or magician was generically known as a “Chaldean.”
Chalice A large goblet, frequently stemmed, used to hold wine in religious rituals. Also used to represent the element of Water in magickal rites.
Chant The process of repeating sounds, words, or phrases. This can be done melodically or simply rhythmically. The goal is to induce an altered state of consciousness that may be used for magickal purposes.
Chaos Magic A term coined by Peter Carroll in 1978 in his book Liber Null (published in the US in combination with another work as Liber Null and Psychonaut) to describe a system of magick that its practitioners (who usually call themselves Chaoists or Chaotes) consider to be radically different from previous forms of magick. Important concepts in this tradition include the power of belief (expressed as “fake it until you make it”), the Gnostic state (being extremely focused) as necessary for most magick, and extreme eclecticism including the use of any belief system (even ones that are known to be entirely fictional) for the working of magickal rituals. Carroll, with Ray Sherwin, founded the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT), which is an important force in the very loosely organized Chaos Magic movement.
Chaote (Pronounced “kay-oat”) A term that describes a person who practices Chaos magick.
Charging To infuse an object with magical power.
Charm 1) An object imbued with some type of energy for magical purposes. See “talisman.” 2) A spell used to perform some type of magic.
Chesed The fourth Sephirah of the cabalistic Tree of Life, the middle Sephirah on the Pillar of Mercy. The term is a Hebrew word meaning "Mercy." It represents the archetype of the number 4, the merciful aspect of the Godhead. It corresponds to the divine name El, the archangel Tzadqiel, the angelic choir called Chashmalim, and Tzedek, or heavenly Sphere of Jupiter.
Chesed In Chokmah is the Radix of blue and thence is there a blue colour pure and primitive, and glistening with a spiritual Light which is reflected unto Chesed. And the Sphere of its Operation is called Tzedek or justice and it fashioneth the images of material things, bestowing peace and mercy; and it ruleth the sphere of the action of the planet Jupiter. And Al is the title of a God strong and mighty, ruling in Glory, Magnificence and Grace. And the Archangel of Chesed is Tzadkiel, the prince of Mercy and Beneficence, and the Name of the Order of Angels is Chashmalim Brilliant Ones, who are also called the Order of Dominions or Dominations. The Sephira Chesed is also called Gedulah or Magnificence and Glory.
Cheth The eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Ch or H. Represents the number 8. The fourth of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "fence" or "enclosure." Corresponds to Cancer, the 18th Path (between Binah and Geburah), and Tarot trump VII The Chariot.
Chokmah The second Sephirah of the cabalistic Tree of Life, the topmost Sephirah on the Pillar of Mercy. The term is a Hebrew word meaning "Widsom." It represents the archetype of the number 2, the masculine aspect of the Godhead. It corresponds to the divine name Yah, the archangel Raziel, the angelic choir called Ophanim (Wheels) and the Mazloth, or heavenly Sphere of the Zodiac.
Chokmah In Chokmah is a cloud-like grey which containeth various colours and is mixed with them, like a transparent pearl-hued mist, yet radiating withal, as if behind it there was a brilliant glory. And the Sphere of its influence is in Masloth, the Starry Heaven, wherein it disposeth the forms of things. And Yah is the Divine Ideal Wisdom, and its Archangel is Ratziel, the Prince or Princes of the knowledge of hidden and concealed things, and the name of its Order of Angels is Auphanim, the Wheels or the Whirling Forces which are also called the Order of Kerubim.
Cipher Manuscripts A collection of loose papers, which are the original source of the Golden Dawn ritual and magical system, and which played a complex and still uncertain role in the founding of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Circle The magic circle is drawn in the astral world about the Magus and the place where the ritual is worked. It forms a division between the magical place and the ordinary world, setting the interior space apart. This allows the region inside the circle to hold a heightened charge of magical potency, and because it is a pure space devoted to worship and magic, it permits the manifestation of spiritual Intelligences that could not be readily perceived in the ordinary environment. The circle also acts as a barrier that protects the Magus from the intrusion of discordant, chaotic forces that seek to disrupt communications with higher spiritual beings, or even to harm the Magus in emotional and physical ways.
The circle is always inscribed from the inside, ideally from the center, in a sunwise direction, and visualized as a glowing or flaming band of light that sustains itself in the air at the level of the heart. Often a corresponding physical circle of the same radius is marked on the floor of the chamber beforehand; but the magic circle does not actually exist until it is made in the astral by a deliberate act of will. For convenience, the circle is made of a size great enough to enclose the ritual place. A single ritualist, if working without an altar in a confined space, might project a circle of six feet in diameter. With an altar at the center, the circle might be nine feet in diameter to permit movement around the altar. Since the circle is drawn in the astral, it can be made larger than the actual physical chamber.
Whatever its size, the circle should always be large enough to comfortably hold all who work within it. Because the circle is magically real, even though immaterial, it must never be casually broken. It is extended from the heart center of the Magus clockwise from the point of the right index finger, or the point of the wand, sword, or knife. It should be reabsorbed at the end of the ritual in through the left index finger, or magical instrument held in the left hand, by retracing it widdershins——against the course of the Sun. It must never be stepped through, although this is a common mistake among occultists. To disregard the substantiality of the circle is to weaken it, and so render it a less useful tool.
Circle of Bluestone Small ring carved from Preseli Bluestone, the substance from which the Inner Ring of Stonehenge is made. It is used with Touchstones on the equinoxes and solstices to unify talismans—combining their power with all other talismans.
Circumambulation A term most often used by ceremonial magicians describing moving within a magickal circle either as part of a ritual or as a way of raising magickal energy.
City of Pyramids The destination of the Adept crossing the Abyss. The City of Pyramids is located in Binah.
Conjure Originally a practice that may have included such things as chanting and physical motions with the purpose of evoking a spirit. Now often used as a generic term for “magic.”
Correspondences A method of assigning meaning and interdependent connections to the various aspects of the visible and invisible worlds wherein each color, sound, metal, plant, animal, organs of the human body, or anything in the material world, is said to have its origin in the invisible through specific energetic signatures. Astrology plays a significant role in assigning and deciding correspondences.
Crowley Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was the foremost ceremonial magician of the first half of the 20th century. He was born in Leamington, England, on October 12, 1875, the son of fanatical Plymouth Brethren. His mother called him the Beast of Revelation, whose number is 666, and Crowley embraced this identification. He attended Cambridge and began to study occultism. He was an accomplished chess player, mountain climber, and poet. In 1898, he joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. In 1903, he married Rose Kelly. In 1904, while on an extended honeymoon with Rose in Cairo, he received The Book of the Law from a "praeternatural" entity calling himself Aiwass. This book identified Crowley as the Logos of a New Aeon, and Crowley spent the rest of his life trying to spread the new religion. He died in a rooming house in Hastings on December 1, 1947.
Cube of Space A model, found in the Sepher Yetzirah, of how the invisible energies expressed by the Hebrew alphabet interact with one another to create the invisible worlds.
Curse A spell or ritual—or the result of the spell or ritual—used to harm someone or punish the person. It may be transferable to the family of the cursed person. A curse may also cause a building, location, or object to bring “bad luck” to an owner or renter.
Daath The Qabalistic Sephirah of Daath is the conjunction of Chokmah and Binah on the Tree of Life, the Child of Wisdom and Understanding. It refers to the symbolic sphere formed within or above the Ruach by means of experience obtained, and this assimilated becomes transmuted into intuition and faculty of mind. But fundamentally it is the ascent of the Dragon or, if you wish, an upwelling of the Unconscius archetypes—a highly dangerous and unbalancing ascent, until they are assimilated to consciousness—which first renders Daath a possibility.
Daleth The fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, D or Dh. Represents the number 4. The third of the seven "double letters." A Hebrew word meaning "door." Corresponds to the planet Venus, the 14th Path (between Chokmah and Binah), and Tarot trump III The Empress.
Dark Night of the Soul Term now familiar in Western mystical psychology: 16th-century Spanish Carmelite St. John of the Cross (whose writings reveal much Qabalistic understanding) used it to describe the intense desolation which characterized the eighth of his ten stages of spiritual ascent, corresponding to the experience of Binah, the Third Sephira.
Darts A small, narrow, pointed missile. Today, a game is played where darts are tossed at a circular target. The location of the dart on the board determines the score, and there are many game variations. According to Lewis Spence, the Laplanders used darts in a form of magick. The darts were made of lead and were only a few inches long. They would throw these against their absent enemies, and believed this would result in giving them horrible pains and ailments. From his description, this was a form of sympathetic magic.
Degree Different levels of grades within spiritual organizations such as magickal lodges or covens. Also used to identify the level that a member of such a group has achieved, such as a first degree, third degree, etc.
Demon CO A humorous reference to carbon monoxide. When charcoal for incense is burned, it can exhaust the air of oxygen and replace it with carbon monoxide (chemical formula: CO). The lack of oxygen can cause dizziness, sickness, unconsciousness, or death. A magician should always have plenty of air in a room when burning incense.
Dion Fortune Pen name of Violet Mary Firth (1890–1946) based on her family motto (which she used as a magical name) “Deo Non Fortuna,” Latin for “God, not fate.” She developed psychic abilities early in life, leading to a nervous breakdown. Upon her recover she became fascinated with the occult and the new studies in psychology, eventually becoming a lay psychotherapist. After studying Theosophy she eventually joined a branch of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
In order to increase membership, she formed the Fraternity (later changed to Society) of the Inner Light. It worked, but it brought her fame and the leader of the Golden Dawn supposedly didn’t like that and ousted her. But her Society continued to grow and her books became famous.
There were three major trends in her writing. Traditional Western occultism and the Qabalah filled many of her non-fiction works. Her fiction works were focused more on Pagan traditions. Those associated with her Society are more focused around mystical Christianity with a focus on King Arthur and Merlin. Her famous books include The Mystical Qabalah, Sane Occultism, Moon Magic, The Sea Priestess, and Avalon of the Heart.
She respected and corresponded with Aleister Crowley, was responsible for Israel Regardie getting initiated into the Golden Dawn, and claimed to have been involved in what was known as the “Magical Battle of Britain” where occultists used magick to prevent a German invasion of England during WWII. It is known that Hitler intended to invade England, but for some reason (about which there is much speculation) he called it off.
Dispellers Talismans that form in the orthorhombic system with a “diamond shape” internal crystal arrangements. They often appear as small multiple diamond-shaped crystals like a multitude of arrowheads or pyramids. The diamond shape of their crystal lattice acts like a radiator, with sharp points from which the energy can flow easily outward. This outward flow of energy can carry with it the undesirable elements in our lives. Dispellers are talismans used when the need is to rid ourselves of undesirable elements in our lives.
Distillation The process of boiling a fluid and then cooling the resulting gas, resulting in a purified liquid. In alchemy, the gas produced during the distillation was considered the spirit of the substance being distilled, and the purification through heat is also a form of spiritual purification of the substance being distilled.
Druidism Druidism is the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Celtic peoples, a polytheistic religion originating in the archaic proto-Indo-European past. It was carried into Western Europe by Indo-European tribes speaking Celtic dialects.
Druidism is a spiritual path in harmony with the natural flow of the cosmos. It is one of the many folk or “earth” religions that can brig us back into reverence for living things and the disciplines of hard work, productivity, physical strength and health. It beckons us to follow the wisdom of our ancestors.
Earth One of the four creative elements in magick. It is the element of form, binding, and manifestation. From an occult perspective the element of Earth is the lowest in vibratory rate of the four elements. Most modern Witchcraft/Wiccan traditions consider Earth to be a feminine element. In an occult sense, “feminine” refers to the characteristics of energy rather than to gender.
Earth Pentacle In the system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a symbolically decorated, disk of wood. It is used by an adept to direct elemental earth energy.
Egregore An energized astral form produced consciously or unconsciously by human agency. In particular, (a) a strongly characterized form, usually an archetypal image, produced by the imaginative and emotional energies of a religious or magical group collectively, or (b) an astral shape of any kind, deliberately formulated by a magician to carry a specific force.
Elemental Symbols Much of magic is done through the mediation of the four occult elements, Fire, Air, Water, and Earth. They determine both the type of energy that accomplishes the work and the avenue through which it acts. For this reason a clear understanding and proper use of the elements is vital in ritual. Each element is represented by its own material symbol, which is placed atop the altar beside the lamp in the appropriate elemental quarter. If a ritual concerns only one element, its symbol is placed on the altar alone; if all four elements are involved, all four symbols are present.
Fire is embodied in a short rod about nine inches long. This has a very specific design in the Golden Dawn magical system, but the details are not really necessary. It is the essential shape of the rod that is most important. The nature of elemental Fire is in accord with this strongly phallic symbol.
Air is embodied in a short dagger. Again, it is the associations of the blade—its flashing quickness, its piercing quality, its brightness——that are important, not details of the hilt and so on. The difference in tone between the rod and the dagger says much about the essential difference between elemental Fire and Air.
Water is embodied in a cup or chalice. It should be rounded and womblike, enclosing and protective. It is also more harmonious if the cup is made of a watery, or at least a natural, material. Blue hand blown glass is good, or earth-tone ceramic.
Earth is embodied in the disk or pentacle. This is a flat disk painted with Earth colors. Ideally it should be made of clay or stone. Usually it is of wood. It must not be too large to conveniently hold in the hand—four inches in diameter is a good size, because four is a material, earthy number.
So far as I know, the use of elemental symbols originated with the Victorian Order of the Golden Dawn in the last century, and received its inspiration from the symbols of the lesser arcana—the number cards—of the Tarot. Specific, formal symbols of the four elements were not used in medieval times, and are not strictly necessary. However, the employment of these symbols has become almost universal in modern magic, and they can be very useful. It is important that they be made to harmonize with the sensibilities of the one who will actually use them, not merely according to some arbitrary standard.
Elemental Weapons The four tools used in traditional magical work, corresponding with the four elements and four suits of the Tarot.
Elementals Elementals are spirits of the four elements. As defined by Paracelsus in the 16th century, they are:
Earth - gnomes
Air - sylphs
Fire - salamanders
Water - undines
Eliphas Levi Part of the name Eliphas Levi Zaed used by Alphonse Louis Constant (1810–1875) when he wrote books and articles. It was an attempt to translate and transliterate his name into Hebrew. Levi’s writings on magic, especially
Enchant To perform a magical ritual, usually with the purpose of having an effect on someone. The rite is known as an “enchantment.”
Enoch Enoch is described in the Jewish bible and other extrabiblical sources. According to Lewis Spence, he is considered the seventh master of the world after Adam. He has been equated with the Egyptian deity Thoth. An Apocryphal book written about 100 b.c.e. is attributed to him, but only fragments remain. It is said that he didn’t die, but was “translated” (i.e., carried away) to heaven and will return at the end of time. John Dee and his assistant, Edward Kelly supposedly communicated with Enoch who communicated an entire system of magick to them. This is known as Enochian magick.
Enochian Relating to Enoch.
Enochian Chess A variant of chess practiced in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and devised by the order’s cofounder William Wynn Westcott. Based on chaturanga, the ancient Hindu version of chess, it is a game for four players in which the pieces are Egyptian gods and the board is derived from one of the four Enochian elemental tablets.
Enochian Magick The ultimate goal of the Enochian Magician is to become a living embodiment of spiritual knowledge and power. Enochian Magick works by employing techniques which strengthen the will and give control over the mind, allowing a magician to bring about personal changes as well as changes for others.
Equinox of the Gods The beginning of the Aeon of Horus; specifically, the Spring Equinox of March 20, 1904.
Evocation The process required when Evoking.
Evoke To call forth [a force or influence] from within the psyche.
Fairy magic Magical operations based upon the legendary fey folk, elemental in nature and relating to the seasons and their associated activities, especially Midsummer, Beltane eve, and All Hallows eve.
(2) Any specialized ceremony requesting and honoring fairy folk assistance in magickal ways. Both light and dark fey folk can be involved.
Fascination A type of spell or ritual effecting a person in a way that the subject of the spell sees things in a particular light. For example, as a result of such a spell a person may see another as being highly desirable when previously the subject did not feel that way.
Fetish In magical traditions, especially in non-industrialized or “primitive” cultures, an object that is believed to have magical qualities.
Fire Wand In the system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a symbolically decorated, phallic appearing wand with a magnetic bar running its length. It is used by an adept to direct elemental fire energy.
Flagellation The practice of whipping, usually with a whip that has multiple strands or “tails” known as a flogger. Some magicians use self-flagellation to increase the flow of endorphins, resulting in an altered state of consciousness that can be used in magical rituals. In certain Wiccan traditions, flagellation is used—often symbolically—as part of initiation.
Flashing Colors In the Golden Dawn system of magic, colors that produce a flashing or “strove” effect in the eyes of a view…If two colors are chosen so that each is the other’s exact opposite, and the two are placed side by side, each will appear to pulse with the other after a short period of concentrated gaze. The Golden Dawn knowledge lectures stated that this effect was associated with a stirring up of the etheric energy, and flashing colors were therefore used in consecrated working tools and talismans as a source of additional energy.
Flower The part of a plant that bears seeds. It contains the plant’s reproductive organs (carpels and stamens) that are frequently surrounded by colorful petals. In the Victorian period (1832-1901), flowers were given various meanings and were sent to others for communication in what was called the “Language of Flowers” or “floriography.” Different flowers are also used for various magical purposes.
Fluid Condenser In European traditions of magic, a substance used to store etheric energy. The most common fluid condensers are liquid, and made by dissolving small amounts of gold in water, then combining this with herbal infusions of various kinds; there are also solid fluid condensers, which are less often used. The term fluid condenser derives from the concept of etheric energy as a subtle fluid.
Flying Roll In the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, various incidental papers and lectures were termed “flying rolls” and circulated among the adepti of the order.
Fortune Dion Fortune was the pen-name of Violet Mary Firth (Dec. 6, 1890-Jan. 1946). She is well known for her many books relating to ceremonial magick. She was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn but broke with the society after a quarrel with Moina Mathers, widow of founder MacGregor Mathers. She established her own magical order, the Fraternity of the Inner Light. During World War II, she and her followers enlisted the aid of the archangels against Hitler's Luftwaffe. A powerful psychic and medium, she considered herself a Priestess of the Great Goddess.
Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy A version of the Heptameron with large portions of the original Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Influenced by the Lemegeton.
G.B.G. (More accurately, each letter has a triangle formed by three dots after it. This usage derives from the very old Masonic connections of the early Occult orders. It always signifies something “holy” or that an esoteric meaning is involved.)
Great Brotherhood of God. An occult order whose objective existence dates from 1931 to 1938 inclusive. Its founder, C. F. Russell (Frater Genesthai), had been a student of Aleister Crowley. Crowley gave Russell permission to found his own Order based on Crowley’s famous Book of the Law, the concept of doing your Will, and the idea that we were now in the age of Horus. In practice, the Order taught such things as dream recall, Tarot, Qabalah, the “Calypso Moon Language,” and three degrees of sex magick. It was not until 1969—more than thirty years after the Order closed—that one of its members, Louis T. Culling, published a brief version of its teachings and rituals.
Geburah The fifth Sephirah of the cabalistic Tree of Life, the middle Sephirah on the Pillar of Severity. The term is a Hebrew word meaning "Severity." It represents the archetype of the number 5, the just aspect of the Godhead. It corresponds to the divine name Elohim Gibor, the archangel Kamael, the angelic choir called Seraphim, and Madim, or heavenly Sphere of Mars.
Geburah In Binah is the Radix of Red, and therein is a red colour, pure and scintillating and flashing with flame which is reflected unto Geburah. The Sphere of its Operation is called Madim or violent rushing Force and it bringeth fortitude, and war and strength and slaughter, as it were, the flaming Sword of an avenging God. And it ruleth the Sphere of Action of the Planet Mars. And Elohim Gibor is the Elohim, Mighty and Terrible, judging and avenging evil, ruling in wrath and terror and storm, and at whose steps are lightning and flame. And its Archangel is Kamael the Prince of Strength and Courage, and the Name of the Order of Angels is Seraphim the Flaming Ones who are also called the Order of Powers. The Sephira Chesed is also called Gedulah or Magnificense and Glory, and the Sephira Geburah is also called Pachad Terror and Fear.
Gimel The third letter of the Hebrew alphabet, G or Gh. Represents the number 3. The second of the seven "double letters." A Hebrew word meaning "camel." Corresponds to the Moon, the 13th Path (between Kether and Tiphareth), and
Glamour Glamour is the art of enchantment. In occult lore, glamour is the ability to create an illusion around a person, place, or thing. In legend, the art of glamour was used to make the old appear young or to disguise one's appearance in different ways. It was also used to hide or camouflage something and to make one thing appear to be another.
Gnomes Gnomes are elemental spirits of Earth. The name was invented by Paracelsus in the 16th century. He identified spirits of the four elements, or elementals.
Gnomes gnome - one of a fabled race of diminutive beings supposed to inhabit the inner parts of the earth, and to be the guardians of mines, quarries, etc. The name gnome was given by Paracelsus to beings having earth as their element, so that they can move through it as freely as a fish through water (cf. sylph, salamander, undine). In later use the conception has been largely influenced by popular ideas about dwarfs, elves, and fairies, probably in particular by the Teutonic belief in "dark elves."
Goetia Goetic Magick is named for the most popular grimoire of its genre, the Goetia (Greek for "sorcery" or "Witchcraft"). Goetic Magick is the art of summoning spirits, demons, jinn, angels, and elementals.
Golden Dawn The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is an initiatory magical group that was founded in London in 1888. It is a society that is dedicated to philosophical, spiritual, and psychic evolution.
Grimoire A Grimoire is a book of ceremonies, rituals, and spells, usually dating from the Middle Ages.
Grounding A term describing how, at the conclusion of a ritual, any remaining magickal energy is dispersed by sending it to the earth. Also, in healing, getting rid of illness by sending the energy of the illness to the earth.
Haoma Sometimes personified as a deity, Haoma is a magical drink of ancient Persia (modern Iran). It was made from milk, water, and the haoma plant and was said to give immortality.
Heh The fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, H. Represents the number 5. The first of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "window." Corresponds to Aries, the 15th Path (between Chokmah and trump IV The Emperor. (In the system of Aleister Crowley, Heh corresponds to the Tarot trump XVII The Star.)
Heptameron Attributed to Peter de Abano (1250–1316) and translated by Robert Turner in 1655, this was apparently written as a “how-to” accompaniment for the theories and philosophies in Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy.
herb An “herb” can be a cactus, a flower, a seaweed, a moss, a mushroom, a grass, a vine, shrub, bush or tree. “Spices” are also classified as herbs. The parts of plants used in herbalism include seeds, flowers, fruits, leaves, barks and roots.
The word “herb” implies that the plant has a specific use. Such uses may be medicinal (goldenseal); culinary (spearmint); cosmetic (almond); aesthetic (rose) or magical (sandalwood). Many herbs enjoy a rich variety of uses.
herb magic Herb magic is the utilization of the energies contained within herbs to create positive transformations. This practice doesn’t solely rely on plant power to create these changes, though. The magician sends energy into the herbs from her or his own body. The two energies (human and plant) are mixed, given purpose, and sent forth to their magical goal.
herbal A book containing descriptions of plants and their uses. The first herbals were written in ancient Greece. Most herbals included magical as well as medicinal information. Such books were copied and recopied for centuries, further spreading magical herbal lore.
Hermetic Related to the Greek god Hermes. Hermes, seen by many as a form of the ancient Egyptian Thoth, is the god of magic. Therefore, it is descriptive of any person or project involving magic. Often this involves Egyptian (or supposedly Egyptian) magical practices.
Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor Occult order founded in England sometime before 1884; the H.B. of L. was among the first examples of the occult correspondence school. Candidates for membership who responded to its advertising or were recommended by a member would be requested to send a photograph and an astrological birth chart; upon acceptance, the new member would be placed in contact with a mentor, who would send out a series of manuscripts in exchange for fees and a pledge of secrecy.
They had a running feud with the Theosophical Society, the major player in contemporary occult circles. Members went on to found the O.T.O., the Brotherhood of Light, and the Church of Light.
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Full name of the magical order commonly called the Golden Dawn.
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn The recent legal conflict has been resolved and we are pleased with the outcome. Our organization, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation (also known as H.O.G.D.) is the sole and exclusive owner of United States Trademark Registration No. 2, 034,866 for our mark THE HERMETIC ORDER OF THE GOLDEN DAWN & Design.
Hermeticism A later manifestation of the Hermetic tradition that grew out of ancient Hermetism. The magic and mysticism of the Western world that is descended from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. It also includes Rosicrucian, Jewish, Arabic, and indigenous European spiritual traditions. The Western Esoteric Tradition.
Hex A spell, frequently a curse, created by a Pagan or Witch, typically someone practicing folk magic. The word probably comes from the German hexe meaning “Witch.”
Hexagram A six-pointed star usually formed by two interwoven triangles. Today, it is frequently seen as a symbol of Judaism (having replaced the previous symbols of the pentagram and seven-branched candlestick) and is known as the Shield or Star of David (Mogen David). A popular interpretation of the symbol is that the triangle with one point down represents God reaching for humanity, while the triangle pointing up represents humans striving to reach for the Divine.
Mystically, the downward-pointing triangle represents the feminine powers while the triangle pointing up represents the masculine powers. Thus, it is a symbol of mystical union, a Western version of the famous Yin-Yang symbol of Taoism. Magically, each point represents the astrological powers of one of the planets visible to the unaided eye. According to the book The Golden Dawn, by Israel Regardie, Saturn is at the point at the top, the Moon is at the point at the bottom, Jupiter is at the upper right point, Venus is at the lower right point, Mars is at the upper left point, Mercury is at the lower left point, and the center is given to the fire of the Sun. These attributions are used in many rituals, the most famous (due to its original publication by Regardie in the late 1930s) being the Greater Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.
Hexagram A symbol of divinity and the macrocosm, associated with the seven planets, particularly the Sun.
High Magic A form of magic that evolved in cities. Cities tended to be in higher locations to help water and sewer drainage and improve defensive abilities. The term “high” relates to the location of its origin and does not imply superiority in any way, although some people have attempted to give it that definition.
High Magic(k) is typified by more involved rituals and elaborate tools than are regularly found in the practice of Natural or Low Magic. Today, the Kabalah (Qabbalah, Cabala, etc.) is often a major part of High Magic. Also known as Ceremonial Magic.
Hocus Pocus An expression meaning magic. Used by conjurors to imply that some sort of magic is being used. Today it is more often used in a derogatory manner by doubters in an attempt to mock the reality of magic, as in “That’s just a bunch of silly hocus pocus.” The exact origin of the phrase is unknown. Some believe it is related to a magician of Norse folklore named Ochus Bochus. However, as early as the 17th century it was suggested that it was based on the words of Catholic priests during the mass. At the high point of the ritual, where it is believed that the wafer literally becomes the body of Christ ("transubstantiation”), the priest says, “Hoc est corpus,” meaning “this is the body.”
Iklil Al Jabhah The 15th Mansion of the Moon, corresponding to part of the constellation Scorpio.
Influence: Inhibits thieves
Spirit: Atliel
Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT) International magical order, founded in Germany in 1976 by two Chaos magicians, one English and one German. Its formal name is “The Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros;” the word Thanateros is a fusion of the Greek thanatos (death) and eros (sexual love). The IOT’s central focus is Chaos magic; its teaching methods and practical work emphasize the use of altered states of consciousness, on the one hand, and the rejection of fixed patterns of belief, on the other.
The emblem of the pact is a black circle from which eight black arrows radiate. This is based on the “Banner of Chaos” from the fantasy novels of English author Michael Moorcock, and is one of several common Chaos magic borrowings from fiction.
The pact offers four grades of initiation—Neophyte 4°, Initiate 3°, Adept 2°, and Magus 1°. The honorary grade of Supreme Magus 0° is held by the head of the pact as a whole. Ordination as a Priest or Priestess of Chaos is available to members at the 3° or 2° levels.
IOT’s most important spokesman is Peter Carroll, one of the two founders and the author of several influential books on Chaos magic. According to Carroll, the IOT came into being out of a fusion of Thelemic magic, Tantra, Taoism, and the work of English occultists Austin Osman Spare (1886–1956), whose Zos Kia Cultus was ancestral to most current Chaos magic systems.
Incantation A set of words or phrases, often chanted or repeated in a “sing-song” fashion, for a magickal purpose.
Initiate As a verb (pronounced “in-ih-shee-ate”), the process—usually involving a ritual—of bringing someone into a group or magickal organization. As a noun (pronounced “in-ih-shee-uht”), a person who has gone through the process.
Initiation A ritual or event that indicates a spiritual and/or psychological change and movement to a new period in life or a new awareness. Traditionally, the candidate for initiation would symbolically die and be reborn into this new way of being. In some traditions, being initiated is supposed to confer various spiritual powers.
In magical orders, initiation also provides entry into the private organization. According to occultist Dion Fortune, there are two basic types of initiation, physical and non-physical. It is hoped that they either occur together or that the physical initiation triggers the non-physical one, however a non-physical initiation can occur at any time and at any place.
Invocation The process required when invoking.
Invoke To call [the power or presence of, for instance, a deity] in from outside the psyche.
Invultuation Invultation is the practice of sticking pins in a wax doll in order to cause pain or harm to a victim.
Kabalism The techniques and practices of Kabbalah.
Kamea A magical square consisting of numbers and/or Hebrew letters used in planetary magick.
Kaph The eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, K or Kh. Represents the number 20. The fourth of the seven "double letters." A Hebrew word meaning "palm of hand." Corresponds to the planet Jupiter, the 21st Path (between Chesed and Netzach), and Tarot trump The Wheel of Fortune.
Kether The first and topmost of the Sephiroth of the cabalistic Tree of Life. The term is a Hebrew word meaning "Crown." It represents the archetype of the number 1, the undifferentiated Godhead. It corresponds to the divine name Eheieh, the archangel Metatron, the angelic choir called Chayoth ha-Qadesh (Holy Living Creatures) and the Rashith ha-Gilgalim, or Primum Mobile.
Kether In Kether is the Divine White Brilliance, the scintillation and corruscation of the Divine Glory—that Light which lighteth the universe—that Light which surpasseth the glory of the Sun and beside which the light of mortals is but darkness, and concerning which it is not fitting that we should speak more fully. And the Sphere of its Operation is called Rashith Ha-Gilgalim--the beginning of whirling (or whirls, or whorls), the Primum Mobile or First Mover, which bestoweth the gift of life in all things and filleth the whole Universe. And Eheieh is the Name of the Divine Essence in Kether; and its Archangel is the Prince of Countenances—Metatron or Metraton, He who bringeth others before the face of God. And the Name of its Order of Angels is called Chaioth ha-Qadesh, the Holy Living Creatures, which are also called the Order of Seraphim.
Key of Solomon One of the famous classical grimoires also known as the Greater Key of Solomon. In French it was available in the fourteenth century. A.E. Waite is willing to allow as much as two centuries before this time for the book to have been created and transmitted (perhaps orally), placing its true original as far back as the twelfth century. It would seem that scholars generally agree on the idea that the Key (along with the Lemegeton) is the fountainhead of Medieval grimoiric writing; providing the format, style, and even the content of those which followed.
The Key is composed of two books. Book one concerns the art of spirit summoning—without offering any set hierarchies of intelligences or the use of a triangle. Instead, the spirits arrive at the edge of the circle, and it is up to the mage to question them about their names and functions. Book two concerns itself with all ritual preparations—purifications, the construction of magickal tools, incense, holy water, etc. It is also the book from which Gerald Gardner drew much of his material in his formation of Wicca.
Lamed The twelfth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, L. Represents the number 30. The seventh of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "ox goad." Corresponds to Libra, the 22nd Path (between Geburah and Tiphareth), and Tarot trump XI (or VIII) Justice.
Lamp The spiritual focus of the circle is the flame of the lamp, which is always lit during rituals, and which resides in the middle of the altar top. The absolute magical center of the circle is the invisible point where the flame of the lamp tapers up and vanishes into infinity. Usually a ceramic or metal oil lamp is used, but a candle is acceptable. Some groups maintain a perpetual flame on their altars. This is beyond the reach of small circles or individuals, but the flame should be maintained without failing in the astral temple in the mind of each ritualist. This is the true occult perpetual lamp.
The flame is the focus of the awareness of those working the ritual. They direct their prayers to it and meditate upon it. The point at which it disappears into infinity marks the doorway in the Veil of Unknowing, which the ritual is designed to open. The flame should be conceived by the Magus as burning in the center of his or her being, throwing its light across the circle of self. When the circle is filled with light, the self is purified and exalted.
Law of Thelema Definition: The basic rule of those following the system of Aleister Crowley: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.” This appeared in Liber Al vel Legis, or The Book of the Law. It has early versions in Rabelais’ book, Gargantua and Pantagruel (where it was the French fay çe que vouldras or “Do what thou wilt”) and in a sermon by St. Augustine’s where he wrote, “Love, and do what you will.”
Some people have made the assumption that “Do what thou wilt” means you are free to do whatever you want. This, however, contradicts Crowley’s intent. Here, the term “wilt” means the will of your higher self, and your higher self is completely in agreement with the will of God. Therefore, the Law of Thelema is saying that a follower is called to do the sometimes long and difficult work that will enable him or her to consciously access their higher self, and then only do what is in the nature of the higher self. Thus, their actions will eventually be in harmony with the will of God.
There is a much older Sanskrit term, Svecchacarya, which means the “path of doing one’s will.” This is a belief and practice followed by some Tantrics. It should be pointed out, however, that karma is also in play. Therefore, a Tantric following this path is free to do whatever he or she wills to do, but is responsible for their actions.
Left-Hand Path A path in Western magick that is “evil.” Possible derivation from the Latin sinister or French sinestre (the source of the English word “sinister”) which means “left.” In Tantric magickal traditions, Left-Hand Path refers to traditions where practitioners actually perform rituals while Right-Hand Path refers to meditative techniques. Some Western magicians are adopting these Tantric definitions.
Lemegeton Also known as the Lesser Key of Solomon, the Lemegeton is composed of five texts that may have been separate but were collected into this book. The first and best-known section is the “Goetia,” which introduces the use of the magickal Triangle of the Art for evoking spirits.
The second part is the “Theurgia-Goetia,”which has many other spirits for summoning. The Third part is the “Pauline Art” which was supposedly discovered by the Apostle Paul and delivered in Corinth. It deals with spirits allotted to every degree of the zodiac, as well as the signs, the planets of the signs, and of the hours. It includes the way to find the Angel of your Ascendant, which is called “The Conjuration of the Holy Guardian Angel” and uses a crystal ball.
The fourth part is the “Almadel” which refers to a square tablet of wax with holy names and characters on it for the summoning of Angels. The fifth part is the “Ars Nova” (New Art) in one version and “Ars Notaria” (Notary Arts) in most others. Both versions consist of prayers and orations.
Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram Abbreviated LBRP. A basic Golden Dawn ritual that uses the figure of the pentagram to cleanse the temple or ritual space of unwanted energies.
Lesser Key of Solomon Another name for the Lemegeton.
Liber Latin for “book.” Used in the title of some medieval magical works. The practice was continued by Aleister Crowley and remains a popular naming practice by some magical writers today.
License to Depart In the magickal practice of spirit evocation, the oration given to dismiss the entity summoned. An example might be, “O thou spirit ______________, because thou has diligently answered unto my demands and hast been very ready and willing to come at my call, I do here license thee to depart unto they proper place. Go now in peace to thy abodes and habitations, causing neither harm nor danger unto humans or beasts. Depart, then, I say, and be thou very ready to come at my call, when duly conjured by the sacred rites of magick. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and may the peace of God be ever continued between thee and me! So mote it be!”
In the space the magicians would name the spirit who had been evoked. Variations of this occur in both the Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon. Gerald Gardner, popularizer of Wicca, was familiar with ceremonial magick, and may have adapted some parts of this for the dismissal used in Wiccan rites.
Logos (Greek, “word”) The word of creation.
Longsword Dance A form of English ritual dance usually performed between December 21 and January 6. Six or eight dancers carrying flat, dull, interlinked dancing swords and perform various figures, culminating in a “lock”, a six- or eight-pointed star. The lock is raised high for the audience to see.
Lotus Wand A wand associated with the element of Water and used in the Adeptus Minor Ritual.
Lovecraft Howard Phillps Lovecraft (1890–1937) was an American writer who specialized in short horror stories. Eventually, the stories ended up having a set of common themes, including the human race being battled over by god-like entities, a set of evil deities with the best known being “Cthulhu,” the inevitability of fate in our lives, and a mysterious book, the Necronomicon, that revealed all of this information and how people could make use of it.
Lovecraft not only used these themes in his own stories, but also within stories he ghost wrote for others such as the famous escape artist, Harry Houdini. Other contemporary writers liked the concept so much that they began to use the concepts, and expand upon them, in their own stories, eventually including even each other as inside jokes. For example, “Klarkash-Ton” was a name of a high priest, and is a play on the name of writer Clark Ashton Smith, and author August Derleth named a character “Ward Phillips” as a play on Howard Phillips Lovecraft’s name.
Because so many writers included aspects of the “Cthulhu Mythos” in their stories, and because Lovecraft wrote many stories which were published under the names of others that also used references to these ideas, some people came to conclude that there must be some validity in them. For decades, people would go to used book dealers looking for copies of the mythic Necronomicon. Eventually several versions were published.
Due to a perceived inner consistency in the Cthulhu Mythos, some occultists have assumed that Lovecraft actually tapped into something very magickal, and use concepts from his writings in their works. Some independent magicians use one of the Necronomicon versions as a basis for their magick. Others acknowledge that it is mythic, but contend that all deity pantheons are mythic and the one created by Lovecraft is as good as any other such pantheons.
Magic Magic is the art of affecting the manifest through the Unmanifest. The manifest is all that can be seen, touched, perceived, manipulated, imagined, or understood. The Unmanifest is none of these things. It is the place, or rather the non-place, from which everything issues. All that comes into being comes from the Unmanifest. All that passes away goes back to the Unmanifest.
Magic According to the famous occultist Aleister Crowley, magick is "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." ... In fact, Crowley... says that "every intentional act is a Magickal Act." If you follow his line of reasoning, there is a great deal of validity in what he says, although it is not what we are seeking at this time. We need to make the definition of magick a bit longer: Magick is the science and art of causing change (in consciousness) to occur in conformity with will, using means not currently understood by traditional Western science.
Magic The movement of natural (but little understood) energies from the human body and from natural objects to manifest change. Once a world-wide practice, Christianity attempted to stamp it out because magic placed power in the hands of the people. Early Christians linked magic with “Satan,” a false association that continues to this day.
Magic Mirror A mirror used for divination. Unlike most mirrors, a magic mirror is black instead of silver.
Magical and Ritual Tools The implements or weapons often used in the performance of rituals and magical rites. Traditionally these include tools for each of the magical elements: a stemmed goblet or chalice to represent water; a disk, paten, or pentacle to represent earth; a wand to represent fire; and a dagger to represent air. Some practitioners reverse the wand and dagger associations.
Other tools can include candles, sigils, Tarot cards, talismans, other types of wands, other types of daggers (especially the black-handled blade, sharp on both sides, known as the Athame and the lesser-used white-handled knife known as a Boline, most often used by Wiccans and Witches), gemstones, and many others.
Magical Bath This type of bath is not intended to merely take the dirt off your skin. Rather, it cleans negativity and the cares of the day from your spirit. First, take a shower to get the dirt off. Then run a warm bath. Be sure to put in some bath salts or Epsom salts with some nicely scented oil or perfume added. Then get in and just soak for a few minutes. Feel all of your cares, worries, and negativity going into the water. Now, pull the plug and let the water drain while you stay in the water. As the water drains you will feel all of the negative things which were troubling you go down with the water. After all of the water has drained out of the tub, get out and dry yourself with a clean, fresh towel.
Magical Diary A personal notebook kept to record details of Otherworld journeys or rituals carried out during your Practical Work. It is by keeping such a diary accurately and meticulously that you will be able to gauge your progress and learn in the years to come. The diary can also be used to record any coincidences which occur in your day-to-day life, or any thoughts, realizations, or ideas that may come to you at any time during of day or night, which may be of importance later.
Magical Memory A term primarily used by followers of Thelema, the magickal system of Aleister Crowley, to mean the memory of past lives.
Magical Name A magical name is more than a mere name-word. It is a name to which much thought has been given. Found at the end of a search of one's heart, mind, and self, it is the result of a quest for the perfect name.... It can be more than a name; it can be a tool. A tool for transformation.
Magick According to the famous occultist Aleister Crowley, magick is "the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will." ... In fact, Crowley... says that "every intentional act is a Magickal Act." If you follow his line of reasoning, there is a great deal of validity in what he says, although it is not what we are seeking at this time. We need to make the definition of magick a bit longer: Magick is the science and art of causing change (in consciousness) to occur in conformity with will, using means not currently understood by traditional Western science.
Magick Square A box design enclosing a group of numbers. The numbers, when added vertically, horizontally, or diagonally have the same total. Each magick square contains numbers that correspond to planets. Each planet is said to influence various aspects of life, spirits, and elementals, as well as natural and supernatural phenomena. Magick squares are used for invocation or evocation. Traditionally the name of a spirit associated with the planetary magick square is selected, then each letter of its name is given a number. Next, a line is drawn on the magick square beginning with the number of the first letter of the name. This continues in a process similar to “connecting the dots” until each number of each letter of the name has been connected. The resulting design is the sigil of the spirit.
Magickal Diary A
A record each magician keeps of his or her magical workings. It should include such things as date, time, moon phase, weather, your emotions at the start, your physical condition, name of the rituals performed, purpose of rituals, how everything went, etc. Later, complete entries with the results (success, partial success, etc.). By viewing this over time you will see which conditions encourage success and have proof of your developing magickal abilities.
Magus An adept who has crossed the Abyss and who has mastered the science and art of magick.
Malkuth The tenth Sephirah of the cabalistic Tree of Life, the bottom Sephirah on the whole Tree. The term is a Hebrew word meaning "Kingdom." It represents the archetype of the number 10, the manifested aspect of the Godhead. It corresponds to the divine name Adonai ha-Aretz, the archangel Sandalphon, the angelic choir called Eshim (flames), and Olam Yesodoth, the sphere of the elements.
Malkuth And from the rays of this Triad there appear three colours in Malkuth together with a fourth which is their synthesis. Thus from the orange tawny of Hod and the green nature of Netzach, there goeth forth a certain greenish 'citrine' colour, yet pure and translucent withal. From the orange tawny of Hod mingled with the puce of Yesod there goeth forth a certain red russet brown, 'russet' yet gleaming with a hidden fire. And from the green of Netzach and the puce of Yesod there goeth forth a certain other darkening green 'olive' yet rich and glowing withal. And the synthesis of all these is a blackness which bordereth upon the Qlippoth.
In Malkuth, Adonai ha-Aretz is God, the Lord and King, ruling over the Kingdom and Empire which is the Visible Universe.
And Cholem Yesodoth the Breaker of Foundations, (or Olam Yesodoth—the World of the Elements) is the Name of the Sphere of Operation of Malkuth which is called the Sphere of the Elements from which all things are formed, and its Archangels are three:Metatron, the Prince of Countenance reflected from Kether, and Sandalphon, the Prince of Prayer (feminine), and Nephesch ha Messiah, the Soul of the Reconciler for Earth. And the Order of Angels is Ashim or Flames of Fire, as it is written 'Who maketh his Angels Spirits and his Ministers as a flaming Fire,' and these are also called the Order of Blessed Souls, or of the Souls of the Just made Perfect.
Mansions of the Moon Manions of the Moon refer to the influence of the Moon as it travels across the sky viewed against the background of constellations.... The Janarric system begins in the Pleiades and ends in Perseus.... The Chaldean system was in use as late as the nineteenth century and was popular in medieval grimoires.... Each of these [28] mansions was believed to emanate an influence that could be harnessed by magick.
Mathers, MacGregor Samuel Liddell "MacGregor" Mathers (Jan. 8, 1854-Nov. 20, 1918)—"The true magician of the Golden Dawn, S.L. MacGregor Mathers, was an accomplished ritualist. Of the three founding members of the Order, Mathers was the one most responsible for making the Golden Dawn a truly magical, initiatory Order."
Mathers, Moina Moina (or Mina) Mathers was born Mina Bergson on February 28, 1865, and died July 25, 1928. She was the wife of MacGregor Mathers, one of the founding members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and probably contributed the bulk of the Order's study material and methods by channeling via the Ouija Board. After the death of her husband in 1918, she continued to be active in the order, establishing a temple called Alpha et Omega.
Mem The thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, M. Represents the number 40 (or, as a final letter, 600). The second of the three "mother letters." A Hebrew word meaning "water." Corresponds to the element of Water, the 23rd Path (between Geburah and Hod), and Tarot trump XII The Hanged Man.
Mezla The flow of energy, consciousness, and matter through its various phases of expression in the Tree of Life, from subtle unity of the absolute to the dense realm of matter.
Microcosm Man; the internal, subjective universe.
Middle Pillar The central pillar on the Tree of Life. The Exercise of the Middle Pillar is a Golden Dawn technique for awakening the sephiroth or Galgalim of the Middle Pillar within the magician's sphere of sensation.
Morris Dancing A form of English ritual dance usually performed in the spring. Dances consist of either a set of six or a solo performance known as a jig. Morris dancers wear shin pads or garters covered with small brass bells, and have either staves or large white handkerchiefs in their hands.
Mote An old English word that means “must.” Many Pagan and magickal rituals include it at the end of a section in the phrase “so mote it be.” Its use is thus similar to the use of the word “Amen” in Jewish and Christian traditions.
Motto A magickal name or expression. Magicians choose one for themselves as a representation of what they magically represent. The use of such mottos is common in many magical orders, the most famous known examples being from the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. However, most of those mottos were simply family mottos or taken from a book of family mottos. Similar to the magickal name used by many contemporary Pagans.
Mutus Liber A famous alchemical book, written anonymously, first published in 1677. The title means “wordless book,” and the entire work consists of fifteen illustrations that supposedly reveal the secrets of how to accomplish the “Great Work” and create the Philosopher’s Stone.
Natural Magic Natural Magic is the type of magic that uses natural objects from the world around you. This includes such things as herbs, roots, oils, crystals, stones, and various other items. It may include various chants, spells, charms, and incantations and tends to exclude the complexities found in some other forms of magic.
Natural Magic is commonly used by followers of various Pagan paths, ranging from solitaries and Hedge Witches to members of traditional covens. In the past, Paganism was most frequently associated with people of the fields. Since they didn’t have lots of irrigation systems, they needed to be in lower lands where water from rains would accumulate for their crops. As a result, Natural Magic is also known as “Low Magic.” This should not imply that it is in any way lower, of less value, or less spiritual than other forms of magic, only that its European sources were in the fertile lowlands.
Necronomicon Horror story writer H. P. Lovecraft invented the entire idea of an evil book called the Necronomicon. In January of 1934, Lovecraft wrote a letter where he says that the Necronomicon is nothing but a figment of his imagination.... There are many books which claim to be THE Necronomicon. I have several books with that name and several articles which are supposed to be excerpts from the "real" thing. They all have just one thing in common: they are nothing but inventions of contemporary authors.
Neophyte Literally a “new plant,” a name or term used to describe a person just starting and growing in a particular spiritual path. In some Orders, it is the name given to a newly initiated person.
Netzach The seventh Sephirah of the cabalistic Tree of Life, the lowest Sephirah on the Pillar of Mercy. The term is a Hebrew word meaning "Victory." It represents the archetype of the number 7, the raw creative aspect of the Godhead. It corresponds to the divine name YHVH Tzabaoth, the archangel Haniel, the angelic choir called Elohim (gods), and Nogah, or heavenly Sphere of Venus.
Netzach The beams of Chesed and of Tiphareth meet in Netzach and thence in Netzach arises a green, pure, brilliant, liquid, and gleaming like an emerald. And the Sphere of its operations is that of Nogah of External Splendour, producing zeal, love, harmony, and it ruleth the Sphere of Action of the Planet Venus and the nature of the vegetable World. And Jehovah Tzabaoth is a God of Hosts and of Armies, of Triumph and of Victory, ruling the Universe in justice and Eternity. And its Archangel Hanial is the Prince of Love and Harmony, and the Name of the Order of Angels is Elohim or Gods who are also called the Order of Principalities. The Angel Cerviel is also referred unto this Sephira.
Notarikon An aspect of the Kabalah that works with acronyms or abbreviations.
Nun The fourteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, N. Represents the number 50 (or, as a final letter, 700). The eighth of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "fish." Corresponds to Scorpio, the 24th Path (between Tiphareth and Netzach), and Tarot trump XIII Death.
Ordo Templi Orientis (Latin, “Order of Oriental Templars”) One of the largest magical orders in the world today, the Ordo Templi Orientis emerges from the complicated world of central European fringe Masonry in the early twentieth century. Its beginning dates back to 1895 when Freemasons Carl Kellner (1851-1905), a wealthy Austrian industrialist, and Theodor Reuss (1855-1923), a journalist and former opera singer, began discussing the possibility of forming a “Masonic Academy” of esoteric studies.
Ouanga A term used in voudoun traditions relating to charms, amulets, talismans, etc. It especially relates to fetishes for love. An Ouanga that has a negative or evil purpose is known as a Wanga.
Pathworking Originally the process of astrally or mentally projecting up and around the paths of the Kabalistic Tree of Life in order to gain information, instructions, meet entities there, and ask favors of those entities. More recently, some popular writers have described any visualized journey as pathworking, and this has become the popular meaning of the term. Some occultists now refer to the original concept as “kabalistic pathworking.”
Peh The seventeenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, P, Ph, or F. Represents the number 80 (or, as a final letter, 800). The fifth of the seven "double letters." A Hebrew word meaning "mouth." Corresponds to the planet Mars, the 27th Path (between Netzach and Hod), and Tarot trump XVI The Tower.
Pentagram A star drawn with five points. This image can be drawn without lifting the drawing tool from the paper. Also known as the Star or Seal of Solomon, it was a symbol for Judaism (as was a seven-branched candelabra) until replaced by the hexagram starting around 1800 C.E.
The five points are said to represent the five elements: earth, fire, water, and spirit, and because the image can be drawn without lifting the drawing tool, it indicates their interconnection. Today, the pentagram is symbolic of occultism in general and Wicca or Witchcraft in particular.
When drawn or worn with one point (spirit) up, it is said to represent positive concepts. This is also an image of a human standing upright, with the head at the top point, the hands at the next two highest points, and the feet at the lower points. If the pentagram is drawn or worn with two points up (frequently called “inverted”), it is said to represent negativity with the feet above the head. It is also used in this mode to represent Satanism, as the two upper points are like the horns in the popular image of Satan.
Philosopher's Stone A term used in alchemy to describe a substance that is the catalyst in the reaction that transmutes a base metal such as lead into gold. Although called a “stone,” it is probably not a stone at all. The name is used to hide the true nature of the substance. It is also believed to be an elixir that provides perfect health and great longevity or even immortality.
For some, alchemy is a metaphor for increasing spirituality. In this case the philosopher’s stone is the result of purifying the self with years of prayer, meditation, and focusing on the spiritual rather than the physical world.
Philosopher's Stone The goal of alchemical work, a substance that brings good health and long life to those who ingest it.
Philosophus The fifth grade of initiation in the Golden Dawn associated with the element of Fire and the sephira Netzach.
Phoenix Wand A wand associated with the element of Fire and used in the Adeptus Minor ritual.
Phylactery A small box or case, traditionally made of leather, containing magickal words, phrases or symbols on parchment. Phylacteries are generally not popularly used today, but were used as talismans for protection, health, luck, etc. Orthodox male Jews wear two of them, known as tefillin, during certain religious practices.
Picatrix An Arabic text (Ghâyat al-Hakîm fi’l-sihr) that may be a major source of the famous classical grimoires such as the Key of Solomon. Not currently available in English, its Latin was available in 1256 CE. Topics in the book include talismans, magick, astronomy, astrology and love, and practical magick.
Pilebogar In some English folk traditions of magic, a staff with a forked upper end into which a crystal or a hen’s egg painted red is inserted. Pilebogars are used to dispel disruptive magical energies.
Planetary Hours Also known as “Magickal Hours,” a division of the day and night into sections ruled by the energies of the planets. To determine the length of each planetary hour, divide the daylight hours by 12. They will be different in length than the night hours (to discover the length of which you divide the total time of darkness into 12 equal periods) except on the equinoxes when the planetary hours are all sixty minutes in length. Used for selecting the optimum time to perform a magickal ritual.
Planetary Magick The art of invoking and evoking, directing and experiencing, the forces related to the luminaries of our Solar System: a magical art developed through more than two millennia.
Portal The sixth grade of initiation in the Golden Dawn associated with the element of Spirit.
Practicus The fourth grade of initiation in the Golden Dawn associated with the element of Water and the sephira Hod/a>.
Purification Once the lamp has been lit and the circle made, the interior of the circle is purged with the materials of purification, which represent one or more of the occult elements. Some groups purify with all four elements, or with the three active elements of Fire, Water, and Air (Earth is regarded as a mixture of these three), as described in The New Magus.
In my personal rituals I often use the ancient materials of cleansing: salt, water, and flame. Salt symbolizes elemental Earth, water elemental Water, and the flame combines elemental Fire and Air in the form of a smoking candle or incense stick.
The salt, previously blessed by prayer and consecrated to its purpose, is cast in small pinches sunwise around the circle at the four cardinal points of South, West, North, and East. The water, likewise consecrated, is sprinkled from the fingertips in a similar manner at the four quarters. The flame is waved three times in the air at each of the corners of the circle. Usually the entire act of cleansing is accompanied by prayer.
Remember that you are cleaning the house of the spirit so that the light of the spirit will descend and reside within it. This is a sacred act. It has been said by other writers that purification is the most important part of any ritual. It sets the stage for what is to follow. When done negligently, the work that comes after it will likely be futile, because it will lack a solid foundation.
Qabalah "Qabalah" is a Hebrew word which means "tradition.” It is derived from the root word "Qibel," meaning, "to receive." This refers to the ancient custom of handing down the esoteric knowledge by oral transmission. What the word Qabalah encompasses is an entire body of ancient Hebrew mystical principles that are the cornerstone and focus of the Western Esoteric Tradition. Virtually all Western spiritual systems can trace their roots to the Qabalistic Tree of Life. The exact origins of the Qabalah are unclear, but it certainly contains some vestiges of Egyptian, Greek, and Chaldean influence.
By its nature, mysticism is knowledge that cannot be communicated directly, but may be expressed only through symbolism and metaphor. Like other esoteric systems, Qabalah also draws upon the mystic's awareness of the transcendence of the Divine or the Eternal. Another element of Qabalah is that of theosophy, which seeks to reveal the hidden mysteries of the Divine as well as the relationship between the Divine Life on one hand, and the life of humans on the other. The goal of the Qabalist is to discover and invent keys to the understanding of arcane symbols that reflect the eternal mysteries.
Qabalistic Worlds A fourfold division of the Tree of Life that separates the Tree into four levels of manifestation in accordance with the YHVH formula. The highest level is the most abstract and ethereal, while the lowest level is the most dense. They include Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, and Assiah.
Qabalistic Worlds Cabala speaks of the Four Worlds, from the most spiritual to the most material, which correspond to the consonants of Tetragrammaton.
Yod - Olam Atziluth (World of Nobility) - Divine names
Heh - Olam ha-Briah (World of Creation) - Archangels
Vau - Olam ha-Yetzirah (World of Formation) - Angels
Heh - Olam ha-Assiah (Material World) - Heavenly Spheres
Some attempt to divide the Tree of Life into four parts that correspond to the Four Worlds (Kether, Chokmah and Binah, Chesed through Yesod, and Malkuth). Others say that a complete Tree exists in each World. These two approaches are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Qlippoth Qlippoth is a Hebrew word meaning "shells." The Qlippoth are the Evil Demons of Matter and the Shells of the Dead.
Qoph The nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Q or hard K. Represents the number 100. The twelfth and last of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "back of head." Corresponds to Pisces, the 29th Path (between Netzach and Malkuth), and Tarot trump XVIII The Moon.
R. Swinburne Clymer (1878–1966) Heavily influenced by 19th century occultist and sex magician Paschal Beverly Randolph, he kept several of Randolph’s books in print and used the concepts in the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis when he became the Grand Master of that group in 1922 (succeeding Edward H. Brown). Besides running that order and writing numerous books, Clymer is famous for battling another Rosicrucian group, AMORC, in court.
Resh The twentieth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, R. Represents the number 200. The sixth of the seven "double letters." A Hebrew word meaning "head." Corresponds to the Sun, the 30th Path (between Hod and Yesod), and Tarot trump XIX The Sun.
Right-Hand Path A path in Western magick that is “good.” Possible derivation due to being the opposite of the Latin sinister or French sinestre (the source of the English word “sinister”) which means “left.” In Tantric magickal traditions, Left-Hand Path refers to traditions where practitioners actually perform rituals while Right-Hand Path refers to meditative techniques. Some Western magicians are adopting these Tantric definitions.
Ring The final essential instrument that I mean to mention here is the ring. This fits over the index finger of the right hand, and acts as a sort of magical magnetic coil, magnifying the force of the will that passes along the index finger. It also serves as a miniature representation of the magic circle, and protects its wearer from harm. Perhaps the best form of the ring is a plain gold or silver band, a bit broader than usual. By it the Magus is wedded to the Art of magic. It is customary to inscribe the ring with names of power such as the Hebrew YHVH, the divine Tetragrammaton.
Several different rings may be made for specific purposes. For example, an individual spirit can be made to reside in a ring, and its power utilized when the ring is put on. The ancient Greek magician Apollonius of Tyana possessed seven rings named after the seven planets, given to him as a gift by Iarchas, leader of the Brahmans of India. He wore each of these rings in rotation on the day of the week related to its planet. As is true of all the instruments, there is no exact pattern for the magic ring. The shape and choice of inscription depends on its use, and the personality of its maker.
Ritual Magic Magic is real. It exists. It works. It is the most potent and beautiful force in the universe. Magic is the flowing lifeblood of the Soul of the World. It is the essence that separates the living from the dead. It is the divine gift that renders humankind immortal. Magic moves below the surface of things. It can give you inner peace and self-confidence, personal magnetism, the power to attain your goals in life, and most important of all, a true understanding of yourself and your place in the universe.
Ritual Magick Ritual magick allows practitioners to make changes to their consciousnesses or the world around them through the repetition of certain words, phrases, and actions. Some rituals used in magick are quite old, while some are very modern. The rituals of this form of magick tend to be longer than those of many other forms of magick. They are popular among practitioners because they have proven their effectiveness over years, decades, or even centuries.
Ritual magick is usually performed alone or in front of a small or large group. It is often used synonymously with “Ceremonial Magick,” although the latter tends to be oriented toward groups rather than individuals, wherein many or all members participate.
Rituals Any set of repeated actions. Usually thought of in terms of such things as religious rituals and magickal rituals. In the latter instance, the repetition of certain actions is done with the goal of achieving certain ends. Thus, a banishing ritual clears away unwanted energies in the area.
Robe The Magus is usually robed in a special garment used only for ritual purposes. Since it is kept pure and apart, and since it is only worn after the Magus has bathed and purified his or her own body, donning it is akin to putting on a cloak of light. It can be helpful both in raising the consciousness to a higher awareness of spirit, and also to shield the Magus from discordant influences. The robe must be comfortable, and more importantly must feel appropriate to its wearer. I prefer white because of its benign associations. Colors tend to have specific emotions bound up with them, and these are not merely social commonplaces, but run to the primal roots of human response. For example, red is always a color of violence and rage, no matter what a particular political propagandist or French designer might wish it to be. Any loose, comfortable clothing can become the ritual garb, provided it is set aside and treated with reverence.
Rose Cross A symbol of the Great Work accomplished, traditionally consisting of a rose of five petals (man) and a cross of six squares (divinity).
Rosicrucianism A mystical, philosophical movement that emerged in the seventeenth century and spawned several secret organizations or orders concerned with the study of religious mysticism, alchemy, Qabalah, and professing esoteric spiritual beliefs. The symbolism of Rosicrucianism is primarily Chrstian and the Rosicrucian path emphasizes the way of transformation through the Christ impulse.
Ruach Ruach is a Hebrew word meaning breath, wind, or spirit. It is also used as a term for Air as one of the four elements. In cabalism, Ruach is used to designate the mind and reasoning powers and is considered to be the middle part of the three-part soul. As such, it is associated with the Sephirah Tiphareth.
Salamanders Salamanders are elemental spirits of Fire.
Salamanders salamander [ME salamandre, F salamandre, L salamandra Gr. salamandra; cf. Per. samander, samandel.] In the theory of Paracelsus, a being inhabiting the element fire.
Samekh The fifteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, S. Represents the number 60. The ninth of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "prop" or "support." Corresponds to Sagittarius, the 25th Path (between Tiphareth and Yesod), and Tarot trump XIV Temperance.
Secret Chiefs In certain magical and mystical Orders, especially in the 19th century, it was popular to have leaders other than the known leaders. They would generally stay out of the regular functioning of the group and hand out mystical information through the known leaders, thus giving the very human known leaders extra authority and leading cynics to doubt their existence. The best known of these were the teachers of the Theosophical Society who would leave written notes known as the “Mahatma Letters” for one of the society’s founders, Madame Blavatsky. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn moved the Secret Chiefs into the non-physical realm and was founded through their auspices.
Sepher Yetzirah The Book of Formation. A brief Kabalistic book that supposedly dates to the second century C.E. or earlier. Although not printed until the middle of the sixteenth century, it is mentioned in many earlier sources. It does not have many of the later concepts of the Kabalah. Instead, it is limited to the ten Sephiroth (although not described as a tree), the powers of the Hebrew alphabet (although not described as being paths that connect the Sephiroth) and how God controls the universe through the transposition of His four-letter name, the Tetragrammaton, Yud-Heh-Vahv-Heh. Sometimes the title is incorrectly translated as The Book of Creation. Occasionally has other works attached to it, including The Fifty Gates of Intelligence and the better-known Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn uses the Sepher Yetzira in its teachings.
Sephiroth Cabalism, at least in the Western occult tradition, is built around a diagram called the Tree of Life. This diagram contains ten circles representing the Sephiroth (singular: Sephirah); that is, the "spheres," "numbers," or "emanations." The Sephiroth are the numbers 1 through 10 considered in their archetypal sense. Each Sephirah is an archetypal idea. Also, the Sephiroth represent emanations from God and describe the process of creation. In the material world, they represent the heavenly spheres according to the classical conception.
Sex and Tantra While sexual activities are most commonly practiced for pleasure and procreation, there has been a secret knowledge held among various groups that that the energy raised during sexual activity, as well as the mental state that occurs during prolonged sexual activity, can be united to create remarkable changes in our spiritual selves and physical environment. The techniques to do this are commonly called Sex Magick.
Many thousands of years ago, the philosophy and techniques that would become known as Tantra developed in northern India. Over the centuries, it developed into a complete spiritual system, involving worship of deities, rituals, magick, healing, and virtually every aspect of life. This includes an in-depth study of the non-physical aspects of the body (such as the aura, chakras, and energy paths) and sexuality, especially the use of sex in a way that can lead to spiritual enlightenment. In the West, the Tantric sexual techniques (often confused with the complete spiritual system that is Tantra) have been popularized and described by numerous writers and authors.
Over the past century, there has been an increasing link between Western Sex Magic and Tantric sexual techniques such that some people equate them.
Sex Magic Sex magic directs the energies raised during sensual arousal to achieve a desired goal. Western sex magic often uses alchemical terminology, although its sources go back to ancient shamanism, pre-Christian Pagan practices, and some sects of Gnosticism. Basic concepts include the extension of sensual activity to build up the energy and that the thought held at orgasm comes to pass. Prominent proponents include the O.T.O., Louis T. Culling, and Aleister Crowley. In recent decades, these Western practices have been influenced by Indian and Tibetan Tantra as well as Chinese Taoist alchemy.
Shin The twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Sh or S. Represents the number 300. The third and last of the three "mother letters." A Hebrew word meaning "tooth." Corresponds to the element of Fire, the 31st Path (between Hod and Malkuth), and Tarot trump XX Judgment.
Shroud of Concealment In [Hermetic Order of the] Golden Dawn magic, a shell of etheric substance built up around the magician by intensive ritual work that prevents other people from perceiving the magician. The creation of the Shroud of Concealment is fundamental to the Golden Dawn method of magical invisibility. The technique is closely related to the odic shield of other magical systems.
Sigil (From the Latin sigilum, meaning “seal” or “signature,” although some say it may be related to the Hebrew segulah, which means action, word, or something that has a spiritual effect.) In ceremonial magick, a sigil is considered to be the signature of an entity summoned by the magician and used to control that entity. In some forms of magick, a sigil is a representation of the Will of the magician and used to empower the goal of the Will through various means.
Smudge/Smudge Stick To spiritually cleanse an object by waving incense over and around it. A smudge stick is a bundle of several incense sticks.
Spagyric The “Spagyric Art” is another name for alchemy. “Spagyric” is derived from two Greek words meaning “to tear apart” and “to unite,” which is a good description of what is done in alchemy. The term is traced back to the Gnostics of the second century c.e., but it is not in common use today.
Spell A simple and basic act of magick that incorporates the use of raised power or drawn power. In a spell the mind is conditioned by each step or phase of the spell as it unfolds. The process of performing a spell allows the mind to draw upon its inner powers. The spell is a focus for the mind, a catalyst to unlocking its abilities, and it enables the mind to create changes in the astral substance, which will then cause changes to occur in the physical world.
Spells Spells are magical rituals. Magical rituals may also be spells (though there are many different types of rituals). A spell, then, is an act of magic in which energies are raised, “programmed” with a magical need (such as love or money) and directed to do their work.
A few spells are secret; most are not. Secret spells aren’t more effective than their non-secret cousins. Any spell will work, provided that it’s been properly written, and provided that it’s properly performed.
Spells usually consist of gathering together the needed items, charging them with power, and using them in some fashion. Herb spells are among the easiest to master. [In this guide,] I’ll use the words “spell” and “ritual” interchangeably.
Sufi A practitioner of Sufism.
Sword Less useful, but still necessary for high magic or theurgy that involves chaotic spirits, is the sword. This is similar in its functioning to the wand, but whereas the wand has a neutral nature, the sword is overtly offensive, projecting power to dominate and hurt. It is supposed to be made by the Magus, but I hazard to say that not one in a thousand occultists who possesses the magic sword has actually fashioned the blade by hand. It is considered acceptable to procure a short sword, or long knife, and after thoroughly purifying it, consecrate it by anointing and prayer to its magical purpose. I use an old British army bayonet myself, which is shaped as a sword, hilt and all, and find it effective—perhaps especially so due to its military associations.
Sword A tool used in many Wiccan/Witchcraft traditions to cast ritual and magickal circles. The sword is also employed in rituals of initiation by the challenger or guardian. In many traditions the sword is a symbol of the God and it is often assigned to the High Priest as a token of his office.
Sworn Book of Honorius The introduction states that the book was fashioned in response to the Medieval inquisitions. It could be called a Catholic magickal text related to the “Ars Notoria” of the Lemegeton. The magickal operation described consists of twenty days of purification followed by the actual magickal work. This is similar to the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage.
Sylphs Sylphs are elemental spirits of Air.
Sylphs sylph [F. sylphe, m., prob. fr. L. Sylphus, Sulfus, name of some divinity] An imaginary [sic] being inhabiting the air; a name given by Paracelsus to the elemental beings of the air, conceived as mortal but soulless.
Talisman A talisman is any object, sacred or profane, with or without appropriate symbols, charged or consecrated by appropriate means and made to serve a specific end.
Tau The twenty-second and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Th or T. Represents the number 400. The seventh and last of the seven "double letters." A Hebrew word meaning "tau cross." Corresponds to Saturn, the 32nd Path (between Yesod and Malkuth), and Tarot trump XXI The World.
Telesmatic Image A system used by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn to develop images for visualization of a non-physical entity for magickal purposes based on the letters of the name of the entity to be given an image.
Temurah A kabalistic method of finding new meanings in words by exchanging letters in them with other letters according to codes. There are several forms of Temurah. In Atbash, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is replaced by the last, the second by the second to last, and so fourth. In Albam, the first Hebrew letter is replaced by the twelfth, the second by the thirteenth, etc. In Avgad each letter is replaced by the following letter. One of the most used forms of Temurah is Aik Bekar, which begins by setting up a pattern like a tic-tac-toe board. Into each of the nine squares, three Hebrew letters are placed according to a predetermined system. A letter in any of the squares or “chambers” can be replaced by either of the other letters in same box.
Testament of Solomon A text written in Greek before the end of the fourth century C.E., it includes a great deal of mythic and magical information on how King Solomon was able to control demons and build the Temple in Jerusalem. It has a great deal of astrological information, relating such things as how the decans are ruled by demons.
Teth The ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, hard T. Represents the number 9. The fifth of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "serpent." Corresponds to Leo, the 19th Path (between Chesed and Geburah), and Tarot trump VIII (or XI) Strength.
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage Although often linked with other grimoires, the principal upon which the text is based is that all material happiness can only come from spiritual evolution. The text is divided into three books. The first is an autobiography of the author—a man who calls himself Abraham the Jew. The second book has the instructions for the sacred magick given to Abraham by Abramelin. It involves six months of purifications after which an Angel will appear and bond with the aspirant. The third book is a collection of magick-square talismans.
The Equinox A series of book-sized journals created by Aleister Crowley. The ten issues of the first volume appeared on the equinoxes between 1909 and 1913. Volume II was never published. The first issue of volume III was published in 1919 and was known as the “Blue Equinox” due to the color of the cover. The second issue of the volume was not published. Crowley published issues 3–5 between 1939 and 1944. Other issues and volumes have been published after Crowley's death by people representing—or claiming to represent—Crowley’s legacy.
Controversy began with the first issue as it revealed some of the secrets of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The Order’s head, MacGregor Mathers, filed a lawsuit to halt publication, but lost. (Curiously, Israel Regardie was attacked by members of the Golden Dawn for publishing material about the Order in the volumes of his book, The Golden Dawn, even though Crowley had published much of the same material almost 30 years earlier.)
The articles in "The Equinox" comprise one of the most complete explications of the Western occult tradition and magick ever published, combined with poetry, book reviews, and even personal attacks. In 1974, Israel Regardie published only the magical information from the ten numbers of volume I and the "Blue Equinox" in Gems from The Equinox (originally from Llewellyn Publications, now from New Falcon Publications).
The Grand Grimoire Also known as the “Red Dragon,” this best known of the “black” grimoires includes instructions for making pacts with devils.
The Grimoire of Armadel Often confused with the Lemegeton’s “Almadel” or the Arbatel of Magic (it borrows from the latter), it is a very simple book, full of colorful Sigils related to recognizable Angels and spirits along with borrowed conjurations. Apparently, one is intended to inscribe the Sigils on consecrated parchment, and use them to contact Angels and spirits who have mysteries to reveal.
The Magus Published in 1801 and also known as the “Celestial Intelligencer,” it was meant as a textbook for classes in magick the author, Francis Barrett, was teaching. The material was taken from earlier works, including Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy, the Heptameron, and the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy.
Thelemic Concerning the religion of Thelema as propounded by Aleister Crowley.
Thelemite A follower of the religion of Thelema as propounded by Aleister Crowley.
Theoricus The third grade of initiation in the Golden Dawn associated with the element of Air and the sephira Yesod.
Theurgy Magick, and especially the use of rituals, for the purpose of becoming more spiritual or achieving oneness with the Divine. Also refers to working with Divine spirits as opposed to lower entities or demons.
Three Books of Occult Philosophy First drafted in 1509–10 by Henry Cornelius Agrippa (student of Johannes Trithemius), this is the single most important grimoiric text in existence. It is not, in fact, a practical manual, but is instead a compendium of the theories and philosophies upon which Medieval and Renaissance magick are based.
Tiphareth The sixth Sephirah of the cabalistic Tree of Life, the central Sephirah on the Middle Pillar. The term is a Hebrew word meaning "Beauty." It represents the archetype of the number 6, the descent of the Godhead into consciousness. It corresponds to the divine name YHWH Eloah va-Daath, the archangel Raphael, the angelic choir called Melekim (Kings), and Shemesh, or heavenly Sphere of the Sun.
Tiphareth In Kether is the Radix of a Golden Glory and thence is there a pure, primitive and sparkling, gleaming golden yellow which is reflected unto Tiphareth. Thus is the first reflected Triad completed. And the Sphere of its operation is that of Shemesh, the Solar Light, and bestoweth Life, Light and Brilliancy in metallic matter, and it ruleth the sphere of action of the Sun. And Yhvh Eloha va-Daath is a God of Knowledge and Wisdom, ruling over the Light of the Universe; and its Archangel is Raphael, the Prince of Brightness, Beauty and Life. And the Name of the Order of Angels is Melechim or Malakim, that is Kings or Angelic Kings, who are also called the Order of Virtues, Angels and Rulers. The Angels Peniel and Pelial are also referred unto this Sephira. It especially rules the Mineral world.
Tree of Life Cabalism, at least in the Western occult tradition, is built around a diagram called the Tree of Life. This diagram contains ten circles representing the Sephiroth (singular: Sephirah); that is, the "spheres," "numbers," or "emanations." The Sephiroth are the numbers 1 through 10 considered in their archetypal sense. Each Sephirah is an archetypal idea. Also, the Sephiroth represent emanations from God and describe the process of creation. In the material world, they represent the heavenly spheres according to the classical conception.
Tzaddi The eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Tz or Ts. Represents the number 90 (or, as a final letter, 900). The eleventh of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "fishhook." Corresponds to Aquarius, the 28th Path (between Netzach and Yesod), and Tarot trump XVII The Star (or, in the system of Aleister Crowley, IV The Emperor).
Undines Undines are elemental spirits of Water.
Undines undine [G. undine or F. ondine, fr. L. unda, a wave, water.] 1. One of a class of fabled female water spirits who might receive human souls by intermarrying with mortals;--so called by Paracelsus, who conceived them as the elementary beings of water. 2. [cap.] (German pronunciation, oon-dee-neh) Such a being, the heroine of a romance of this name by De la Motte Fouque'. She was a changeling in the hut of a fisherman, where Sir Huldbrand fell in love with her and married her. But he soon neglected his wife for the lady Bertalda, and Undine was carried away by her sisters into the sea. She returned on the day of her husband's wedding with Bertalda, and gave him a fatal kiss.
Vav The sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, V or W. Represents the number 6. The second of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "nail." Corresponds to Taurus, the 16th Path (between Chokmah and Chesed), and Tarot trump V The Hierophant.
Vodou and Voudoun Vodou is an animistic Caribbean spiritual tradition, most usually associated with Haiti, which traces its lineage to the shamans of ancient Africa. It blends together (through a process known as "syncretisation") a number of traditional African beliefs with elements from other faiths, most notably Catholicism (the religion of the French slave traders who took the shamans of Africa to the Caribbean New World), but also those of the indigenous Haitian Taino and Arawak people and the European pre-Christian pagans who also came to settle there.
Vodou believes in one creator-God called Gran Met ("Great Master") and a pantheon of lesser deities known as the Lwa. These entities, as well as the spirits of the ancestors ('zanset yo'), are directly available to man through the mechanism of possession, a trance-like state where a person is taken over by one of these spirits so it may dispense healing, advice, or wisdom to the community faithful, who are known as Vodouissants.
The shaman-priest of Vodou is known as the Houngan and the priestess as the Mambo. Often accomplished healers, magicians, and leaf doctors (herbalists), these spiritual leaders are also experts on the nature, desires, and ways of interacting with the spirits, as well as therapists, counsellors, and doctors for their community.
Wane To get smaller. The waning Moon occurs when, due to the positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, the visible Moon appears to be decreasing in size. This is the period from the full Moon to the new Moon when sunlight does not reflect off the Earth’s neighbor. When doing magick, this is traditionally a time for doing rituals to get rid of or end things such as bad habits, unwanted relationships, banishings, etc.
Ward Something used for protection from outside forces. A ward can be a spell of protection. Magickal barriers.
Water Chalice In the system of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a symbolically decorated, stemmed goblet, usually made of glass. It is used by an adept to direct elemental water energy.
Waxing Getting larger. The waxing Moon occurs when, due to the positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon, the visible Moon appears to be increasing in size. This is the period from the new Moon to the full Moon when sunlight reflects off the entire visible surface of Earth’s neighbor. When doing magick, this is traditionally a time for doing rituals to bring things to you and for growth, such as gaining wisdom, positive relationships, love, money, etc.
Westcott William Wynn Westcott (Dec. 17, 1848-June 30, 1925)—"The primary creator of the Golden Dawn was Dr. William Wynn Westcott. A London coroner who was interested in occultism, Westcott was a Master Mason and Secretary General of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia or the Rosicrucian Society in England (also called the SRIA). Westcott, along with two others founded the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1888. However, the Golden Dawn was definitely Westcott’s brainchild."
White Magic White Magick has [divine] union as its goal. It is also known as contacting your higher self, contacting your spirit guides, cosmic consciousness, mysticism, or gaining the Knowledge and Conversation of your Holy Guardian Angel. There are many other names for this type of magick, too.
Witches' Pyramid A concept employing the triangle of manifestation. The Witches’ pyramid consists of three mental faculties: the will, imagination, and visualization. By employing the imagination, directed by the will, and merging with visualized images, the energy of magick begins to condense. This technique employs the ability of the mind to raise power or energy and to form it into a conceptual desire.
Wizard A term for a magician, sorcerer, etc. Usually applies to a male. The female equivalent is “wizardess.”
Woodman William Robert Woodman (1828-1891)—"Dr. Woodman was a retired physician and a leading member of the SRIA [Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia]. Along with Mathers, Woodman was asked by Westcott to become one of the leaders of his new Order [of the Golden Dawn] in 1887. Woodman was an excellent Qabalist who had probably had a leading role in developing in the Qabalistic studies of the Golden Dawn. However, he died in 1891, before the Order was fully developed."
Working A ritual or magickal rite.
Yeats William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) was an Irish poet, dramatist, and essayist who won the Nobel Prize in 1923. He was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which influenced much of his poetry, and feuded with Aleister Crowley.
Yesod The ninth Sephirah of the cabalistic Tree of Life, the third Sephirah on the Middle Pillar. The term is a Hebrew word meaning "Foundation." It represents the archetype of the number 9, the manifesting aspect of the Godhead. It corresponds to the divine name Shaddai El Chai, the archangel Gabriel, the angelic choir called Kerubim, and Lebanah, or heavenly Sphere of the Moon.
Yesod The beams of Chesed and Geburah meet in Yesod and thence ariseth in Yesod a brilliant deep violet-purple or puce, and thus is the third Triad completed. And the sphere of its operation is that of Levanah, the Lunar beam, bestowing change, increase and decrease upon created things and it ruleth the Sphere of Action of the Moon and the nature of mankind. And Shaddai is a God who sheddeth benefits, Omnipotent and Satisfying, and Al Chai is the God of Life, the Living One. Its Archangel is Gabriel the Prince of Change and Alteration. And the name of the Order of Angels is Kerubim or Kerubic ones who are also called the Order of Angels.
Yetzirah The "World of Formation." The third of four Qabalistic worlds or stages of manifestation and the realm of angels. Yetzirah is attributed to the spheres of Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, and Yesod. It is attributed to the element of air and the Hebrew letter Vav.
Yod The tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Y. Represents the number 10. The sixth of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "hand." Corresponds to Virgo, the 20th Path (between Chesed and Tiphareth), and Tarot trump IX The Hermit.
Yod The yod is formed by two planets in sextile aspect, each forming a quincunx to a third. Also called the Finger of God, the "finger" is the planet receiving the two quincunxes. This configuration suggests a need to blend opportunity with an apparently discordant element, which adds a different level of vibration to the personality. Sometimes a need to develop special talents or awareness is associated with this pattern.
Zayin The seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Z. Represents the number 7. The third of the twelve "single letters." A Hebrew word meaning "sword." Corresponds to Gemini, the 17th Path (between Binah and Tiphareth), and Tarot trump VI The Lovers.
Zealtor The second grade of initiation in the Golden Dawn associated with the element of Earth and the sephira Malkuth on the Tree of Life.
Zohar Arguably the most famous of all Cabalistic books, the Zohar is a mystical commentary on the Jewish holy scriptures. Although attributed to Simeon bar (or ben) Yochai (or Jochai) of the 2nd century C.E., it was first published (and many say written) by Moses de Leon in the 13th century.
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